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Just wonderin..


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Saw it on Sky the other night. It's good but I didn't think it was unforgettable or anything... I would recommend anyone to watch it though.


The rest of the Oscar nominated ones must have been pretty mediocre, but who gives a toss anyway.


It's just another mutual back-slapping farce like all the other 'luvvie' awards these days. :rolleyes:





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Yes, I got it on DVD.


Good film, but I think they bigged it up too much. Good but not that good.


I saw it described as the best war film ever, and other such old cock :rolleyes:




I really enjoyed it but then i never heard any hype about it.


The odd bit was the scene with what i can only assume is SAS types, America saves the day with a sniper rifle he couldn't shoot one minute then gets a running head shot the next.

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It's a good film, but I think it looses it's connection with reality after a while.


The first thing that ****** me off was how the SAS all got slaughtered. That was then followed by the fellow SAS being massive wimps and not doing or saying anything, untill they just suddenly get cut from the scene all together.

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