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Intesting link to brian mays indorsed website

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The man is highly educated, but wrong. Urban foxes are on the whole only seen as a nuisance by urbanites. Most see them as something nice to see and a good proportion of them feed them. As most of them increasingly think meat and eggs come from tescos rather than the farm they loose touch with the idea of charlie as a threat. A good rabies scare would cure that.

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There's no way a huntsman or member of the public has asked this in the Q&A


“If we are prevented from killing foxes using dogs, farmers have to control these pests by shooting them. Farmers are poor marksmen, so many foxes die a lingering death from gunshot wounds - which is inhumane.”


Farmers are poor marksmen?! Like what sort of a comment is that!?

Edited by harfordwmj
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I have to admit I'm very much on the fence when it comes to hunting with hounds. There is no better, more humane and effective method of dealing with foxes than a bullet and in the same number of man hours it takes (rather a lot of) horsey people and hounds to dispatch one fox (very in-humanely) I'm sure some of you guys lamping could deal with tens if not hundreds!!!! Traditions apart, not a good way to go and shows absultely no respect whatsoever to the quarry, in fact quite the opposite! I am very much of the mind however that all foxes on farmland are there for one reason only and that is to take livestock. They should be dealt with swiftly, painlessly and with as much respect as possible, more so if there are likely to be cubs left to starve.... not good....


Anyhoo...... on to the real reason for my post here....


Anyone know where I can find the version of save me as used on the website? It's absolutely awesome but I can't find out who is performing it etc...

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It is not just hunting with hounds on horseback that was banned, Hare coursing went as well.


These are social events for many of the countryman, so it is not just about fox control. Who deals with the fox cubs after the vixen has been shot, the terrier men.


Tradditions are there for a reason. Yet again it comes up as being humane, I shoot but am bored of hearing that it is humane.

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My view are that there is a whole loat more in life for me and others weather famous or just joe public to worry about.


Yes I agree foxhunting or any for of hunting is not to everybodys taste but there is alot of things I dont like others doing but I dont protest .I concertrate on improving my life and others near me like freinds and looking after older neigbours and if the likes of brian may put more time and his money into real life problems the world would be better.


Kind regards OTH

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Someone's put some money behind the campaign there are a lot of billboard posters up in london with photograph of a fox and the website address. Don't think it's a great advertising campaign though, I doubt that it would be of any interest to anyone whose mind is not already made up on the issue.

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The man is highly educated, ...........






I believe he has a Master's Degree or a Doctorate in Astro Physics or something similar.


Perhaps he has his head up in the stars = or should I say "away with th bunnies" :look:


I liked him until he got on this bandwagon.

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Woah, they've got a mass of backlinks.


Here you will find the websites that endorse them:




2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_May http://www.save-me.org.uk/

3 http://twitter.com/eddieizzard

4 http://www.tansdale.co.uk/

5 http://miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org/

6 http://www.eternalidol.com/

7 http://www.fingerprintdigitalmedia.com/

8 http://blog.queenero.com/

9 http://heritageaction.wordpress.com/

10 http://www.greenfeed.org.uk/feeds/

11 http://www.musicmirror.de/inside_news2.htm

12 http://www.tibetanmastiff.me.uk/

13 http://www.realca.co.uk/

14 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0412850/

15 http://www.harperaspreywildliferescue.co.uk/

16 http://klisch.net/

17 http://queenero.com/

18 http://new-age-spirituality.com/wordpress/

19 http://www.heroes.for-vegans.co.uk/

20 http://www.carramia.co.uk/

21 http://queenmexico.blogspot.com/

22 http://www.queennet.com.br/

23 http://www.answers.com/topic/brian-may

24 http://www.classicrockmagazine.com/news/********-to-blo.....

25 http://animism.ning.com/

26 http://www.stafforddirect.ning.com/

27 http://twitter.com/ben_short

28 http://www.neildunnachie.com/

29 http://famous-vegans.blogspot.com/

30 http://queenrocks1971.blogspot.com/

31 http://www.banbloodsports.com/links.htm

32 http://www.aqueenofmagic.com/

33 http://recordproduction.com/blog/2009/11/the-enchanted-.....

34 http://www.thisisbath.co.uk/news/Queen-s-backs-Norris/a.....

35 http://www.freeforumzone.it/viewforum.aspx?f=49497

36 http://www.gpden.com/

37 http://www.queenero.net/ Save Me

38 http://www.valewildlife.org.uk/

39 http://spheresound.blogspot.com/ 9

40 http://www.tibetan-mastiff.co.uk/

41 http://www.conservativesagainstfoxhunting.com/

42 http://www.instrumania.com/news

43 http://twitter.com/MRKisThatKid

44 http://www.facebook.com/AnimalAid

45 http://recordproduction.com/blog/

46 http://topics.sacbee.com/Brian+May/

47 http://www.youtube.com/user/StarSupernova1

48 http://qnfc.wordpress.com/

49 http://www.queenonline.com/?ifs=1

50 http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-One-Show/26363622695

51 http://animals.change.org/blog/view/queen_guitarist_bad.....

52 http://www.winsoft.se/2009/12/making-fun-things-from-th.....

53 http://www.thedailydust.co.uk/2008/11/26/how-to-beat-th.....

54 http://recordproduction.com/blog/2010/02/photo-of-the-w.....

55 http://www.thedailydust.co.uk/2009/02/06/bear-grylls-no.....

56 http://recordproduction.com/blog/2010/02/phil-harding-p.....

57 http://queen.org.pl/



Not good that every 'Queen' website is also backing it. Brian May must be using his access to these sites to his advantage...


There are hundreds more websites, but I have to manually edit them, as it doesn't copy/paste well onto this board. So use http://www.backlinkwatch.com to search the site to see who supports them.


Hope this helps :look:

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