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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. frequently watch them heading out from the town best guess would be first birds leaving remember a good spot or decide by the weather as a lot do seem to fly towards the sun
  2. find if you proceed on the basis everything governments say is a lie your rarely disappointed
  3. if your low enough to brag at the amount of tax payers money your getting you certainly won’t mind stiffing them for the bill by the way where do these lunch buddies work
  4. they would with TAX PAYERS picking up the bill glad you had such a nice lunch at OUR expense
  5. so basically this is just a couple of clowns bragging when so many nhs staff have given their lives shame on the pair of them and a big thanks to you for your work
  6. if that’s the case explain why cheltenham gloucester and south mead hospital have ALL been on the local news claiming they are at breaking. point
  7. your right we are not all in this together or the likes of supermarkets making a fortune from covid would assist those in need i’m broke thanks to covid wiping out my income but staying alive is more important than the bills
  8. hopefully those mixing unnecessarily will only cause the death of their OWN elderly and vulnerable tomb stone for the human race will bear one word SELFISH!
  9. might even be covid free if some fat oaf didn’t squander us being a island for a few quid
  10. how it’s done there mate nice to see you don’t rush the shots nailing them nicely
  11. nice to see someone getting a few you might get a bigger day out of them with a good blow
  12. no offence intended to anyone it’s just a hard long fight have job to find anyone more unstable than my rubbish yet my firearms remained all though my divorce and she was more than mentally ill so i have been there and won
  13. if you would like to pm me the grounds police claim makes you unfit to hold tickets i’m more than happy to give my advice police frequently claim mental illness in others is enough grounds until they have to prove it so don’t panic yet
  14. this chap is in for a long hard fight the last thing he needs is advice from those who have NOT been in his shoes
  15. you would have to provide more details were you charged with a offence has your doctor voiced any concerns always remember you are dealing with the people who wish to stop ownership of firearms i would start with obtaining a copy of your custody record and a health report from your gp had mine removed more than once and got them back with a apology so long as your in the right don’t be afraid to stand up for your self always advice on here if needed
  16. if you left the pitch empty handed he’s no car salesman cash credit or camels never ever let customers leave (escape!) with full pockets
  17. if the relevant authorities see this thread there won’t be any worries about it being racist or not glad my name is not on some of the comments
  18. if you see a huge amarda passing the eu corner shop of inflated prices shortly don’t panic it’s just the entire world arriving to sell us anything we want and buy whatever we are selling
  19. gives you faith some still have morals to do the right thing
  20. the same crowd who gave us the lessons will be learned rubbish last time now need to be fired
  21. football coaches downside monks clifton teacher gym coach ALL nonces are groomers this post is nothing but racist ammo for the blm crowd
  22. never seen the appeal in large bags even when shooting them myself in the past think piling them up in the hide takes something away from the day
  23. think it’s more the police are scared to prosecute some people not that i would waste trials on them crime is one thing but nonces are sickos
  24. jimmy saville WHITE rolf harris WHITE gary glitter WHITE forget figures any prisoner will tell you most nonces are white and while they should all be hung this case is the media trying to cause trouble
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