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new permission-rats


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Hi folks, need a little help here. By a complete fluke I have permission to shoot rats at nearby stables. Not a huge yard 10 horses. A very remote area high in the Cotswolds. I have a .22 Airwolf with a 1.5-5x20 wtc on top. Or could use HW95 .22 V-Mach internals. I will be allowed to go when I wish.

I have not shot rats for years. What is the best approach? Night I guess with a light on top. Which light :unsure: Filter or not? dimmer thing? Bait?

Give me your thoughts please.


Cheers Chris

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We go rat shooting around a pig farm and what I find is you don't have long to shoot once you spot one in the lamp, they soon vanish. We scan around quickly normally with a red lens only having the light on for a couple of seconds. When we see one the shooter points the gun somewhere near where it was, then the lamper flicks the light back on and crack, dead rat (sometimes) :lol:

We use chocolate spread if we use bait they love it.

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i used to shoot rats at a stables - I found that they were very used to lights and people so had no need for a lamp or high mag scope. Have a walk around without your rifle to get an idea of how they behave - day and night as mine were nearly as busy during the day as they were at night!!


In the end I baited lit areas of the stables and picked them off or shot them as they moved along their runs. In the end I had 6 or 7 different hiding places and just rotated around them over an outing.


choc spread or blended cat food works brill. ratting was what I loved most with my air rifle fast action and challenging :good:

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The wtc scope is perfect for ratting as it focus's close up. I.ve found turning the lamp down till you can just see their eyes reflecting then turn up till you can just see the head works. The white light seams to scare them but you can still get them if you'r quick. I've never baited for them as where we shoot we just walk round in a circuit quietly there's that many of them.

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I don't see any issue with the likes of a 1.5-5 scope for ratting, problem is the tube size, but with a half decent lamp and 20-25 yard shooting I still don't see much of an issue, except I would be guessing the scope is "cheap" and hardly the best glass.


So, as said, perhaps consider something like a 3-9x50.


Bait can certainly help, frankly almost anything smelly for the rat, the cheapest cat/dog food you can find, they also love chocolate!


Check out their runs and bait regularly, at the same time, small amounts, in the same place, they learn and will be around when you want them eventually that way! Rats gorge and will stop and eat the lot, so sit and wait, and watch the wind, they are not stupid, they have been around a long time!


Another problem is they are neophobic (Fear of anything new) so it can take time for them to accept new things, even food sometimes, so baiting can be a long process!!


Is this "fun" or are you working pest control, because you will have about as much chance shooting them all as I would winning the Euro lottery!


Consider getting in some Rodent monitors and baiting with Difenacoun or Bromadiolone, you will likely be wasting your time with Warfarin!




And..if you do get any, make sure you have disposable gloves and a good plastic bag you can seal them in, Leptospirosis is no fun!!!

Edited by Dekers
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Thanks for your reply Dekers. There were several things you mentioned I had not considered. It would be 'fun' for me not professional. The scope is far from cheap and the quality is well known-take a look through one and you will see. :)

Edited by christy
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Thanks for your reply Dekers. There were several things you mentioned I had not considered. It would be 'fun' for me not professional. The scope is far from cheap and the quality is well known-take a look through one and you will see. :good:



Fair comment...I missed the WTC bit, I wouldn't be in any rush to replace it then, take a look round the shooting area with a lamp and see how it performs!! :)

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Better still go on

flea bay and look for superfire torches,they are from japan and he supplies then with a laser and mounts to fit both to your scope.

As mentioned by the time you lift the gun they are of,with the laser attached and lamp on it enables you to shoot from the hip once the laser has been zeroed for your given range.

My best head count being 45 rats in 35 minutes using this set up on my Harrier (single shot),the rats soon learn mind that the red dot means death and if you shoot 4 or 5 in the same area the next one you put the laser on starts screaming and freezes.


The main thing to remember is that you need to well aware of your zeroed range as the laser is true and as such very accurate at the zeroed range but easily misjudged.

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