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advice on aplication fire arms! please


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Hi, i'm apl... for my first fire arms cert... on the form it asks 2 thinks... i need a bit of info...


n20 - maximum amount of ammo you wish to have in your possession at any one time incl expanding ect... :good:?


n21 - maximum amount of ammo to be purchased or acquired at any one time incl expanding ect :good:?


many thanks...

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I would ask for 500 buy and 600 hold.

That way you are going to be using the same batch for as long as possible, and have a better chance of consistency.


You will get expanding automatically (or you should do) if you are applying for use on vermin.



i went for and got 500 buy 600 hold for hmr and 22lr.




i originally put down 1000 buy / 1100 to hold on the form - and was advised by the FLO i should amend it to these exact figures! - (so i did)

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  • 1 month later...
Just an update! many thanks for the help! from the forum members! & just to say i got my F.A.C yesterday!


800 to hold! 600 to buy! Open ticket!

Open ticket on a new FAC application? Are you 100% sure they gave you an open one? Very strange for them to open a new application instantly. Most recommend 18 months ( or at least West Yorks did for us) or good reason to issue an open ticket.


Congrats though. Now comes the expensive part...... :angry:

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Hi, i'm apl... for my first fire arms cert... on the form it asks 2 thinks... i need a bit of info...


n20 - maximum amount of ammo you wish to have in your possession at any one time incl expanding ect... :angry:?


n21 - maximum amount of ammo to be purchased or acquired at any one time incl expanding ect :angry:?


many thanks...

As I only have a centrefire I have buy 100, hold 160 on my FAC. If you are bunny bashing with a rimfire you will want to hold many more.



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yes i think you do, but you're FLO will advise you and help with the finer points, don't worry, they're here to help.

like the gent said, put in for a 1000 to keep and 500 to buy.


I'm guessing Paddy is your FEO. I got the new boy who told me I'd have to wait for my renewal to put in for expanding ammo as I was unlikely to get that on a first application. Luckily the office knew better and confirmed that they put expanding on by default for people applying for vermin.

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"" "" for shooting Vermin, Ground Game and zeroing on ranges, or land deemed suitable by the chief officer of police for the area where the land is situated and over which the holder has lawful authority to shoot.



Its not an open ticket then it's what they call semi open



So, help me out here, why does that wording make it semi open?


I'm struggling to see anything open or semi open about it, that is the normal restricted wording on a first grant!


He can't shoot anywhere unless it has been police checked.


Have I missed something???



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mrgsm: Your FAC says that the police have to assess the land for safety.

IE it is not an "open" cert, which is where YOU are the judge of whether it is safe to shoot over the land.

In all cases though, you have to have permission to shoot on that land..


As for a "semi-open " cert: I have never heard of one of those.



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