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Everything posted by PPP

  1. PPP

    Stopping drinking

    Could be a good shout.... however in that case I’ve got some serious drinking to do first... Hey, let’s keep each other motivated? Maybe other’s will join? Start 1st Sept?
  2. Time has come to knock this on the head... at least for a few months Any pointers?
  3. Is it clear he was a terrorist wannabe? I’m not up to speed with the ‘news’...
  4. I think the HMR ammo problems are in the past, I’ve put about 3,000 rounds through my hmr in 18 maths and only had one issue which was a Winchester round.
  5. PPP


    Because the Irish aren’t a load of pansy soft touch liberals like us and hoofed the xxxxs out We have to put up with it because of Jemima and Rupert’s guilt... A long time ago I used to live near Brands Hatch, some turned up there and were quickly advised to jog on... some interesting people living in Westkingsdown at the time...
  6. FM - This lost its way... a simple observation and genuine question yet the wishing to be outraged jump on as always..
  7. Still think there is a load of BS going on, given a **** trade in price because ‘although is a limited special edition the importers has got caught on them and is almost giving them away at 20% of RRp to trade’ when I said I’d buy it at trade plus £500 quid profit to him the deal was withdrawn...
  8. Thanks guys, I ended up withwinchester subs 42gr as the CCi quiets wouldn’t cycle the gun and the shop doesn’t hold CCi subsonic
  9. Having checked it seems a bit more complicated sadly
  10. Already got one bolt action rimfire
  11. Hi, any suggestions for these? i really like 10/22 but clearly they can produce these for the price by fitting the worlds cheapest trigger... Ease of fit or clarity of instruction is important.. Thanks
  12. PPP

    Homeless crisis?

    I’m not convinced shortage of housing is the only homelessness driver, I think we have an enormous mental health time bond and this is the tip of the iceberg
  13. PPP

    Homeless crisis?

    Holy thread derailment Batman...
  14. PPP

    Homeless crisis?

    Very sad Indeed, a new guy by my office today had a suitcase with baggage tag on, people must be really desperate to move somewhere with no where to live..
  15. I understand that Browning reps are calling round with special offers to drum up sales, I’m sure it’s not just them..
  16. Guessing that you aren’t a member of a shooting organisation, is it worth speaking to your home insurance legal fees expense insurance company?
  17. PPP

    Homeless crisis?

    Anywhere else noticing this getting worse on a monthly basis? Colchester is the closest big town to home and i work in the city, both have an ever increasing real problem, seems like nothing is being done despite politico hand wringing...
  18. Thanks guys, recoil isn’t a concern as shooting away from the horses, air rifle can’t reach and to be honest isn’t any quieter (cheap sprunger) I’ll try some CCi subs
  19. Exactly this problem, gorilla glue to rescue
  20. Thanks guys, went for CTR in the end, I’m a fat knacker (nearly 16 stone) so the 500g saving in weight wasn’t enough of a difference, I’ll just take a couple of pies out of each pocket if walking around..
  21. Thanks for ideas, I have macwet for winter, just looking for something a bit nicer..
  22. Hi, any suggestions for where to acquire these? I suffer from ‘rusty hands’ and is it’s side by side time again soon I could do with a new pair. Ideally unlined and as cool as possible, I sense some 30 degree walked up days ahead...
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