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About gotgcoalman

  • Birthday 31/08/1967

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  1. The lad was my eldest sons best friend years ago and would regularly stay here over night. You're correct with the traumatic childhood. His parents had a bad split up/divorce. He was calling through the day and night. Knocking on the door at 1,2,3,4,5am every night isn't good.
  2. So the evidence says. 12 full and P P is obviously...... Mm Point this way🙄
  3. RFD is a bit of a problem. I'd be working all week to pay the storage fees.(I have more than several) Police are concerned that I didn't inform them of my cancer diagnosis 2 years ago and think I might do something silly. Have had the all clear for the last year and have a recent letter from the consultant to back this up.A recent visit by the police asked to take a picture of the letter. Stepped up CCTV and the alarm system.At significant personal cost. Installed a digital key pad on the door before getting to the cabinets. I'm willing to measure up and clad the already secure area with 3mm steel. Quite willing to spot weld the doors closed on the cabinets until this is resolved. All been quiet for a few nights, until last night. Phone call 00.30. "Davey lad I'm in a door way around the corner" Nice eh? Police called and did attend. He was arrested yet again (due to be released tonight) after wrecking his mothers house for a second or third time. Windows/furniture,electricals and the such. He lives with his mam about 300 years away. Court order is now in motion and due to the police perusing harassment against us it should go through without any problems. By all accounts, he has been arrested and released 15 times in the last month,4 times he was detained in a mental institution and released usually within 24 hours . I'll keep you posted as to the outcome.
  4. Cheers for the replies and all have been taken on board. Normally would have been insured with club membership,but due to covid and the shoot not being on 🙄 Police were here tonight (late) to ask a few questions and make sure everything was in the cabinets and not under the bed.
  5. gotgcoalman


    had my second pfizor jab a week on friday. feel like ive had a stroke now. left arm weak /tightnenss in the chest /a bit short of breath. Im getting a phone consultation on the 14th.
  6. So........A lad my eldest son was best friends went off the rails a few years ago. he used to stay at our house most weekends and come clay shooting. FFW.......... son hasnt seen him for years, but he's gone off the rails and see's here as his safe space. had the police here to remove him at all hours of the day and night. Myself and the wife have had little sleep in the last few weeks. Hes been arrested/sectioned under mental health and let out. He escaped whilst in custody and tried to throw him self off a building in Darlington. Firearms are now involved 3 weeks down the line just incase he gets the keys. so.....due to not paying for BASC can anyone suggest a decent shooting related solicitor Durham/TYNESIDE/NORTHYORKSHIRE
  7. Just given this today. A very elderly 1/2 can of 80.
  8. Heard nothing from them and I would have assumed it was a trade embargo against me. Reading the other posts seems to imply they don't respond to anyone? Its bad business to offer mail order and not be competent enough to follow through with the rest of the process.
  9. Placed an order last week for some un primed cases with the above mentioned firm and told to expect a call to arrange delivery (cost of postage wasn't included on the checkout) So they may say a million gagillion pooooooonds for delivery. Has anyone ordered from them before?
  10. So,off hand shooting 40 yards at 30cm outer circle. All balls connected and the flyers were wads. Very few pellets made it down range.I can only assume they became embedded in either the wads or soft cast balls on firing. No sights at all due to the hushpuppy on the gun. A better group should be achieved with a bead sight. 12.3gr SP3,cx2000 primer,wad column to get the correct height 3x over powder cards and 2 fibre wads finished off with a rto.
  11. Essentially from what I read earlier in the thread. Loading a cast .36 ball and a sprinkle of shot is section 2 ammo?
  12. I was delivering around the Leeming/Northallerton area on Wednesday and saw 1 temporary sign to indicate there was/had been an outbreak.
  13. what happened to the age old law of..... finders keepers?
  14. Ive stopped to pick up a few pheasant over the years that have wandered into the path of the vehicle I was driving. Don't think I broke any laws.Even when the birds were out of season. I'll probably be corrected.
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