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  1. I have been keeping a eye on a field of peas that showed promise, but the numbers just didnt build as i would of hoped for ,that is until yesterday evening . I would of liked to have left it a few more days to really build up but I am not the only shooter on this farm so it had to be done today. I Rang me old mucker apprentice Motty , usual first question have you found some ? . The only problem was I had a meeting in the morning and a bit of work around 12 o'clock ,I asked Motty can you get there early and I will join you for a bit in the morning and then after my job around dinner time . The best place to set up was in a dyke with the wind in our faces so Motty put the 6 birds and the rotary to one side and hoped that they would curl back into the pattern . This seemed to work and slowly the birds came in quite well . when the clicker hit 100 we decide to have a pick up as the flight seemed to have almost stopped , we picked up 106 wood pigeons and 4 ferals . nice day all round ​
  2. My old mucker Motty called me late on in the week with the usual question ,have you found any ? and I could only offer one field that would possibly produce 25 ish all my pea fields are devoid of any action ,so he remarked that he had a rape field that might produce, so we agreed to meet on Saturday around late morning as he thought it is an afternoon place .I Phoned him this morning only to wake the lazy *** up at ten o'clock, so I said I will go for a rece and see if I could find any thing but after a far few miles I came up empty ,so we met up at the rape field ,and it was very quiet and I must admit I was very sceptical about any bag at all .Motty said stop being so negative they will come and to be fair late afternoon they did come and gave us all manner of shots we ended on 46 picked I think . Master chef calling you mate you have no idea what your doing
  3. Hi guys, New to the shooting world got my shotgun license 2 weeks ago, just wondering if there is anybody on here in the ayrshire/Lanarkshire area that go on pigeon shootout days really keen to get into it. Also can anyone point me to a game buyer in the area. Cheers !!
  4. Hi all, I wonder if I might ask for a little help with a few decoying issues which I'm having. I'm an experienced shooter but most of my pigeon shooting has always been roost shooting or flight lining and decoying is fairly new to me. I've been shooting pigeons on two fields, one of newly drilled game crop seeds and one of drilled barley. At first the old strip of game crop still ran along the middle of the field and made building a hide near the feeding area easy and I had some good shooting. This has now been ploughed up and the pigeons are still feeding on the seed but there is nowhere nearby to build a hide where it won't stick out like a sore thumb. Does this matter? I remember reading that Archie Coates said it wasn't good to have a hide in open ground but other people seem to say it doesn't matter? The second issue which I'm having is when shooting over the drilled barley. There are always lots of birds on the ground when I arrive, but once I've built my hide and set out the decoys the birds will not come back into the field. It's not that they're seeing the pattern and shying away as if there is something wrong with it, they are just flying over without showing the least sign of interest in the pattern whatsoever. There is conifer wood across the road behind the area where I have to set up and I get occasional shots as they make their way into that, but they will not come back into the field. I only have shell decoys at the moment, which I couple with some dead birds. Would a flapper or a rotary make a big difference in pulling the birds off of their flightpath or might I be doing something fundamentally wrong? Thanks very much for your patience with a beginner! Williegunn88
  5. 1 gun for Sunday 06/03/16 meet for 7 am shoot untill about 1 pm must have own gear and insurance. This all depends on weather and the farmer say so .I will let the preson know on saturday Dave
  6. 1 gun for Sunday 31/1/16 must have own gear and have Insurance.Meet for about 7am shot untill 1 ish or longer if day goes good. Shooting is near Maidstone Kent. This depends on weather and farmer will contact the person who goes on Friday to confirm. Dave
  7. Very keen shooter looking to gain permission on land that needs ridding of pigeons! Based near High Wycombe and willing to drive 2 hours each way. Got gear + insurance etc. Also have mates who are interested and so can bring more than one gun. Also willing to brave the rain and anything else you can throw at me. All the best, Tournage
  8. Have been looking at some stubble that was harvested this week ,first one a lot of crows walked them off waited 25 min not one came back as other fields were being harvested, went to another farm 60 or so pigeons on the field watched and had a weak flight line coming in so wind at my back set up on the stubble,put 16 she'll decoys on spring sticks a good wind had them moving nice birds committed from the off and I decided not to use a flapper as they decoyed perfect.it made a change to have no gadgets out shot some good birds and missed some easy one's had 7 right and lefts .as the day wore on the flight line got stronger, I picked 53 and lost 6 in over grown ditch.
  9. This is our trailer/winter hide...these pictures were taken on its 1st field test. since then we have made a few tweaks and minor changes....we used it once so far this summer just to see if it spooked the birds. for the 1st 15 mins they seemed a little spooked by it but after that I would say that 80% of the birds were unaffected by it. it seems to work and should be a nice shelter for those colder sessions.
  10. a few more pictures that i managed to resize .
  11. it was a hot day yesterday and by mid afternoon the birds were flying all over the place....shot 58 but picked these. we lost a few in hedges and woods : I missed a fair few and the bag should have been double that size. a very enjoyable session with no shortage of pigeons.
  12. hello people im new to the pigeon watch forums. i live in buckinghamshire and have been around the shooting scene for as long as i can remember. my dads had a shotgun my whole life and has loved every session he has ever had. i only decided to get my own shotgun 5 years ago as i used to be a carp angler who would go away for 3 or more days at a time. As my children were born i needed a hobby that would stop me being away so much and the wife moaning so much lol(although she still has the occasional moan). so i sold all my fishing tackle and got my cabinet,licence and my 1st own gun a beretta 687 silver pigeon. to say i was rubbish was an understatment,i struggled with that berretta for three years and my shooting never really improved,so my dad borrowed a browning b525 left hander...yes im cack handed. Well i shot so much better with that than the berretta that i knew that was the gun for my way of shooting so the following week i went and chopped in the beretta and got myself a brand new b525. my shooting is coming along nicely now and i get alot less stick from my dad(although banter is never too far away),my dad is im afraid to say a bloody good shot(paced one of his birds at 93yds) and his teachings with my browning have paid off in a big way. My dad has a miroku 30inch sporter his pride and joy well next to his dog that his, she is so good and works so hard when needed and she even manages to give you dirty looks every time you miss a sitter. my dads mobility is fading with age and he cant shoot without a friend due to Osteoarthritis of the spine,so one of my dads friends comes along a few times aswell which is good when he does as it means i can shoot on my own without dad showing me up lol. were lucky with all the land we have to shoot over as we have loads of it,due to my dad and the fact three of his best friends are farmers and with 4 other permissions and 2 other shares,some days we have driven 30+ miles just looking for birds. on some of those permissions we are the only people allowed to shoot it so i know how blessed we are, there is normally min of 3 of us but some times there is 4 of us(we take pals along for days out). i allways find it funny how some farmers moan about the birds destroying there crops but wont let people shoot there land and i do know a couple of them just like that. last year in 2014 we shot a total of 1444 pigeons and crows/rooks,and my overall avg for that year was 2.8( i had 742 shots and killed 259 birds) yes i counted every single shot after every session and logged it all down. this year were in the 900 and counting bracket (i havent logged any avg for this year) and were off to some land today with flights lines that look like a M1 in rush hour,so were hoping for a good day. i do have a few pics but not many as i have only just really started taking them so i can put them on pw, i have yet to figure out the posting of pics bit but when i can get my son off my pc and a bit of time i will put some up. im only on my pc now as my kids are sleeping lol anyway thats the bit about me and my dad done so ill let you all know later how the day went. cheers
  13. Hi Guys and Girls. I fully understand this is a risky topic to bring up as permission for free land is usually earned through trust. For months and Months now I've been searching for some local Farm land to Pigeon Shoot on. I've been places with friends but they're no longer accepting any more shooters. I'm a keen shooter with a decent shot and I go Clay Shooting 2/3 times a week but I'm looking for land for a peaceful evening/weekend shoot when I just want to unwind from a week at work. Is there anyone from around Walsall area that's willing to let me tag along and show/prove my enthusiasm to the sport rather than me sounding like a desperate lad who just wants to "Kill some birds on an evening"? Cheers, TheLurchmeister *If this post is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move to more allocated position*
  14. HI 1 Gun for Sunday the 2/8/2015 on 150 arces of rape stubble . Must have own gear and insurance meet about 8 shoot untill when ever. Dave
  15. I am looking for shooting opportunities within reasonable driving distance from Hemel Hempstead. I have 12g shotguns and .22 air rifle. I am a member of BASC and have the associated insurance. Can do Walk Up or Hide+Decoys. Would consider one off (free/paid - please state price), short-term or anything longer. I am available most days except Saturdays. Thanks Martin
  16. Hi, I'm 27, have recently moved to the Newmarket area and am looking to settle back into my shooting again as soon as possible. Ideally I'm looking for a local friendly syndicate for the 2015 game season and also for some pigeon shooting, walked-up vermin control on an ad hoc basis over the summer. I'd really like to hear from anyone who might want a mate to accompany them on outings or to help out when a second gun really helps. I have a couple of shotguns, appropriate insurance and over 10 years shooting experience. Thanks, Sean
  17. I had spotted a field of growing greens (a field I have shot before) with a massive amount of pigeons taking an interest. Jules (Muncher) had seen the same field and decided to ask the farmer for a shot. The farmer surprising obliged. The crop appears to be broccoli. Jules invited to me to join him and we arranged to meet at 9am yesterday. He arrived at the field before me, only to find a few dead birds and empty shells left behind by someone else.. Jules seemed disheartened by the fact that someone had so recently shot there, but I was much more optimistic. The way the pigeons were starting to turn up, I was certain we'd shoot a few. We put out a couple of magnets and a flapper and settled into the hide. We didn't have long to wait before the first customers arrived. We had a few in the bag quickly, with barely anything being missed. I changed the position of one of the magnets to better suit the approach of the majority of pigeons. This immediately improved things. A few dead birds added improved matters further still. Jules was being beaten up by the comb of the borrowed gun he was using - an egg rapidly rising on his cheek. Using my O/U didn't help, either, so he went on to use my Mossberg silenced .410. Jules' hit rate was not his usual high standard like when he uses a 12, but he shot pretty well, nonetheless. I also shot a few nice birds with the .410 later on. The practice on clays has paid off. Fifty were down after the couple of hours and the action showed no sign of relenting. It was interesting to see bunches of up to fifty strong flying around. After an extremely quiet May, it was certainly nice to really get back amongst the birds. After we packed up we put up a good few hundred off the far corner of the field - there are still a huge number of birds in the area. If we had both been using 12s for the whole day, I'm sure we would have had 175. It was still a hugely enjoyable day and 150 pigeons killed.
  18. Hi my name is Matt I am new to shooting, I have had my licence for about six months now. I have managed to get myself two pieces of land to shoot on. I have a few questions I would like answering, I have tryed searching the Internet but the adviceis either contradicting from one person to another or nonexistent. My first question is what kind of land should i be shooting on? And what can I expect to find in the Midlands? (The first pieces of land I have is two fields which I think the farmer is growing corn. The crop is about 4 inch high. The second is some feilds surrounding a farm which I think the farmer is also growing crops but also has cattle so there is some grass and recently one of his feilds he scraped one of his feild with these chains I did see pigeons there.) Should I be using callers? Flight lines I no what they are but what do they look like? Should I expect one pigeon every minute or five an hour or coming flying in groups. I find researching this one particularly hard to research everybody seems just to explain what they mean to the pigeons and how they use them. Where can I find roosts? Is it in big woods, small woods, small groups of tree's, can I expect 10s or just a couple of pigeons? Should I buy flappers and other equipment? I have a hide net and 12 FUD decoys so far was also thinking of buying some crows as well to add a bit of variety to my pattern as I see this as I first get to the feilds. Also I would like to ask if there is any experienced shoots who would like some help out in the field in exchange for some advice, not only on where to find them but how to shoot them its just not the same as clays. Thanks to everyone who reads this or replies. I know I have woffled on abit. Matt
  19. Hi i need one gun for Monday 06/04/2015 meet for about 7am shot untill 1 ish must have own gear and insurance, Dave :)
  20. 2 guns fon Sunday 01/01/2015 must have Gear and insurance meet for 7am shoot untill 1pm 150 arce field to be shoot will have a drive round tomorrow to see whats about. AND if you can't make please call or text just dont turn up. Dave
  21. 1 gun for Monday the 22/12/2014 For a days decoying on 150 arces of rape. Meet for 7.30am shoot until 2ish. must have own gear and insurance,There was lots of birds around when last shot.Just outside of Maidstone Kent. Dave
  22. Hi, Just thought i’d post a quick message to say im looking for shooting permission in either the Carmarthenshire or Powys areas of Wales (free of charge of course). Mainly rough shooting although looking to grow into decoying. I have both shotguns and air rifles and i’m also insured. Please feel free to pm me with anymore details you would like to know. Thanks
  23. Hello all, Possible new permission coming up (rabbits, pigeons, crows, rats) and i just had a few questions really as i am told it is quite a small field: 1. What would be the smallest size field i would be able to shoot in (in regards to safety)? I am just thinking rough shooting at the moment. 2. Where would i stand on the fact there are no crops in the field? Hay is baled there though be it in very small quantities. I would mainly be using a shotgun 12 bore. Occasional use of a .22 sub 12ftlbs air rifle. There aren’t any neighbouring houses however the field i am told is surrounded by other fields owned by another farmer/landowner. Thanks in advance
  24. 1 gun for tomorrow on rape stubble start about 7.30 untill 1pm if good day will stay later . Must have own gear and insurance .sgc.
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