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garden fox


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For the past week we have had a fox coming through our garden trying to get into our neighbours chicken run. I have been putting out 3-4 pigeons bodies every night and each time I have missed the fox until today. It was about 4:30pm when my cats started going mad so I thought I would see what was going on and when I looked out the window there was the fox starting to walk one of the dead pigeon bodies off into the hedge, so I grabbed my .22 Hornet and went upstair and out on to the deck and waited for it to come back for the rest and a few seconds later it came out of the hedge and headed towards the dead birds and stopped just longenough for me to adjust my sight and fire.


It dropped stone dead :hmm:



















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Cheers guys :good:


I went for a walk round my farm today and it looks like we have got 3 or 4 foxes moving in going by all the prints in the snow :yes:


I am shooting tomorrow and most of my time between drives will be spent looking at the ground to see whats about :lol:


Nice fox by the way,where did you hit it,as it looks like it just fell forward as it was walking.

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