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Northern Ireland FAC waiting times - anything we can do?

Ozzy Fudd

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finally got the forms posted off for my .17hmr yesterday, so now im settling down for a (supposed) 6 month wait. but its started me thinking a bit, that our fac waiting periods are a bit of a joke. when i got my first licence it took 9 months from i applied til the licence came through the door, and that was with the feo helping me as much as possible. then when i swapped one .22lr for another i was told it would take about 4 weeks, i finally got the licence back after about 14 weeks :unsure: the only times ive been dealt with quickly were, firstly, when i moved address, and secondly when i applied for the eu gun licence (had it within 2 weeks). over a year ago i heard stories that they had really speeded up the applications process (a friend bought a glock 17 and had the licence back before the gun had left germany), but things seem to be worse than ever.


so this started me thinking, is there anything that can be done? i dont mean ringing up lisnasharragh and having a go, but are the shooting organisations (BASC, CA, etc) doing anything to try and speed things up a bit? and is there anything that we can do, as individual shooters, such as getting in touch with our local mla's, etc?


i know that our security situation here means that our licencing system will never be as relaxed as the mainland (but we still get pistols, so na na nana na!! :blink:) but surely there must be something that can be done - apart from the fact that it prevents alot of people getting involved in shooting as they dont want to wait so long for their first gun, its also a bit of a pain for existing fac holders - if im deemed fit to own 2 12ga shotguns and a .22lr already, why should i have to wait 6 months to be allowed a 2nd rimfire? :blush:


ps i know weve talked a bit about this before, but things seem to be worse than ever now so thought id post it up and get right to the point :angry:

Edited by babbyc1000
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basically have been told as there are roughly 250,000 legal firearms reg for our small population......they recon thats way above average and that by doing things slowly this will affect ppl wanting to apply / change etc......no one wants to wait 6mths plus for new application so only the hardy few will thus keeping the numbers down.....ie go to the game fair try clay shooting enjoy it only to be told thats it for at least 6mths.....who wd wait!!!!!!

guess our past will always keep things tight......not that that ever stoped the guns coming in....lol but when u cant catch the crims its just easier to annoy we legal shooters,,,,,,,,,,,

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I have to wait at least 3 months before I can get my fac sorted and away, and then have to entail a 9 month wait. Who knows, I might have it for christmas :angry:

I'm sorry, but if I'm deemed safe enough to use a semi auto 5.56 rifle under supervision (albeit on military ranges) then why can't I participate in clay pigeon shooting? The issue was raised in the latest BASC magazine, page 10 (that's me at the top of the page). Next time the English/Scottish/Welsh are complaining about their firearms laws and precedings, please take a second to think of the short end of the stick that we have to put up with. Robert has added a valid point about how we are still technically able to own handguns, although the government would really rather that we didn't.


I would also like to address to those of the mainland another significant hurdle over here, by asking this. How many of you started out shooting through the use of an air rifle, whether it be your fathers, a relatives or your own? Over here, ALL air guns capable of exerting a power of more than 1 Joule of energy (about 1.5 ft lbs) are subject to firearms laws and regulations. As a result, I do not know anyone who owns one.


(btw rob, I have an uncle who is high up in one of the major political parties, but he's a bird watcher :unsure: )

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I have to wait at least 3 months before I can get my fac sorted and away, and then have to entail a 9 month wait. Who knows, I might have it for christmas :angry:

I'm sorry, but if I'm deemed safe enough to use a semi auto 5.56 rifle under supervision (albeit on military ranges) then why can't I participate in clay pigeon shooting? The issue was raised in the latest BASC magazine, page 10 (that's me at the top of the page). Next time the English/Scottish/Welsh are complaining about their firearms laws and precedings, please take a second to think of the short end of the stick that we have to put up with. Robert has added a valid point about how we are still technically able to own handguns, although the government would really rather that we didn't.


I would also like to address to those of the mainland another significant hurdle over here, by asking this. How many of you started out shooting through the use of an air rifle, whether it be your fathers, a relatives or your own? Over here, ALL air guns capable of exerting a power of more than 1 Joule of energy (about 1.5 ft lbs) are subject to firearms laws and regulations. As a result, I do not know anyone who owns one.


(btw rob, I have an uncle who is high up in one of the major political parties, but he's a bird watcher :unsure: )


well tell him we need the guns to protect the birds from foxes... :blink:


valid point, i know a couple of people with air rifles, but again, not many (and you mentioning that has just reminded me i was gonna buy a cheap springer as well and send it all off on the one application... :blush:)

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Was just talking about this same issue earlier, when you have civil servants dealing with FAC's it's always going to be slow as they need to go and lie in the dark room every half hour as they are feeling stressed. My way of thinking should be once a person is deemed responsible enough to own one gun, i think they should be deemed responsible to own what they need and that they can store securely within reason. Perhaps we should be brought into line with the mainland and issue seperate permits for shotguns and rifles.

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basically have been told as there are roughly 250,000 legal firearms reg for our small population......they recon thats way above average


just wondering, how many of those are ppw's? plus i always reckoned that because of the higher proportion of people with police/military service we have then of course we'll have more registered shooters, never mind the fact that were still quite a rural country :unsure:

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personal protection weapons are being refused to be renewed for some folk. what a mistake that is?they have n`t gone away you know :unsure:


did i tell you what happened when i went to the cops after the mod lost all my personal details on a laptop? (several laptops in fact...)


i was handed a nice wee booklet, advising me (among many things) to check who's at the door before i open it, to vary my movements, and to possibly get a dog :angry:


ah well, getting a bit off topic here, i pm'd david basc earlier (though i know he's a bit busy at mo) to see what basc ni where doing, would it be any use if someone contacted the ca, etc?

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personal protection weapons are being refused to be renewed for some folk. what a mistake that is?they have n`t gone away you know :unsure:

I've a good friend who has had to hand back his ppw, and he lives in area with a high percentage of cira/real ira thugs! and i would class him as someone who would need ppw!!

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OK so 'THEY' haven't gone away. Whos they? Are you referring to ALL paramilitary groups? I'd say the majority of firearms over here are ppw's. I'd imagine most people who have one would have done some serious bluffing to acquire it. Blowing their situation out of proportion to make it seem as if they were somebody special. It pi*ses me off to see these people ruining it for genuine shooters. If ppw's were limited to people who ACTUALLY needed them, our FAC's and renewals would come back a lot quicker I'm sure.


It seems as if we are second class citizens over here. Fair enough I understand the effect the troubles have had, but why should we, as well as our sport, suffer because of some stupid legislation? As mentioned above, anyone wishing to get into the sport of shooting would most likely be immediately put off by the waiting times. Some people I know have had initial FAC's granted within 2 weeks, and variations in one week. All because they know somebody who knows somebody. The common shooter over here hasn't got a leg to stand on at the minute. I wonder will the devolution of policing and justice have any effect on this? If it ever happens

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Dancake does it really matter who THEY are? Also do you actually believe, people seriously bluff to get a ppw so as to make themselves feel more important, personally I think not. All of those who I knew that had to carry them certainly needed them but felt them to be a curse, encumbrance and a nuisance. Really it pi*ses me off to read stupid remarks like yours.

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anyone i know who has a ppw needed it because they were a target, as we all know you cant rely on the police too much in those situations :unsure:


anyway, getting back on track (as i dont want this turning into a row and the thread getting closed) ollie just posted a thread saying after 2 weeks he hasnt even got his receipt letter back, thats a bit ridiculous - if that was england he'd probably have his full licence and all by now!


im going to email a couple of my local mla's this week and see what they have to say about the situation, anyone else fancy doing the same?

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Babby, I am with you on the contacting of MLA's re this issue. I certainly will be contacting my two local MLA's. Let's see what the responses are. Could I suggest to all not to send a 'template letter' too these people but compose your own personal message ( possibly use a standard letter to give you an idea of what to include ).

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