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heads up - dodgy characters in mid/south armagh

Ozzy Fudd

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yes, i know, it describes most of the population, but i know theres a couple of guys on here from this area who might want to keep an eye out.


long story but when i was out shooting today there was a metallic blue 4x4 with a chrome grill acting very suspiciously in the area, not sure of the make but they had a yellow dealer sticker on the back saying "arnold clark" and had an english reg (pm if you need it), 3 guys in it who looked like theyd be more at home on the set of trainspotting than in the countryside :blush:


as i said acting very suspiciously



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well, they are odd, in an inbred sort of way :blush::D


these guys were odd in a shifty/gyppo/"scoping the place out, driving up and down the same road (ie deserted hardly used lane) over a dozen times in an hour, with different numbers of guys in the jeep everytime, stopping every so often to make phone calls..." sort of odd :look:

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is it a known gay hang out?


hmm dont know, but i dont think it was anything like that, its a long story but ok


me and another pw member were out shooting, went around most of the places i shoot and ended up at my uncles place, a mile or so out of town. we parked the car in a layby used to store round bales, about 50 yards from the entrance to the field - layby is a bit of an overstatement, its about 30ft wide and 15 ft deep, part of an old yard with a small disused shed at the side. now the road/lane we were on is hardly used, its about 1mile (ish) long and only has two houses and a farm yard on it, yard roughly at the middle and one house at each end of the road. we were getting out of the car and getting ready to head into the field when the 4x4 drove past, as i said it stuck in mymind due to the type of car (not a farmer type jeep) and due to the fact the guys looked totally out of place.


it was strange, but we werent far out of town so thought someone was out spinning about in their new jeep. but 5 mins later it drove past us again with only the driver in it. then it drove past again in the opposite direction with two guys in it. then when we were over the fields 15 mins later i saw it stopping at the layby and reversing in beside our car. we made our way back to the lane, but instead of walking up to the gate (which would mean us passing in front of the layby) we jumped the fence so the guys wouldnt see us, then walked up the lane and walked into the layby (the hedges are quite high so they wouldnt have seen us. the guy in the passenger seat was looking like he was ******* imself, the driver was on the phone. spoke to the passenger on my way past to see what accent he had (work out if he was a gyppo) but he had a northern accent, defo not a gyppo, so we went to our car. as soon as we did they took off up the road! i thought something was very strange now, checked the car to make sure all was ok, then i walked up to the farm yard to let the farmer know something was up. steve was to drive up to the entrance to the yard and wait on me. told the farmer (who has had stuff stolen lately) and warned him what was happening, he'd seen the guys but hadnt thought much so he started moving his machinery. i walked down to the entrance to steve (just as the jeep drove past him again) and he told me that after i left the jeep drove up the lane from the opposite direction i walked off in, slammed the brakes on in front of him when he was parked, and reversed in beside him with two guys in it :blush: luckily he drove off before anything happened. we took a bit of a drive down the lane then ourselves, found the jeep reversed into another gateway, driver talking on the phone and only himself in the jeep. i tried to phone a few mates to see if they had any idea who the guys were, couldnt get any answer so we drove on, when we checked half an hour later they were gone.


not sure what they were at but as i said very suspicious :look:

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Forces keeping you bog trotters safe B)


all the best yis yp :look:




if they were forces they would have more sense than to be driving around in a jeep with an english reg, and im sure when i came walking round the corner in camo gear carrying a mossberg there would have been a bit more activity than the passenger looking a bit pale! :blush: on top of that these guys did not look forces, as i said earlier think of the cast of trainspotting and youre pretty close!


anyway, sure theres no forces here at the moment, that silver agusta 109 thats been flying about is probably only for a civilian survey team or something... :D

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One question i will ask you, take a away the irish bogtrotters and how do you think the 1st world war would really have gone??


there wouldnt have been a second world war, thats for sure...


anyway this was only a heads up, i know theres a couple of guys on here from the area, so keep an eye out :blush:

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See them again, take the reg no and report it to PSNI - can do no harm - Arnold Clark is a big car dealer in the west of Scotland - mainly seem to supply little cars which are driven up the A77 or A75 in Scotland at a annoyingly slow speeds.


However, it is conspicuous to have a car with English/Scottish plates in NI and near the border. Any chance they could be looking for sites for windfarms/telecom masts?


Tell all your friends and get the number to PSNI if still in doubt. Could be special forces but most unlikely and they would almost certainly had NI reg plates on the vehicle.



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because the numbers in the jeep changing i would say that some are getting out to look for something... had this where i used to walk my dogs and found out the local drug dealer had his stash hidden there..... they got a bit jittery when they saw me spending too much time in the vacinity...just a thought :lol:

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probably members of the local dirty boys club out for some dogging. special forces are long gone and not stupid enough make themselves noticed.


:blink: :lol: but youre right, they wouldnt have been driving around in a metallic blue/chrome ford maverick with scottish plates, these guys defo didnt look like spec forces, plus they would have lifted off as soon as they saw us about :blink:


pscould be dealers, ill be up there a good bit more from now on (rabbit season) so we'll see what happens :/


ps al those are usually gyppo's you have over at the hares, not my lot :(

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probably members of the local dirty boys club out for some dogging. special forces are long gone and not stupid enough make themselves noticed.

As Ozzy said if it were forces they wouldn't make thereselves as obvious; couldn't think of a worse place to do that. Is there any deer in the area? They wouldn't be looking for a handy bit of venison like those scumbags that were around the North Antrim area a few months back.

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Ah don't ask mate, there were these total a-holes causing havock around my area in January but it has settled down as the police asked anyone shooting or hunting in the area to inform them 1st (which monkeyboots found out :yes: ) so this got rid of them.

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nope, no deer in the area, no hares around there either. the more i think about it the more i think it was to do with drugs, they defo seemed to be searching for something, with all the dif no's of guys in the jeep and all the phone calls the driver was making :yes:

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nope, no deer in the area, no hares around there either. the more i think about it the more i think it was to do with drugs, they defo seemed to be searching for something, with all the dif no's of guys in the jeep and all the phone calls the driver was making :yes:


Yeh you could be right. Time to make a call to the provies with the numberplate and that will discourage them :yes::good:

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