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Game Shooting


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im preety sure its because of a long time ago the keepers of estate were made to go to church or wanted to go whatever but when they were away at the service poachers were stealing there birds so its something like well used to be, know one to be seen with or shoot game on a sunday i was once told thats why it started but im not sure now what act and all that it is. i just now you cant game on a sunday

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All quarry taken years ago was game or wildfowl. Game was, as it is now, shot for sport and was preserved for the landowner. Poaching was treated seriously and the penalties severe. When the game laws were made they reflected the fact that sport did not take place on a Sunday.


In our Christian country the Sabbath has always been sacrosanct insomuch as work and sport have never taken place. Hence shops close, factories shut and markets don't open on Sunday (or used to).


Today in many rural areas shops still close, people don't shoot and farmers only feed their stock undertaking no other work.


You would get some very funny looks round here if you went vermin shooting on a Sunday.

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Can anyone explain why Game shooting is not allowed on Sundays?


If it is Law, why, when and who by?



I dont think it is something you need to worry about as from other posts tradition,rules regs and the like are not something you care for or abide by so why ask.

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Thanks for all the attempts to explain it.

I'm not sure from the answers if it is a law or tradition imposed by "The Gentry".



You are obviously unable to contribute anything other than vitriol, perhaps if you were able to take some things with a pinch of salt you might be more normal in your reactions.


The idea of a forum is to glean information from the knowledgeable. Sometimes by introducing a "contraversy" it sparks a more in depth debate.

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Thanks for all the attempts to explain it.

I'm not sure from the answers if it is a law or tradition imposed by "The Gentry".


It may have started as a tradition but it is now law - the Wildlife and Countryside act 1981


In England and Wales no game (including hare) may be shot in any county on any Sunday or on Christmas day.

In Northern Ireland, game, deer, rabbits and pest birds may not be shot on Sundays or on Christmas Day

In Scotland there are no statutory restrictions on the killing of game on Sunday or on Christmas Day although it is not customary to do so (and in parts of Scotland even hanging out your washing on a Sunday will bring disapproving looks)


See the BASC website for full details

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The idea of a forum is to glean information from the knowledgeable. Sometimes by introducing a "contraversy" it sparks a more in depth debate.



why is it a controversy? its a law in the UK been so for donkeys years not going to change and I don't know anyone interested in game shooting who would want it to change. Yes its based on tradition and history but the whole sport is hence the enthusiasts wear appropriate attire, use appropriate guns and follow a certain ettiquette that doesn't include air guns, cammo clothing or blasting them out of trees with pump actions.


The BASC has a pretty indepth guide to game shooting on its website I'd suggest having a look and anything else theres a cracking search engine called google you can type your question in :good:

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There used to be lots of things that weren't even entertained on Sundays - shopping, working and the like. Now Sunday is just another day really and people rarely seem to accept that it is a time to be with family/friends and just taking a day out.


Saying that, I'm working Saturday and Sunday. Guess that makes me a hypocrite! (shift work for ya).

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I did't mean that this was contraversial, I was referring to something that Blackb was alluding to.


Contraversy would be caused if someone ridiculed those that get all ponced up to go shooting.



So you'd turn up in jeans and a West Ham top?



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No, I don't possess a football top of any description and where I live a West Ham shirt would be totally inapropriate.

If you were to invite me to a days "sporting" I would wear my nice tweed jacket with twill trousers and brogues.

I wear dinner jacket for formal dinners, swimming trunks on the beach, a Crombi when it is cold and a Rainman mac when its wet. On site I wear PPE. When I'm in the pub I wear out the elbows of whatever I have on.

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No, I don't possess a football top of any description and where I live a West Ham shirt would be totally inapropriate.

If you were to invite me to a days "sporting" I would wear my nice tweed jacket with twill trousers and brogues.

I wear dinner jacket for formal dinners, swimming trunks on the beach, a Crombi when it is cold and a Rainman mac when its wet. On site I wear PPE. When I'm in the pub I wear out the elbows of whatever I have on.




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That is pretty random, I suppose hence the name. (only joking)

Sunday closing was 2pm, open again at 7pm close at 10.30.


Iremember being in Wales when there was no Sunday opening. That was a great tradition wasn't it!

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It was more to do with the then gentry protecting all game shooting for themselves I suggest. The working man in the 19th C, remember, typically only got one day of a week Sunday. So make shooting on a Sunday illegal…


Also the Game Licence, remember when it came out in the 19tgh C it was probably more than the average monthly wage of a working man!


Do we really want it changed in England? Not so sure, as like in Scotland if it did change I cannot imagine many people queuing up to go shooting on a Sunday. Nor do I think would it necessarily politically a good thing to campaign to have this law revoked, not sure what we would relay gain by it personally



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Sunday is a day off for most people and on days off they pursue their hobbies.

Fishing,gardening, DIY, so why not shooting, whatever the discipline.


Not allowing game shooting is the same as not allowing fly fishing, isn't it?

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I was reading into this the other day. Basically, if you were caught with game on a sunday, you must have been a poacher, as the well-to-do folk were all in church. Store keepers and publicans closed on sundays as well, and this was related to the shooting of game. The local shopkeeper was starting to take in game and to the sell pub. Hence, sunday opening times to coincide with church times.

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