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Corvid Bashing


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Hey guys, on our pheasant shoot the corvids have been attending the pheasant feeders and being a pain in the a*s, so noticed a field of potatoes there were attending so I set up a few deeks for a couple of hours earlier. Not a big bag but accounted for 2 grey crows, 2 magpies and 6 jackdaws.




So went home and got a bit of lunch and headed to a small wood for a spot of roost shooting, again not a big bag shot 3 rooks (3rd rook not shown as lost it in briars) & 2 pigeons.




Anyway an enjoyable day getting rid of some corvids and also a couple of pigeons for the pot.

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Well done and nice gun if I do say so myself, but I am a proud owner of one. :blink:

They are amazing mate, I don't even take my O/U out anymore. Don't think I will ever have another semi-auto in my life. Mine is 28" though, but I prefer that for the rough shooting.

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good result ollie, i had planned a bit of roost shooting this evening fired 1 shot and then had sum humpy old *** land up with me shouting the odds just a know all even though i had permission and told him this there was no reasoning with him he just knew it all and at 1 stage he claimed he had the rights to these trees and the worst thing was he used to be a shooting man , i just unloaded the gun and left and went to see the farmer who wasnt pleased and said he will be going to see the old *** as he knew who it was and told me next time to shoot him instead of pigeons :yes:<_< it turned out that the old *** was in these clump of trees sawing down fir trees for burning

Edited by monkeyboots
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good result ollie, i had planned a bit of roost shooting this evening fired 1 shot and then had sum humpy old *** land up with me shouting the odds just a know all even though i had permission and told him this there was no reasoning with him he just knew it all and at 1 stage he claimed he had the rights to these trees and the worst thing was he used to be a shooting man , i just unloaded the gun and left and went to see the farmer who wasnt pleased and said he will be going to see the old *** as he knew who it was and told me next time to shoot him instead of pigeons :yes:<_< it turned out that the old *** was in these clump of trees sawing down fir trees for burning

Thats not good mate. Did you see the piece in the rod & gun in the news letter today that my uncle wrote?

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