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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. if democracy is so wonderful how come i still found the old boy living in his bus shelter on christmas day this so called never had it so good rubbish obviously passed him by
  2. man from a time of real music sad loss rip
  3. some things require the ultimate response dog theft is one of them
  4. buy one i use a s510 almost as much as the semi auto will be back there tomorrow with it if it’s sunny
  5. no change here watching them this afternoon still reluctant to leave the trees any that do only pick few acorns up from edge of the rape and back to their branch most depressing
  6. happy new year one and all only way can be up from this year
  7. sixty million in his pocket and the best he can do for blm is take a knee says all you need to know about the honours system and him
  8. clangerman

    Tier 5

    gun shop today had a no mask no entry policy had to dash back to the car for one just to hand over several grand quite nice they put safety above the money
  9. as those you highlighted clearly couldn’t hit a barn door with a brick numbers are irrelevant if this sort of disrespect for birds and the countryside is now the norm in game shooting it’s a disgrace nobody has the right to use live birds for target practice just because they have paid with such a attitude all game shooting will end as i have to pick the son in-laws first gun up i bid you good day
  10. i don’t need a calculator to know you do not allow two people to blast away at live birds for target practice when it’s clear they can’t shoot there is no defence to treat live birds is such a appalling manner or excuses for those who knew better yet allowed a woman to carry on firing at birds after failing to connect with any after eighty shots no wonder shooting has a bad name carry on like this
  11. the fact you allowed the boy to carry on firing at live birds when he can’t hit them says everything that’s wrong as for your mate how irresponsible to let the woman fire 80 shots in the same manner exactly the type of publicity we don’t need or want as for the shower who claim to represent us i have two words LEAD BAN think i’m done before we hear more stories of the irresponsible actions
  12. not comfortable with breeding anything just to shoot it think joe public will settle the matter for us in due coarse anyway
  13. i don’t shoot large bags of pigeons makes me feel uncomfortable seeing them pile up anyone who does so is fair enough because they didn’t breed them to shoot
  14. it’s more how it looks than numbers puts the public of they don’t see it the same way we do to them it’s just blasting away non stop at the birds
  15. anything numbers wise that needs a loader to keep blasting away couldn’t make us look worse claiming we go you go is just a con smaller scale shoots image will improve when we put our own house in order
  16. you know the numbers i’m talking it’s nothing but bad publicity to have birds raining down all over the place joe public won’t have a problem with small scale stuff
  17. more a case of not wanting to be associated with people to lazy to work for their sport so resort to being driven to within yards of a peg to then shoot a obscene amount of birds which then brings the rest of shooting large amounts of bad publicity there is nothing sporting in paying to avoid the work involved with shooting
  18. when the cruelty factor out weighs the control factor joe public will always shut you down expect large driven game shoots to go the same way
  19. hope he’s coming back his stuff is good found the same handing out scotch today first attempt to hit the sitty trees should be on shortly if i can find the poles
  20. i seen them all in power over the years and they are all the same lie to get in rob the till make a mess leave it for the next lot to clean up if it ever changes i will start voting not had to yet don’t expect to unfortunately
  21. the buck stops at the TOP boso is driving the covid train wreck not the coal stoaker
  22. doris gump obviously had no intention of leaving four years huge amounts of cash wasted all to end up still under the control of eu bullies democracy in this country is a empty word
  23. i am testing my eye sight officer same as dummings did with doris gump saying he was using his common sense who can argue with him lol
  24. merry christmas one and all may packhams yule log burn his house down
  25. no point having. a wage if your not here to spend it
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