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shotgun certificate


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i have just got into clay pigeon shooting and would like to get my SGC the problem is i have had a few scrapes with the law

2 cautions for common assault 2 years ago

and had a tag for 3 months for section 5 threatening words and behaviour =1.5 years ago

whats the chances of getting my SGC ?

or is it even worth trying with my past

thanks in advance for any replys

Edited by mrbritish1976
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i have just got into clay pigeon shooting and would like to get my SGC the problem is i have had a few scrapes with the law

2 cautions for common assault 2 years ago

and had a tag for 3 months for section 5 threatening words and behaviour =1.5 years ago

whats the chances of getting my SGC ?

or is it even worth trying with my past

thanks in advance for any replys


Wait 5 years at least.

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Unlikely i'm afraid.


Three offences of violence within the last 2 years won't look good. Best thing would be to have a chat with your FEO before going through all the rigmarole of filling in the application.


HOWEVER, i had a caution for ABH and criminal damage and 3 years later i had my SGC. So you never know, it's always worth a try :good:


Good luck

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thanks for all the replys looks like ill have to shoot with a freind for a while .

can i get an interview with my FEO before applying just to see what he thinks as he will have all the details of arrests??.

they sound bad but the 2 common assualts were minor 1 was putting my hand on my exs shoulder and escorting her out my front door

and the second was for throwing a glass of water over someone still classed as assualt.

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Let me be blunt - you can't be trusted with a glass of water. I don't know what planet you landed from this morning, but who in their right mind would give you an SGC? You semi-boast about misdemeanours and then try to minimise them. :angry::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I presume you are a wind-up merchant, but you might not be. I trust in the system enough to know that you have not got a prayer, nor should you, of getting near firearms legally.

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Let me be blunt - you can't be trusted with a glass of water. I don't know what planet you landed from this morning, but who in their right mind would give you an SGC? You semi-boast about misdemeanours and then try to minimise them.


I presume you are a wind-up merchant, but you might not be. I trust in the system enough to know that you have not got a prayer, nor should you, of getting near firearms legally.


in no way was i boasting about my misdemeanours i thouroughly enjoy clay pigeon shooting and have had past experience of firearms obviously if i intend

to carry on clay shooting a SGC is the way to go im not in one way proud of my scrapes with the law as it now seems it will stop me gaining my SGC and buying a gun of my own instead of useing the club hire gun.

all i wanted was everyone who has gone through the prosses,s opinions and by listing my past mistakes make it more viable for people to answer my question.

thank you everyone who answered my question without jumping on the bandwagon and passing judgement about my character, everyone makes mistakes

its a shame my mistakes may cost me more enjoyment from clay shooting.

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When you do decide to actually apply for your SGC, make sure you disclose EVERYTHING. They're gonna find out anyway and, to them, it would like you're trying to cover things up.


Good luck to you pal, chat with your local FEO as they're the 'experts'.

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I agree you would be better to wait put time between you and the offences and when you apply explain it all to your FEO and if your refused you have the right of appeal, basically you will attend interview at police HQ to put your case, if still unsuccessful then its crown court for your appeal.


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Why don't you go and see your FEO for a chat.


Ask his opinion and what your best approach to getting a SGC is and then

follow that.


If you turn up well dressed and can discuss things reasonably with him it might

reduce the time before he'd approve it.


If he says no way then at least you know not to apply and can still shoot with




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Everyone does things they are not proud of in there past, i had a few run ins with the police about 12 years ago when i was young and foolish. This should not bar you from an SGC in the future if they are only minor convictions, i would allow at least 5 years from your last conviction but i would ring or go into your local police firearms department and talk to an FEO they will advice you best. If certain people on this forum had there way only smug Goody Goody idiots would be aloud an SGC thank god the police realise a person can change and become an upstanding member of the community. just because your clean as snow white does not mean your a safe or competant SGC holder. I don't know your exact convictions so i can not judge only thing to do is talk to FEO.

Edited by mike.ginty
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be interesting to know how it goes, personally I'd assume no go at the moment until you've a reasonable time offence free. Usually they work on the logic that if you can loose the plot and get arrested with a glass of water just imagine what you could do with a shotgun

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Quite rightly you will refused for the time being.However,screw the nut,keep a clean slate and prove you can be a responsible person,and it will be a matter of time before you will be ok,d for a sgc.In this day and age,it is challenging enough for clean folks to get issued,and any scrapes at all are frowned upon.Have a word with your officer,keep clean and within 5-10 years you should get one.Personally know a lad with a worse record,was clean for 13 years and was issued one.He was told he had no chance of the f/c,but was deemed ok for a shotgun???

Edited by sako751sg
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I think that Mike Ginty has hit the nail on the head. Everyone does make mistakes at some time and credit should be given to those who do change, but these are so recent - 3 in the last three years - all similar - there is no chance an FEO would ignore them. 5 years might be optimistic, 10 far more realistic.

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You're far too close to the time of conviction for the police to consider it IMO. To me escorting your ex out of the house isn't unreasonable, but chucking a glass of water over someone kind of shows a childish and unstable temper. Having several convictions really doesn't help matters either! Leave it until five years have passed, that is the standard the police will work to.


I have an explosives charge which is filed under the terrorism act. It never goes away. I have a SGC and open FAC, but then I left it 8 years from the date of the offence before I applied. I wrote a long covering letter detailing my past and added it to the application, and I was grilled about it in the interview. It was my only offence which really helped.


If you really want this then keep your nose clean and be patient. If you can manage to hold that temper of yours in the future you should be fine, but don't forget that even when you get it it can be gone in a flash. This kind of thing is a lifetime commitment to being a good boy :angry:

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the glass of water incident was again with the ex who came to my house drunk screaming abuse the water was thrown to calm her down i was the one who called the police to have her escorted away the police were totaly on my side but as i had admited throwing a glass of water it was classed as assult.

all i can do is explain the circumstances and hope the feo agrees im hardly the local maniac who goes round randomly attacking people with my deadly glass of water.

i can see its going to be hard to get as any disturbance will go against me looks like ill have to put of the purchase of the beretta 682 for 10 years or more maybe the price will have gone down nicely by then.

thanks again for everyones help in this matter

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Firstly phone youe local firearms department and tell them where you live and they will tell you your local officer.

Secondly i would highly advise finding yourself better legal representation the next time you get in trouble, if these criminal doings were as minor as you say then you should have gotten a slap on the wrist or nothing should have come of it in the first place not a formal conviction.

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