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It's illegal to shoot within 1 mile of an airport

David BASC

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Yes, incredible, a BASC member just called, he has been asked by the landowner to control persts at the end of a private airfield with a non fac air rifle, he wanted to use his .22 rimfire rifle on this land also . So he contacted West Yorkshire police, they told him, apparently, it was illegal to shoot a firearm within one mile of the airfield.


He contacted the CAA and they told him they knew of no such law. All they said was to ask the airfield people what they thought. After a visit and conversation with the chief flying instructor, he said (sensibly) as long as he did'nt shoot into, over, across or enter the airfield it had nothing to do with them.


The CAA is the authority that deals with airline and airport legislation and they are of course correct. Firearms restrictions only take effect when you enter an airport.


West Yorkshire police have evidently got their facts wrong, or……lied???


Happily the vast majority of constabularies are fine but a few, and as Mark Bivvey will tell us, are not so good!


We are trying to find out which FLO came up with this rubbish so we can follow it up.



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funnily enough I watched an episode of that dodgy programme about Luton Airport and the guy who patrolls the airfield was there shotgun in hand while there was a pheasant drive just outside the perimiter. He had his gun just in case any made it over the fence :blink:

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funnily enough I watched an episode of that dodgy programme about Luton Airport and the guy who patrolls the airfield was there shotgun in hand while there was a pheasant drive just outside the perimiter. He had his gun just in case any made it over the fence


Just helping out, like?

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No wonder mark goes off it? just done a measure up on google earth 1st off bit of land that I occasionally get invited to shoot deer = 911 yards from teesside airport runway, Then urlay nook clay ground 347 yards to end of second runway 977 yards to the middle of the the main runway. so come on who is kidding who.



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West Yorkshire police have evidently got their facts wrong, or……lied???


or both, plus a good few of the feo,s there just dont like work or guns.

In my dealings with west yorks FLD it soon became obvious that the manager there was seen as one of the bigger problems the feo,s have there.

But what can you expect from a man who said all civilians should NOT be allowed to carry guns.

Edited by markbivvy
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In my dealings with west yorks FLD it soon became obvious that the manager there was seen as one of the bigger problems the feo,s have there.

But what can you expect from a man who said all civilians should NOT be allowed to carry guns.


Surely a civilian firearms officer with that attitude should be shoved into another department? He's not doing his job properly!

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West Yorkshire police have evidently got their facts wrong, or……lied???


or both, plus a good few of the feo,s there just dont like work or guns.

In my dealings with west yorks FLD it soon became obvious that the manager there was seen as one of the bigger problems the feo,s have there.

But what can you expect from a man who said all civilians should NOT be allowed to carry guns.


Current FLO is ex-RAF. See a common denominator here?


The man needs educating with a pointed stick. This is the man who openly declared in front of Mike E from BASC at a meeting that he didn't agree with civilians having firearms.


Go gettim David. Give Sir Norm a ring and tell him one of his staff is letting the force down and making it a laughing stock nationally. He'll sort it. And get rid of Fiona at the same time, there's a good chap.

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I shoot on an airport every month with every calibre up to 308. Mostly Rabbits & Roe but also the odd Canada etc.

I did have to take the local Firearms Officer round to clear sightlines and backstops with him but, apart from that, no problems.


If you go to the Defra or Natural England site and type in Air Safety, it will take you to the licenses which cover what species etc can be eceptionally controlled on airports.

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WEST YORKSHIRE aint on its own Warwickshire beleve bullet components have to be locked away dispite what the act says ,And dose not beleve in reasonable precaution eather From what i see of actual evidance

They make a lot of it up in there own interpritation not what the act actually says :unsure:

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BASC are targeting all the 'problem' licencing teams.


Every member in the area will get a letter from BASC detailing the types of issues we have, together with a BASC booklet called 'Myths & Fables' containing a list of the type of rubbish that some FEO's come out with, together with a discription of what the truth is.


At the same time of course we will target individual FEO's once we know who they are based on information from members, as we do already.


There are other plans afoot that should roll out in 2010.


For the time being, we can all rest assured that it is OK to shoot near an airfiled.




PS I am working away for a few days so may not be able to reply to any posts until tuesday



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Just watching docu soap "Luton airport" Sky3 108, farmer is having a driven Pheasant shoot right next to the perimeter fence, and what appears to be an Airport worker is on other side of fence with shotgun picking up on any injured birds..Well I never

Edited by Slug
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BASC are targeting all the 'problem' licencing teams.


Every member in the area will get a letter from BASC detailing the types of issues we have, together with a BASC booklet called 'Myths & Fables' containing a list of the type of rubbish that some FEO's come out with, together with a discription of what the truth is.


At the same time of course we will target individual FEO's once we know who they are based on information from members, as we do already.


There are other plans afoot that should roll out in 2010.


For the time being, we can all rest assured that it is OK to shoot near an airfiled.




PS I am working away for a few days so may not be able to reply to any posts until tuesday



Nice one David/BASC. :unsure:


So far *touches wood* I have not had any issues with West yorkshire Police apart from the 18 month rule for an open ticket. Got that sorted now though and pretty quickly too.

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No wonder mark goes off it? just done a measure up on google earth 1st off bit of land that I occasionally get invited to shoot deer = 911 yards from teesside airport runway, Then urlay nook clay ground 347 yards to end of second runway 977 yards to the middle of the the main runway. so come on who is kidding who.





got to agree i shoot a farm at urlay nook very close to the runway.

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