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sloe gin


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well i have just had my first taste of home made sloe gin and wow :) it wont be the last even the wife likes it :angry: anyone else tried theirs yet ?


You've let the wife try it :no: :no: :o :o


Tell her that it's high in sugars and will make her bum look big.


Otherwise say goodbye to it.


She won't be able to resist saying to her mates "Have you ever tried sloe gin - it's lovely - have a large one...."


And before you know it you will be making it for only them every year....



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i had a taste of mine yesterday tasting rather good think i am going to bottle one of them tonight leave the other 3 brewing also got sloe brandy sloe whiskey and a sloe vodka think brandy is my new fav tho!


I normally do some sloe gin every year and give several bottles as pressies, this year I have departed from the norm and made Blackberry Vodka, its delicious, very smooth.


here,s the gubbins...


1lb granulated sugar

1lb very ripe Blackberries

1 70cl Bottle cheap Vodka


Put it all in a sterilised demijohn bottle and leave it on the kitchen worktop for a week, everytime you pass give it a shake.

Then store it at the back of the cupboard and try to forget about it lol, until next season starts.


Someone recently told me he makes Strawberry Vodka, now that sounds nice over ice as a summer drink? A change from Pimms what, what, :)


Must be similar to a Daiquiri, I think thats how its spelt :angry:


Cheers and may your flask be forever full :no: Rob.

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i left some for a year and i found it to turn rather thick and a bit harsh tasting , i give mine 3 months now and thats how i like it i never ***** the sloes no more just freeze them for a couple of days then in the demijon sigar straight over then the spirit , they seem to crack then :) saves all that pricking !

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sadly the bushes are getting plundered earlier n earlier every year so alas this year iv non... but i know a man that has n sloe vodka too mmmmm! sloe boozes!


I've had to buy sloes this year - Tried half a dozen tried and tested locations and nothing there - Ended up buying some from Norfolk on fleabay. Downside is they won't be ready til February or March.


However, i have just decanted a gallon of strawberry vodka and will be making the mother of all pavlovas with the steeped fruit!

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