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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. plenty on the bird loving neighbours rape now and the best place for them saves me getting cold
  2. we might delay but you know inside when it’s time I would make the call on how much pain she’s in or quality of life she has one of those hard choices we face
  3. she’s tip of a stampede of rats on the tax payer funded trough no surprise hancock has just legged it
  4. easily settled by her producing the actual recording which she won’t do as it will reveal the true context and intent of the conversation making her a lying fraud unfit to run a tap and charlies mob a bunch of cowards who stabbed lady h in the back when they should have been watching it for her so bigger shame on them
  5. for a charity event there was no sign of any in the overkill reaction an apology was more than enough talk about sticks and stones
  6. this is full square fault of the police and cps if scumbags are injured committing crime justice has already been served there is no public interest prosecuting who caused them
  7. this is like watching a bunch of scam victims refusing to believe their moneys gone the benefits are coming the benefits are coming gump told me they are coming dream on you been had!
  8. I don’t even need to look formula never changes from starve the needy feed the greedy
  9. we are all going to be fine fox hunting pulled the same one go all go rubbish so we already know how it ends you get banned everyone else carries on your deceit is rewarded
  10. if that’s the case we will all be on the same footing when the powers that be decide to ban the unnecessary shooting of birds and only allow them to be shot when needed which is exactly where we are heading
  11. thanks no problem I’m climbing the walls little monkey is reluctant to appear been waiting since last night
  12. daughter was senior benefits officer until recently but she’s in labour at the moment so if you can hang on couple of days tt will ask her what you need to do once the child is here
  13. bang on the money if a vote could bring real change they would take it of us
  14. been on it a week here just not enough birds yet could do with a cold snap
  15. I’m still laughing how can anyone with no idea from price of weetabix to a gas bill speak to voters without being busted as a fraud and that’s if they have forgotten he bankrupted the country as chancellor
  16. I see you have no quote of my glee hmmm I don’t block anyone I’m happy enough their comments speak for them yours certainly do
  17. let’s have it real the problem is you not the thread you spout non stop propaganda ignore the rules the rest of us follow and insult anyone who dares have a different opinion pretty ironic for a thread on putin
  18. now the witch hunt is on can we lock this rubbish!
  19. the last walk never gets any easier at least you have the good memories
  20. I will leave your abusive reply to speak for itself then have a nice day
  21. someone as smart as you should have no problem working out my meaning but to oblige starmer will gain power regardless of his actions i will continue filling my freezer but not from peoples birds that’s plain rude
  22. such a tasty morsel deserves a take my friend so never gave a jot for the law only tolerate it for the ticket which I’m not renewing so regardless of idiot starry boy shutting all or some of us down my freezer will never be empty glad your feeling better wouldn’t be the same if you pegged it
  23. good on you TT at last the truth no doubt a reply of the old cobblers one go all go will appear shortly
  24. with the putin thread rammed with name calling and insults yet still open despite a warning we could certainly do with his return
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