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Poachers with dogs

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when i worked at sheffield uni renovating it one of the labourers was one of those idiots :unsure: :blush:


he had photo's of his lurcher cross bull dogs with there noses missing,he was a complete ****,they had no respect for anyone if they couldnt get in to fields they used to rip the gates off.


if your dealing with people like him i would stay clear and hope the police can catch them

Edited by pegleg31
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Unfortunately i suffer with these boys as well most of the lads that turn up on mine are Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travelers. I have found the police no good unless you say you think they have a firearm as well with them then you get some response. other wise meet fire with fire have a few lads you can call on when they are there and dont back down with them but remember you will be the one that is nicked if the police turn up not them as the police are scared of them it would seem. last year i was beaten up by them twice by comfronting them on my own but both times one has gone away bleeding as well so happy days. I have also had my truck set fire to on the same land so you no what you are dealing with. I also have shot three long dogs last year as we have sheep and they were chaseing them its a shame as its not the dogs fault trust me they dont like that. But remember you can only do that if you have live stock that is being pestered. I have found that if you put a few cats eyes on posts around the place they soon get bored sending the dogs on fauls runs if they are coming at night. also you can make some home made stingers to go in gate ways s o they do there tyresas long as you remember they are there. The trouble is they know where you are 360 days a year but you dont know where they live.

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If you want to sort it once and for all you have to be worse than them. Personally I go out and get registrations etc after calling the police and then leave it to them to deal with.


I do know of a few instances where the person being threatened has been hospitalised so it is risky, it depends on your outlook really.


I also know of a few instances where the person with the problem went on the offensive and they now are left well alone.


If they are across the fields on foot then find their car and stick a knife in each tyre, this will give the police time to get there. Don't hang about though and it could mean recriminations in your or your farmers direction, so be sure that is a risk you are willing to take.


There are other ways but I thought better of putting it on a forum for all to read.

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Fortune82 as you can see from the replies these type of people dont understand maners. Be verey carefull with your actions as they wont back down easely if your not the type to get stuck in physically and you do have to remember your license is at risk if you get caught doing this try talking to your local police wild life officer and see if they can help

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A guy i know, after confronting poachers had his dog kennel torched with his three dogs in there one night.. Unless you can keep your identity hidden from these pondlifes then i wouldnt bother.. Because theyre outside the law, they wont think twice about killing you, your dogs or your family..


A very good friend who used to farm on the same estate that my dad was a keeper had a knock at the door at 0600 one morning by a guy covered head to toe in mud, he and his two friends plus long dogs had got stuck in a field, they wanted a tow out by his tractor. Lad went and pulled them out, txted us to say what he was doing.. He put a chain around the front wheel and made sure they had a jerky retrieve. He left them on the main road with a ****** car and covered in mud... Police came and found them, did nothing, same old story, but funny to see three lads covered in mud, freezing on the side of the road with one seriously wonky wheel!!

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Remember the police cannot arrest for trespass so unless there has been another crime committed, such as criminal damage (which you can prove was them), there is little they can do.


Frustrating but that's the way it is - and the ******* know it.

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I'd be tempted to follow them home so you know where they're at too. If they're in a caravan somewhere then you're screwed but if they have a house with a wife and kids you can afford to play a little tougher with them. If they know that you've got info on the people close to them they're less likely to push you to breaking point <_<


If you can't trace them I don't know what I'd do. It's really not worth risking everything you have for the sake of a few Hares or birds. You've got to either leave them be and let the police deal with it or feed them to the pigs, and is the latter really worth it?

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A mate of mine has a bloody good way of getting rid of them at night. He went to a local disco sales shop and bought a blue fuzz light and connected an adaptor so it can be plugged into his cigarette lighter in his landy. Now when he sees their lamp shining round he gets to a good vantage point where they will see him in the distance and plugs it in. You see how quick the lamp goes off and how quick the pick up leaves the field <_<

I expect you could get a cheap fuzz light on ebay or somewhere on the net

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i dont know about anyone else, but im not one to lie down and let people walk over me. had a similar problem a few years back with scum shooting around our house on our land, not much fun having a search beam shone through the bedroom window at 1am and hearing a few gunshots. after they threatened to shoot me one night i rang the police, got the usual "cant do anything unless we know who they are routine" and had to sort it myself. after a few incidents they soon wised up, they were still about the area but never went near our land, and anytime they drove up the road past our house all the lighton the vehicles were turned off <_<

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Ring the cops then get out and get some evidence, I.E. you need to watch the dogs run on live quarry and get a vehicle registration number. If you have this there's no excuse for them not being dealt with and you should complain in writing if they are just moved on. Your complaint will be acted on, and its all good education. They dont like the cops turning up and will eventually stop coming.

If you aren't keen on playing war games dont confront them, or make sure you've got plenty of reliable back up if you do and be prepared for a re visit. If you start shooting the dogs you will definately start getting serious problems

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Its up there with the question of how to deal with people breaking into your house.. I personally know what route i would take if i found an intruder in my house.. i wouldnt be calling the police and i would be escorting the little ***** off my property in a carpet! Its about time that our government started giving the innocent parties a bit more backing..


As for poachers, frustrating yes, but as has been said, it could be a risky business taking them on..


We did have a local plod get in contact about 8 years ago and saying to stay clear of poachers on our land with a couple of springers and hawks flushing partridges and the likes.. They said it was a gang member who had got into falconry and went wherever he like with his possies. The gang was 'not to be approached'


Luckily we never saw them...

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Forget the Police in this game. They don't care. If they did turn up the other lot will be well gone.I grew up with people who were serious poachers. Not my choice simply was. If cornered they can scrap. But...we need to work out who is who in this game. The lot I knew, still do, would not raise a hand to the law. That's wrong. Never raise a hand to the uniform. If you got caught, then you did-old school. However, there is a new school, involving our foriegn cousins. Who knows what they are capable of.

The Pabs-Gypsies...well they have always hunted for food. Proper Gipsy I mean, man with a family and offers a service to the community as they pass through. Sharpening tools, brushes, farm work...whatever. Fella showed me how to cook hedgehog once. Tasted good. Old country people and I for one could not deny them a few rabbits...no.


All the advice above is sound...basically, don't confront them, until there are more of you than them. Simple really.


My credentials? I was a river baillif west coast of Eire-Connemara for 7 yrs. We had many salmon and sea trout. Some people took a meal...

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we've got one at the moment the problem occurs each time he gets out of prison. This character goes down each time when the police catch him eventually as he sets into them. So not the character who you want to be approaching in the dark. Forget nail boards etc its a bloody stupid idea to suggest as you know it won't affect the poachers but someone walking their dog or someone on a horse <_<


If they are coming in by vehicle all you can do is try and keep them out, we've had a lot of ditches dug round us for this with field gateways gated and locked. Byways can be stopped up with large tree trunks but you need the landowners help with this and he will be the one who has to move them if the council get the hump. Other options are to get the numbers and keep reporting the plate if its legit they do have powers to seize vehicles after they've been reported a few times being used for crimes. Other than that the only people I've known who have been successful at the confrontation game have been keepers who went further than the ****** did, if you act psycotic enough they won't come back but you do need a bit of a screw loose to do so

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get the marine farmer to give them a tune-up if the police dont do anything! my dad shot at a lurcher to stop it chasing sheep while they were busy snapping a holly tree up on our field to sell at christmas, he deliberatley didnt shoot to kill and the dog soon stopped, however they threatned to come back and shoot all our sheep dogs....

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