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  1. Will the birds know the difference between lead and steel shot then? And what does rusting steel metabolise into once/if it is broken down in the bird's/animal's gut?
  2. Steel can't be compressed, so like water, it will take the path of least resistance, which will be the top/bottom of the wad. NOT the steel (chromed?) barrels. I know of some peeps that started using steel carts years ago and still using the same guns now......without ruined barrels. I think all this "talk" of steel being a barrel destroyer, is like all the hype about the millennium bug, how it would destroy anything using an electronic dating system. How many people bought new computers because the manufacturers told them to?
  3. Season greetings to everyone, except............Sir Liar Starmer & co.
  4. Maybe a tad late Jaani, it was only 13 years ago.
  5. Robden


    At least the Chinese tat is a lot cheaper if you buy it direct from China, rather than from someone in ripoff Britain for the exact same item.
  6. Remind you of anyone Ditchy?!?.....F.S. maybe?.🤔
  7. Did this sort of thing happen 40-50 years ago, but we didn't know about it, because we didn't have the media coverage then? Or have we just become more depraved.......if so, why?
  8. My friend's dog has "special" water. Water from the tap is a no, no. Water from the "special" bottle (the same water), gets drunk.
  9. Expect a visit from the Woke police. If on any day you can decide to be a male, female, dog, cat or whatever, surely a first or second cousin, is naff all.
  10. Mint sauce on chicken works as well. Oh, also on baked beans. Taste buds will change. I like and dis-like things, I never used to, years ago.
  11. If I had a Knighthood..........I'd be handing it back.....F f s!
  12. Well in that case, I'm going to sue you, for sueing on my behalf, when I haven't asked you to. 🤔
  13. Comp or practice scores, doesn't matter. The key word is........"ENJOYABLE".......nice one.
  14. I read a report that Liar Starmer is the most hated man in England (if not Britain). I bet he is the most loved by "Johnny Foreigner."
  15. Not had liver for quite sometime, think I just forgot about it. 2 weeks ago I got a fancy for it so had liver, onions, mash and peas. Last week I had it again but with the addition of bacon as well. Both times the liver, onions and bacon were fried and the mash made with butter and cream (the only way).
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