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Gordon Brown


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Your little picture says it all, no doubt your such a Brown fan, hes a raving communist too, just like the rest of NUsame old red Labour.

Actually i'm a Republican. The Political group i'm affiliated with is only a lobby group for now. Why don't you join us http://www.republic.org.uk/


I just believe in a fairer society, and no matter what party (of the two available) that gets elected, will still be a puppet of the banks and big business.


Do you think it's fair that some people are starving and others are paid millions?


As for shooting with a Tory politician, i'd sooner do a days work in a soup kitchen.. i'm fussy with whom I socialise.



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Actually i'm a Republican. The Political group i'm affiliated with is only a lobby group for now. Why don't you join us http://www.republic.org.uk/


I just believe in a fairer society, and no matter what party (of the two available) that gets elected, will still be a puppet of the banks and big business.


Do you think it's fair that some people are starving and others are paid millions?


As for shooting with a Tory politician, i'd sooner do a days work in a soup kitchen.. i'm fussy with whom I socialise.




Sadly, not everyone is born equal, no matter how much you read Marx, or wear red shirts. And accordingly, people live therefore and die unequeally.


The notion of a fair and just society is AMAZING, but all you need to do is look to China, Cuba and a old USSR. All that happens is everone gets less wealthy, none ends up in the middle. And the sooner you realise this, the better, as the idea of socialism/communism is not worth the sodium used to fire the neurones in you brain thinking of it.

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Actually i'm a Republican. The Political group i'm affiliated with is only a lobby group for now. Why don't you join us http://www.republic.org.uk/


I just believe in a fairer society, and no matter what party (of the two available) that gets elected, will still be a puppet of the banks and big business.


Do you think it's fair that some people are starving and others are paid millions?




So my granddad does not deserve to live a comfortable life in a nice house having built our farm from literally nothing coming from a **** area of Hull? he worked hard for his money why should it be taken from him? it is fair to say be my dad and i have had a good start in life but once again my dad hard to work for what he has when the imports of turkey was made easier and the bottom feel out the market almost bankrupting my family but my dad has built up a chicken farm that is thriving.


As for the problem with a fair society is deciding what is fair? now i must add that this is not an attack at you but at the principle that someone who doesn't work should have as fair a life as someone holding down two jobs to try to feed a family? some people so much more from the stare deserve more money from the state but some deserve far less the now where i seem to be agreeing with you is that the system is flawed.



Edited by groach1234
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Sadly, not everyone is born equal, no matter how much you read Marx, or wear red shirts. And accordingly, people live therefore and die unequeally.


The notion of a fair and just society is AMAZING, but all you need to do is look to China, Cuba and a old USSR. All that happens is everone gets less wealthy, none ends up in the middle. And the sooner you realise this, the better, as the idea of socialism/communism is not worth the sodium used to fire the neurones in you brain thinking of it.

Thats like saying, it's not worth fixing something because the last guy failed. No the problem is GREED, every politician claims to want to do good, until he gets into the big building on the thames. Being a politician in the uk can make you a millionaire, if you suck up to the rich.



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So my granddad does not deserve to live a comfortable life in a nice house having built our farm from literally nothing coming from a **** area of Hull? he worked hard for his money why should it be taken from him? it is fair to say be my dad and i have had a good start in life but once again my dad hard to



Nope I never said nor thought that, self made men are not like DC. I'm not going to listen to DC, he is probably one of the most privileged men in the uk. You think he's going to help the little man?




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Thats like saying, it's not worth fixing something because the last guy failed. No the problem is GREED, every politician claims to want to do good, until he gets into the big building on the thames. Being a politician in the uk can make you a millionaire, if you suck up to the rich.




And I hope if you ever become an MP, you suck up to the rich capitalist pig-dogs and spread the wealth you get out across the poor workers slaving away for the evil money-making, hard working, suit-wearing scum


I'm done arguing a point on which Yourself and I will never move :good:

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And I hope if you ever become an MP, you suck up to the rich capitalist pig-dogs and spread the wealth you get out across the poor workers slaving away for the evil money-making, hard working, suit-wearing scum


I'm done arguing a point on which Yourself and I will never move :good:

Politics is not for me Libs, i'm too honest.


Have a good night..



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Everyone calls Gordon an idiot, but after being handed a country with a burning state of affairs, and at war!..people cant say that they would have done better at one of the most difficult jobs in the world :good:


I hear Cameron wants to appeal the fox hunting stuff?



Edited by stevethevanman
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thats one of the more sensible replies but could you make it his groin rather than armpit :good:


Theres only one leader who participates in fieldsports, though he has had a priviledged upbringing so what at least he's well educated and literate. Unlike the one eyed idiot thats in control at the moment. I found this interesting when it came out and really showed a very similar situation to the one we're in at the moment. massive public spending under a labour government bankrupting the country and proper action to turn it round.




heres hoping DC can do the same, really if you can't be ***** to vote all you're doing is not voting against Gordon and thats as bad as a vote for him

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thats one of the more sensible replies but could you make it his groin rather than armpit :good:


Theres only one leader who participates in fieldsports, though he has had a priviledged upbringing so what at least he's well educated and literate. Unlike the one eyed idiot thats in control at the moment. I found this interesting when it came out and really showed a very similar situation to the one we're in at the moment. massive public spending under a labour government bankrupting the country and proper action to turn it round.




heres hoping DC can do the same, really if you can't be ***** to vote all you're doing is not voting against Gordon and thats as bad as a vote for him



educated and literate? you make the assumption as do most who think themselves "educated" that this automatically translates to "intelligent" believe me I have met my share of very well educated idiots.



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It is pointless voting for what you want, you will never get it from any of them.

All you can do is vote against what you don't want.

I think we should have reverse voting, casting votes for who we least want, the the one with the lowest number of votes winning.

Edited by rjimmer
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As usual Labour has wasted our wealth, built up a unimaginable national debt, taxed just about anything and everything to the hilt (mostly by stealth), introduced uncontrolled immigration, done nothing about law and order, handed over much of our power to Europe (against our wishes), introduced the disastrous Human Rights Act, created an underclass of benefit dependants, scroungers and thieves, massively increased the number on the national payrole da de da de da..........the list goes on and on.


And Brown has been involved in just about all of it :hmm:


The Conservatives will come along, be thought of as the bad boys for introducing tough but necessary measures to put it all right and so the vicious circle goes on...... :good:

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Thats like saying, it's not worth fixing something because the last guy failed. No the problem is GREED, every politician claims to want to do good, until he gets into the big building on the thames. Being a politician in the uk can make you a millionaire, if you suck up to the rich.




Sadly that is the same whatever country you're in - look at the USSR where following your implied edict they puy the "toffs" against the wall, In a blink of the eye they replaced them with another group called "Party Members" , in most cases you could only join if your farther was a member, and it still goes on.


So no more **** about egalitarian society - they are still all in it for thier on group only, it's just that some groups reduce the number of "hangers on" sorry party members we have to support with tax



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As usual Labour has wasted our wealth, built up a unimaginable national debt, taxed just about anything and everything to the hilt (mostly by stealth), introduced uncontrolled immigration, done nothing about law and order, handed over much of our power to Europe (against our wishes), introduced the disastrous Human Rights Act, created an underclass of benefit dependants, scroungers and thieves, massively increased the number on the national payrole da de da de da..........the list goes on and on.


And Brown has been involved in just about all of it <_<


The Conservatives will come along, be thought of as the bad boys for introducing tough but necessary measures to put it all right and so the vicious circle goes on...... :good:




It makes me laugh when people say Brown isn't responsible for the mess left to him by Blair, they were in it together and as for finance sheesh. He was a terrible chancellor then and is an even worse Prime Minister now.


I don't know what it is about the man but I simply can't stand him. The fact he couldn't organise a **** up in a brewery doesn't do him any favours which is only mirrored by his failure as a Prime Minister.


But what really worries most about Labour and our current Political Moron Prime Minister, is that some of us still think he has what it takes to get this country back on its feet.


The fact they brought it to it's knee's in the first place well, I am truly bewildered.

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As usual Labour has wasted our wealth, built up a unimaginable national debt, taxed just about anything and everything to the hilt (mostly by stealth), introduced uncontrolled immigration, done nothing about law and order, handed over much of our power to Europe (against our wishes), introduced the disastrous Human Rights Act, created an underclass of benefit dependants, scroungers and thieves, massively increased the number on the national payrole da de da de da..........the list goes on and on.


And Brown has been involved in just about all of it :hmm:


The Conservatives will come along, be thought of as the bad boys for introducing tough but necessary measures to put it all right and so the vicious circle goes on...... :good:



lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story eh! the cons are just that con men no worse no better than the nanny state left we have now,


so lets have it benefit society stared and encouraged by that old crow thatcher she positively encouraged the unemployed to go on benefit, as it massaged the unemployment figures.


immigration the cons love it as uncontrolled unskilled and illegal workers keep wage costs down (ask any farmer)


the European union and our loss of powers of self governance, entered into with open arms by the cons, and as soon as he thought he may actually get in power the withdrawal of the promise of a referendum sworn upon by hug a hoodie David Cameron/Blair.


the cons or labour not fag paper between them they wont get my vote but UKIP will



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