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At the going down of the sun


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Our first thoughts are with the coalition forces that have died during battle, but we must also remember other sides. A lot of German and other forces fought a war they didnt agree with. (sound familiar) and a lot of sons died for an unjust cause. Soldiers who die in battle, regardless of which side deserve respect. Could i do it, i dont know.

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I must admit I found the poem / prayer at the bottom of this very moving.


Hope you do to.


I send this to you all to think for one min about those lost for others.




Thinking of all the





and British Soldiers









































A Prayer chain for our military... Don't break it!

Send this on after a short prayer for our soldiers - Please Don't break it!












The soldier stood and faced God,

Which must always come to pass.

He hoped his shoes were shining,

Just as brightly as his brass.


'Step forward now, you soldier,

How shall I deal with you ?

Have you always turned the other cheek ?

To My Church have you been true?'


The soldier squared his shoulders and said,

'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.

Because those of us who carry guns,

Can't always be a saint.


I've had to work most Sundays,

And at times my talk was tough.

And sometimes I've been violent,

Because the world is awfully rough.


But, I never took a penny,

That wasn't mine to keep...

Though I worked a lot of overtime,

When the bills got just too steep.


And I never passed a cry for help,

Though at times I shook with fear.

And sometimes, God, forgive me,

I've wept unmanly tears.


I know I don't deserve a place,

Among the people here.

They never wanted me around,

Except to calm their fears.


If you've a place for me here, Lord,

It needn't be so grand.

I never expected or had too much,

But if you don't, I'll understand.


There was a silence all around the throne,

Where the saints had often trod.

As the soldier waited quietly,

For the judgment of his God.


'Step forward now, you soldier,

You've borne your burdens well.

Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,

You've done your time in Hell.'


Author Unknown~


It's the Military, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press. It's the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech. It's the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag.


If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation for the military, please pass this on and pray for our men and women who have served and are currently serving our country and pray for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

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All that was asked was one minute to remember those who give their life. These tw*ts could not even offer that they have no respect and i none for them.



It was interesting that on the local Scottish news last night they said that 7 of the Celtic players died

in the first world war, and the only footballer to have won the Victoria Cross was a Celtic player.


I wonder if these idiots knew that.




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They were traveling from Ballykinler army barracks towards Downpatrick on the Ballydougan Road. A granite memorial was placed where they died but every year it's smashed to pieces and has to be rebuilt. Wreaths were laid this morning but by this afternoon they had been burnt.

Yep mate was the same ******* that descertate my brothers grave just for being a responsible father!!!! Sorry for the late reply but i was drunk for 3 days!!!

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