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Man beaton up for shootin cormorants

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Hi everyone.


Well just wondered if anyone else had seen the article in this months BASC magazine about the fishery bloke being beat up for shooting the cormorant. (He had a license to cull 4 a year as they were hammering the stock)


Could you have held your temper? What would of been the implications if he'd retaliated?

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Exactly my thoughts. You have to be so careful when you have a SGC and/or FAC etc as they will easily take it away from you and mine is worth more to me than my life in some respects.


Even if someone was punchin me when i was in the right i would run rather than fight cos things can easily get twisted.


I reckon there will of been similar circumstances/ events where innocent shooters lost their guns because they defended themselves. :good:

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I enjoy my shooting but at the end of the day my well being is more important, if someone was intent on doing me harm the gun would get laid down empty and i'd be on the offensive/defensive...if it came to court and i was procecuted for protecting myself then so be it, at the end of the day the guy could have been killed....no cert is worth that for trying not to protect yourself!

Edited by gixer1
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I enjoy my shooting but at the end of the day my well being is more important, if someone was intent on doing me harm the gun would get laid down empty and i'd be on the offensive/defensive...if it came to court and i was procecuted for protecting myself then so be it, at the end of the day the guy could have been killed....no cert is worth that for trying not to protect yourself!



you'd be fine in that case, i think people are thinking could you have used the firearm in self defence . I'm guessing the guy who did the assault knew he had the upper hand as lets face it if the guy was bigger than him would he have started it.

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I notice in the article the guy who was attacked said a name for the attacker had been suggested(Pity help him if it becomes public knowledge I would have thought).I hope BASC both push for intense police enquiry into this case & let us know the outcome.This case although very serious could have been even worse.

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yup thats about it, self defence is very difficult when you've got a shotgun with you. Plus I'm guessing from the pasting he got that there was a decent size difference between them!



I would have thought that self decence when you have a shotgun with you was easy. Unless you had to post on here asking what cartridge to use.

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As an Angler I am very aware of how cormorants are decimating rivers. On the Thames they are plotted up every 20 mtres. They've been takin the small and young fish for years so there are no fish reaching maturity.

As far as being beaten up goes you take your chances every day nowadays.

Attack is the best form of defence. Make sure you hurt with as little visible damage as possible.

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