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A morning full of supprises


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Good photographs. the fox seems to be looking straight at the herd of deer, but the deer to his left is gazing at him.


The young male deer did walk towards the fox just after i took the pic , but it seemed more curious of it than anything , the fox was gone in seconds anyway & the deer carried on watching me watching them :hmm:

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Nice pics, what camera and lens were you using


I used a canon 1000d & a 55/250 Canon lens for these pics , the lens & body are quite light as well which is nice , not having particularly big hands , so its easy to operate

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Compliments on the photos, the last of teh fox in the brambles is very good.

I spotted foxy in the deer straight away, also a pretty awesome shot.

Hats off! :unsure:


I really dont know how i got that pic of the eox sat down as the lens kept focusing on the thin twigs & i had one in focus nano second to click & i got 2 pics before it shot off :unsure: thank god there wasnt a buffer lag as it was the second pic :blink:


Just lucky i guess , but i have a stoat & a kingfisher in my sights & i will get them between spitting venum & cussing :lol:

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