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Everything posted by PPP

  1. I wasn’t bored, but I am now ...
  2. I think it’s due to the difference in weight (or maybe pressure) rather than modifying the bullet unless you are spraying bullets all over the place?
  3. Started cutting ours today whilst putting up Partridge Pens, not great stuff to breathe in... Pigeons were straight on it
  4. The kickplate ones I have are fitted with Alan bolts to move the plates up or down, not that I use them after getting the auger ends
  5. Yep, the walls are quite thick and the holes line up with the plastic collar on the pole where the adjust, the rod that goes through is maybe 5mm rod One tip, get the longest poles then you can use them in winter too, they push a long way into soft ground.
  6. Mine have a hole drilled through that a cross bar slots through to get extra grip.
  7. PPP

    Heat haze

    Thanks, thought so..
  8. PPP

    Heat haze

    I’m sure this is reasonably unlikely, but are there any scope add ons to reduce the effect of this? Shooting cross this afternoon was like going to 3d cinema without glasses..
  9. Moleskins (trousers or breaks), checked shirt, tie, fleece gilet. Some good offers on with John Morris for example
  10. Fantastic thanks so much, this is even more useful seeing as I lost one of my Boker knives today building Partridge pens.... Ah well an excuse to buy more at game fair..
  11. Hi i have a turn box which is awesome on most knives, just not the buck...
  12. Its that time of year... my first suggestion would be to get some dummy CCTV cameras and signs up asap as well as informing the Police and trying to arrange your shooting companions to get on top of the pigeon over stubbles as the caravan club don't like the sounds of gun shots... Taking out the Hare population is a little extreme at the first stage and frankly you don't want them on the land as they will be looking for things to steal and a new place to park their homes as well as fly tipping and Human Excrement depositing We currently have caravans club contingent two fields away as the land owner has politely asked them to move rather than taking action, they were caught fishing in the adjacent houses duck pond last night ..
  13. Hi Guys, there seems to be some great 0ant knowlee in here and I’m hoping that you can give me some ideas.. I have a raised bed that currently has bamboo plants in, the idea was to create a screen so that nosy people can’t look over the fence for the footpath next door mostly because I have a log cabin office behind the screen. i have never been a big fan of the bamboo, it grew quite strange (mostly forwards as well as up) so have decided to remove it. im looking for some suggestions of trees or shrubs that will survive in relatively shallow soil (the builder that landscaped the garden dumped a load of concrete in the raised bed ?) and will also survive in quite shady conditions that will look nice and grow quickly to replace the screen. There is an Acer nearby that has done well if that helps (I know nothing about plants) Thanks in advance
  14. Seriously considered one, you are right the cosmetics are a little more involved, which actually out me off.. They seem great well made rifles, went for Tbolt in the end as I liked the straight pull as it’s my first rifle.
  15. PPP


    Hi HMR is still pretty loud, if it’s noise sensitive I’d look at 22 RF and subsonic rounds
  16. Good stuff, how do you sharpen yours?
  17. It’ll never work, pheasant cartridges don’t kill pigeons or rabbits either, you need specific cartridges and chokes, maybe even a different gun, glasses, headphones etc...
  18. Thanks, I’ve found that the Smiths pocket Sharpener is the only one that works on it from about 10 sharpeners I have.. I’ll give the stone another go, glad it’s not just me! Maybe priest is the best use...
  19. Without wishing to hijack, I have a heavy duty buck one handed opener which I find a ****** to get sharp , this one https://www.buck-store.co.uk/knives-c35/buck-279-folding-alpha-hunter-knife-plain-blade-p575 any ideas?
  20. Gamebore Dark Storm 30g no6, Gamebore Black Gold 35g no5 for late high days, Gamebore Bismuth for non tox
  21. Good shout avoiding the 2.7 newer model, staggering underpowered..
  22. https://uk.knivesandtools.eu/en/pt/-boker-plus-tech-tool-carbon-1-01bo821.htm Clips into breaks pocket so only clip shows, and even then not really, used twice driven shooting ... opening a dud cartridge before throwing it in the container and cutting off granny knitted wet boot laces.. I’d try to find a decent Swiss Army knife with a clip, the corkscrew and beer opener will get the most use on a driven day
  23. PPP

    Brew dog Beer

    Found out recently most proper beer is filtered through fish bladders... (although this was from a vegan so could be ********)
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