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Have a look, then let us know what you think of things that are not of taxis and shooting !


Python again.




...............Plato they say could stick it away

half a pint of whisky every day


Aristotle Aristotle was a ****** for the bottle

Hobbs was fond of his dram


And Renee descartes was a drunken ****

I drink, therefore I am.




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Yes but the fact is what you stated, at that time, was not illegal, but the bnp quote was, don`t add something else to it as that doesn`t work. If you cannot understand that basic fact I am simply wasting my time.



I am Not prevaricating Henry and you did NOT simply re-iterate my quote as above in your words you said it was a BNP quote which it clearly wasn't

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Have a look, then let us know what you think of things that are not of taxis and shooting !


Alas again you waffle.Do you know anything about taxis or shooting or would you like me to tell you something about either ?


I admit i know nothing about plato other than he followed socrates and he was one hell of a football player so plato must have liked his football :yes:


Anything else you need to know about the "real world" we live in just ask :huh:

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As for

.....well, just change the Bible to suit yourself, it has nothing to do with cheap shots, it is to do with whether one can judge another in similar circumstances and even after that Jesus asked the woman not to sin again. So yet again I need to ask you not to go off into territory that you no nothing about.



Well I would be the first to do that wouldn't I? Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the object of theological training to allow you to interpret the bible. Many preachers, lay and otherwise do this and give us their interpretaton of what the think the bible says.

There's nothing nietzsche couldn't teach her bout the raising of the wrist, Socrates himself is particularly missed, a lovely little thinker but a ###### when he's #####

Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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Well I would be the first to do that wouldn't I? Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the object of theological training to allow you to interpret the bible. Many preachers, lay and otherwise do this and give us their interpretaton of what the think the bible says.

There's nothing nietzsche couldn't teach her bout the raising of the wrist, Socrates himself is particularly missed, a lovely little thinker but a bug ger when he's pi5 5ed

The correct quote is "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" so you did change it to suit yourself, it was not an interpretation. You have taken words and twisted them and I had hoped that would be beneath you as it tends to imply that you are either mocking me or religion, either way it is a cheap shot and way off an intelligent arguement.

To challenge a scripture is the correct way to find the truth, I suggest you challenge your mindset at every level and hopefully you will see that any carbon based bi-pedal lifeform is just a friend you never knew !

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Alas again you waffle.Do you know anything about taxis or shooting or would you like me to tell you something about either ?...........Anything else you need to know about the "real world" we live in just ask :yes:


How much from Ladywell way to Surrey place, Saturday night @ 11-05pm ? or vice versa ?

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How much from Ladywell way to Surrey place, Saturday night @ 11-05pm ? or vice versa ?


I cant imagine why someone would want to go to that area in elswick from ponteland unless they were an immigration officer visiting a client or a brothel or maybe to buy some drugs,so i would decline that job on the grounds of the drivers safety, it being a bit of a no go area for indigenous british people.(is that "on topic " cranners ? :yes: )

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I cant imagine why someone would want to go to that area in elswick from ponteland unless they were an immigration officer visiting a client or a brothel or maybe to buy some drugs,so i would decline that job on the grounds of the drivers safety, it being a bit of a no go area for indigenous british people.(is that "on topic " cranners ? :yes: )


So come on the Henry, how DO you know about these places? Were you saving prostitutes? If so save one for me BOOM BOOM

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Since KW started the whole plato thing and it does cover the Nick G thing(see tyrranic society) it covers the OP.


Kinds of State or Person


In order to explain the distinction between justice and injustice more fully, Plato devoted much of the remainder of The Republic to a detailed discussion of five different kinds of government (and, by analogy, five different kinds of person), ranked in order from best to worst:


A society organized in the ideally efficient way Plato has already described is said to have an aristocratic government. Similarly, an aristocratic person is one whose rational, spirited, and appetitive souls work together properly. Such governments and people are the most genuine examples of true justice at the social and personal levels.


In a defective timocratic society, on the other hand, the courageous soldiers have usurped for themselves the privilege of making decisions that properly belongs only to its better-educated rulers. A timocratic person is therefore someone who is more concerned with belligerently defending personal honor than with wisely choosing what is truly best.


In an oligarchic government, both classes of guardian have been pressed into the service of a ruling group comprising a few powerful and wealthy citizens. By analogy, an oligarchic personality is someone whose every thought and action is devoted to the self-indulgent goal of amassing greater wealth.


Even more disastrously, a democratic government holds out the promise of equality for all of its citizens but delivers only the anarchy of an unruly mob, each of whose members is interested only in the pursuit of private interests. The parallel case of a democratic person is someone who is utterly controlled by desires, acknowledging no bounds of taste or virtue in the perpetual effort to achieve the momentary satisfaction that pleasure provides.


Finally, the tyrranic society is one in which a single individual has gained control over the mob, restoring order io place of anarchy, but serving only personal welfare instead of the interests of the whole city. A tyrranic person, then, must be one whose entire life is focussed upon the satisfaction of a single desire at the expense of everything else that truly matters. Governments and people of this last variety are most perfectly unjust, even though they may appear to be well-organized and effective.


Although Plato presents these five types of government or person as if there is a natural progression from each to the next, his chief concern is to exhibit the relative degree of justice achieved by each. The most perfect contrast between justice and injustice arises in a comparison between the aristocratic and the tyrranic instances.


....and after a day chasing perdix all over Angus(the county, not the person) I am orft to bed :yes:

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Nah, as a kid I lived in the area, not Ponteland, that`s for those with money :yes:


EDIT** My Mother still lives there.


no...............don't......................he's trying to trap you...................it's too easy.........................don't .......................fall..................................for .................................his ...............................cheap.......................devices..............





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Stay on the subject please.


come on cranners 291 posts and its not yet been pulled and a more evocotive subject you would be hard to find , I dont think its doing bad :yes:


oh and for the liebour supporters look at this snippet from jack straws speech writer and advisor ( love the bit about making london a better place make that **** hole)




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Maybe if the BNP promised to

remove the ban on Fox hunting

Remove VAT charged on shoots

Tell the ARV police they cant be called to anyone standing in a field with a 12 gauge and wellies on

Force supermarkets to sell featherd game / venison

Lower the road tax on 4X4,s to £40 a year provided you have a firearms cert

Remove the handgun ban

Premote shooting /hunting in schools as a good alternative to an X box or media studies

Promise not to build moats or tennis courts at their homes with our money




They could win by a landslide .....with the extra 10 million votes :yes:

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Maybe if the BNP promised to

remove the ban on Fox hunting

Remove VAT charged on shoots

Tell the ARV police they cant be called to anyone standing in a field with a 12 gauge and wellies on

Force supermarkets to sell featherd game / venison

Lower the road tax on 4X4,s to £40 a year provided you have a firearms cert

Remove the handgun ban

Premote shooting /hunting in schools as a good alternative to an X box or media studies

Promise not to build moats or tennis courts at their homes with our money




They could win by a landslide .....with the extra 10 million votes :yes:


I draw the line at hunting in schools. :huh::good:??? Doesn't go down well. :D

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I am from South Africa (White) and our history, religion, culture and our language is being destroyed, school text books is being burned so that our history gets erased, the thing is we would like a guy like Griffin because only then will there be someone that constantly reminds everybody that we or in your case the English are still here and that you guys should not be treated worse then the other guy.



I think, (i might be wrong) but i think 'the other guy' was in south africa first? not saying whats happening to you is right, but its not all that one sided is it?



Maybe if the BNP promised to

remove the ban on Fox hunting

Remove VAT charged on shoots

Tell the ARV police they cant be called to anyone standing in a field with a 12 gauge and wellies on

Force supermarkets to sell featherd game / venison

Lower the road tax on 4X4,s to £40 a year provided you have a firearms cert

Remove the handgun ban

Premote shooting /hunting in schools as a good alternative to an X box or media studies

Promise not to build moats or tennis courts at their homes with our money




They could win by a landslide .....with the extra 10 million votes good.gif





i still wouldn't vote for them!

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