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Poor Shot

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Everything posted by Poor Shot

  1. Quite right. I have the Wye, Usk, Taff, Tawe and Towy all within an hours drive and the Severn and Teifi a little further. We also numerous reservoirs within spitting distance. Llandegfed being famous for its trout and pike. Shame it's nearly all club or privately controlled and some costs a fortune to fish. The Usk is currently full to the brim with both poultry and people **** so I wouldn't fancy eating anything landed from the Usk.
  2. It's something I've been meaning to get back into for a while. My grandad taught me to cast a fly as a kid and it would be a shame to waste it. Seems to be growing in popularity here to with new lakes opening quite frequently. Maybe I'll pick up a starter set and give it a try over the summer?
  3. Steer clear of anything enthusiastically sold by a sales person other than the core product. Almost always either not required or can be found a lot cheaper elsewhere. That stands outside of car sales also.
  4. Nope. It's just cheap wax and some **** they spray on the seats to make them hydrophobic for a few weeks. It will be done by the apprentice who, if you're lucky, will use a fresh sponge when he washes your car before applying it. It's about £80 worth of work for the dealer and a good earner for the sales person. Take it down to your local detailers and have them valet and wax it for a quarter of the price. The results be the same, if not better.
  5. Another one this morning from the garden bird feeder. Total - 921
  6. Yep, I'll go with that. I was aiming more along the lines of those who say that the shot forms a 12ft long string that you can manipulate by swinging the barrels fast.
  7. The best '3D' shot I could get from the video. The side on shots don't show the entire diameter of the pattern. While the cloud of shot is marginally longer than the pattern is wide it hardly constitutes a shot string. It's definitely more of a moving cloud or swarm than a long column of shot moving through the air.
  8. Yes, it was clear as day in the video. The shot travelled as a cloud and not a long string of shot. I would imagine that the range shown In some clips is about 15-20 yards. It's unlikely that the shot would extend out into a long string over the next 20-30 yards either. The more deformed pellets may slow down quicker and leg behind but that doesn't really qualify as a shot string. The speed of the film is irrelevant. Whether the video was shot at 50 frames per second or 250,000 frames per second, the shot will still be traveling in the same way. It's a long time myth that the shot is expelled from the barrel and travels in a long string through which you aim to have your target travel. Those who are completely clueless will even claim you can manipulate the shot string to bend through a target by the speed of your swing or that you aim to have your target intersect the shot string rather than have the cloud of shot hit your target.
  9. And by forcing the applicant to use a third party they have to do 80% of the work for no charge and within 30 days. I tried explaining this to the lead dense secretary of my anti shooting GP who couldn't of cared less.
  10. Interesting.. Puts the long shot string myth to bed. The shot group seemed to be no longer than 12" from front to back. I can't imaging that would extend all that much at further ranges either. Also loved the clean exit of the plastic WAD from the barrel. Compared to footage of fibre WADs I've seen which have a ton of blow by of combustion gasses. Though the fibre WAD buck seemed to do ok.
  11. It's only as inaccessible as you chose to make it. I accept, that to someone new to the sport with no real friends or contacts in the shooting or farming world (I'm one of them) it can take time to get to know your local community. It took well over a year of talking to different people at clay grounds and getting to know people before I got my first shooting permission. Last season I shot 10 days on a beat one/ stand one DIY syndicate for less than the cost of a peg at a 200 bird day. This year I've booked a place on a 6 day standing syndicate for less than the cost of a peg at a fancy driven day at a nice estate. I've also joined a combined pest control/ DIY game shooting club for relative pennies per month. I'm also a wildfowling club member which is also cheap as can be for some great shooting but some even greater experiences of nature that I wouldn't otherwise see. If you want to experience the whole wine and dine experience then your going to pay for it but that's not what shooting is about for me. Range rovers, fine food and drink driving (with a little bit of shooting squeezed in) Is a bit too middle class for me. I find the whole other side of shooting almost as enjoyable as the shooting itself. Not including any clay target shooting, my whole shooting year last year cost less than £1500.
  12. I would disagree and say that live quarry and clay target shooting is almost certainly interdependent. From a cost POV. Should all live quarry shooting stop overnight then the cartridge manufacturers lose the sales of the more profitable side of their business (it's often quoted by manufacturers that their margins are based on game rather than clay cartridges and that the sale of game cartridges subsides the costs of clay cartridges) and they'll need to shift this onto the cost of clay cartridges. We are already seeing a decline in the amount of people shooting clays with the budget end of the cartridge market being at £275 per thousand minimum. Should this increase beyond £350 - £400 per thousand (roughly the same cost as game cartridges) then we'll see even further decline. The above decline starts seeing shooting grounds with far fewer participants on mid-week and practice sessions. These sessions become unprofitable for the grounds so they shut for all but Saturdays, registered shoots and corporate events. Some grounds close altogether when they see their weekend numbers dwindling to non profitable levels. The closure of grounds sees that shooters need to travel much further to access shooting meaning increased travel costs. They eventually decide that bowls or snooker is more appealing, cost friendly and accessible so sell up. Further and almost unstoppable decline. The arms manufacturers see an instant drop in their market in the UK as they suddenly can't sell game orientated shotguns, rimfire and centrefire rifles in anywhere near their current capacity. They either decide that the UK isn't a market worth bothering with and pull out or massively decrease the amount they bring into the country and increase the costs to compensate. The RFDs see a massive decline in business as no one is shooting for game or pest control and the already low margin sales they have for clay and target shooting equipment and ammunition isn't enough to sustain them as a business. Their accounts with arms manufacturers are closed down as they have pulled out of the UK and the amount of equipment available for them sell starts to dwindle. They shut up shop as its no longer profitable or worth it. The average clay shooter now has to travel many miles to buy clay shooting equipment (that cannot be sold remotely) and either travel to buy ammunition or have to stump up another £20-£30 for delivery on cartridges that are already massively inflated. Police firearms depts see a massive drop in the amount of fresh applicants and renewals and any work involved with section 1 variations etc so their budgets are cut to suit the decrease in demand. Your renewal cost goes up to compensate for the lack of funding and/or wait times are pushed way beyond their current up to 1 year for renewal or 2 years for grant. What remaining shooters there are decide that paying £00's for a renewal that could take 2-3 years is not worth it and sell up (or hand their guns in for destruction at this point as there is no second hand market for them or RFDs left to sell them to). BASC become surplus to requirement and shut down. The main voice for shooting in the UK is no longer present and anti-gun and anti-shooting lobbies close in on clay shooting as an undesired/ nuisance activity and CPSA are powerless to stop them as the only remaining association. Clay target shooting ends..
  13. When rimfire rifles are considered tools (unlike a fine shotgun) what makes a good rimfire rifle a great one? If you can get near enough bullet on bullet accuracy from the Tikka, CZ, Browning Tbolt etc.. Why spring any more than £600 - £700 on a rifle?
  14. You never know but your email may well prompt the author to do a little more research for their next article. 👍
  15. Complete and total nightmare material if you care about the long term condition of your paint. If you don't then it's a quick and convenient way to achieve acceptable results. Long term it will embed swirls within the paint that will require polishing out professionally. As will any form of contact washing. Waterless washing fluid will just do it a lot faster as it contains the grit within the fluid and towel rather than rinsing it off with water, car soap and a bucket. I'm one of a few who takes pleasure in spending a Saturday afternoon detailing a car so my wash process looks a little like this: - Apply pre-wash or snow foam and leave to soak before rinsing off. - Apply alloy wheel cleaner and wash wheels with a separate wheel cleaning brush. - wash body of the car with a two bucket method. - dry off the paintwork with a drying towel. - apply a spray wax/ quick detailer/ wax sealant depending on how much time I have. Yes, I'm a ******* looser and I know it..
  16. Doubt you will. It's the same business group as the Wales online site. Not so much a reputable news source as a dumping ground for all of those loosers who went to university to study journalism and couldn't quite make the grade.
  17. Yes. Filled it out on behalf of my family and a few others also. It's been circulating around the WhatsApp group of the wildfowling club since day one.
  18. I've used Eley VIP 24g 6 shot this past season and had some good birds out to about 25/30 yards driven. I didn't get a chance to use them as walking gun or rough shooting this year but I'm sure they'd have been more than adequate. At around £90 per 250 they were a reasonable cost for a 28g cartridge. I also used them quite a bit on clays the autumn before in preparation for the season and they did quite well. Worth checking the maximum shot size with the ground though as some won't allow anything larger than a 6.5 or 7.
  19. I've also filled out the CAW response mechanism which also sends a letter/email to your local MS's and Welsh MPs. Completely contrasting responses from both Labor and Conv below. Note that both responses are likely template responses. Welsh Labor MS Vikki Howells. Thank you for copying me into your email to Natural Resources Wales concerning proposals to regulate the release of game birds. As your letter is in response to a Natural Resources Wales consultation open until Tuesday, 20th June 2023, I encourage you to make your views known directly to Natural Resources Wales. You can provide your views to NRW via this link: https://ymgynghori.cyfoethnaturiol.cymru/evidence-policy-and-permitting-tystiolaeth-polisi-a-thrwyddedu/nrw-s-proposed-approach-to-regulating-the-release/consultation/intro/ I would not want to prejudge the outcome of the consultation while Natural Resources Wales is still seeking people’s views. Welsh Con MS Joel James Thank you for writing to Joel concerning the consultation on Natural Resources Wales’ (NRW) proposed approach to the regulation of the release of gamebirds. Joel appreciates you taking the time to notify him of your thoughts. The NRW launched their 12-week public consultation on behalf of the Welsh Government on a proposed licensing system for the release of pheasants and red-legged partridges in Wales following concerns over potential environmental impacts, particularly for protected sites. Significantly, they have asserted that this consultation is not on whether or not shooting live quarry should continue in Wales, but rather on further regulating the sector – but it is clear that this move would be intended to contribute to the Welsh Government’s ultimate aim of putting an end to game shooting in Wales for good. Welsh Conservatives understand that many people have strongly held views on this matter. Joel and his Welsh Conservative colleagues want to see a vibrant, working countryside enhanced by a diverse environment in Wales and, as the game shooting sector contributes to this goal, we will not support a ban on the practise. As a member of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), as well as being on the Cross-Party Group for Shooting and Conservation, Joel strongly believes in promoting and protecting sporting shooting. Joel acknowledges the exceptional benefits to biodiversity that come from management activities by the game shooting sector and is well aware that those involved in it care deeply for the environments they are active in, as it is an integral part of their pastimes and livelihoods. For these reasons, Joel and his Welsh Conservative colleagues will continue to stand up for Wales’ rural communities in the face of this out of touch Labour government. Thank you again for taking the time to write to Joel. I hope you find this information of use, if we can assist you with anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us.
  20. How many of those 1,000,000 vacancies are able to be immediately filled by someone who has little or zero English speaking skills, is likely illiterate, has no previous education of any kind and no real skill base or prior training? It's not as simple as being assigned an NI number and then being placed into a job. Very few of those 1,000,000 jobs will be skill-less manual labour positions. Almost none of those arriving will be genuine asylum seekers with an education and something to give. They will almost all be economic migrants with the issues described above. A lot of those 1,000,000 jobs will those that require a level of skill or training that the employers simply aren't prepared to pay for so the job remains unfilled. Importing a mass of people from the third world is not the answer to that problem.
  21. Impressive and very well done BASC. In that line up all but the BBC seem to be onboard and publishing the right message. Now if you could get that absolute steaming pile of dog **** and fake news otherwise known as Wales online on board then you could be on to a winner. I've shared this consultation as far and wide as my network allows.
  22. Considering that you only need to supply a name then you could submit a response today in line with the current BASC guidance and when some more reasonable and informed guidance is issued you could submit a second response. @Conor O'Gorman Have BASC considered working alongside CPSA and other sporting organisations to spread the word on this? When discussing the topic of BASC reaching the relevant audiences with this sort of thing I did pose this question to Steve Griffiths at a talk and Q&A he did back last year but didn't really get a response. The talk was otherwise great and well informed. CPSA, WCTSA, SCA etc must have tens of thousands of members between them who should be sympathetic to the cause given that clay shooting will eventually be on the radar when the shooting of live animals is outlawed. Some will also be BASC members but I'd wager a large percentage aren't.
  23. Thanks Conor. The consultation is sketchy at best and open to abuse. I'm not too clued up on these things but I'd have thought a bot could be created to submit hundreds of thousands of responses. I've no doubt that BASC will highlight this when in discussion with NRW.
  24. Do you plan to expand on your consultation response guidance? I appreciate that the consultation questions are complete dog **** but it would be pretty easy for NRW to disregard 120,000 blanket 'No' answers as spoiled responses and only take on board the responses they want to see. They can't dismiss comprehensive and fact based answers regardless if a lot of them are almost identical.
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