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Bit of a personal one this is :good: , but I've never suffered from shyness anyway ???


For a while now I've had to take tablets for blood pressure, trouble is, they have an "unwanted side effect". For a lot of the time they make me shall we say, a little soft, sort of "flexible" where it matters most. GP says it's not the tablets, and I've tried quite a few, but the actual lowering of the blood pressure.

I have tried "the little blue pill" (apparently so have millions of others :o ) and they work just fine. Problem is that with my condition I'm not allowed them on NHS, only by private prescription at £40 for four :o


The question is. is there anything else with the same results but cheaper. It seems that with other complaints or on benefits they're free. :( Story of my life that is, never in the right place at the right time.


Thought about just leaving the blood pressure tablets out and suffering the consequences, if any.


Should at least be the makings of some smart answers to this one, bring on the **** taking :):)

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Bit of a personal one this is :good: , but I've never suffered from shyness anyway ???


For a while now I've had to take tablets for blood pressure, trouble is, they have an "unwanted side effect". For a lot of the time they make me shall we say, a little soft, sort of "flexible" where it matters most. GP says it's not the tablets, and I've tried quite a few, but the actual lowering of the blood pressure.

I have tried "the little blue pill" (apparently so have millions of others :o ) and they work just fine. Problem is that with my condition I'm not allowed them on NHS, only by private prescription at £40 for four :o


The question is. is there anything else with the same results but cheaper. It seems that with other complaints or on benefits they're free. :yes: Story of my life that is, never in the right place at the right time.


Thought about just leaving the blood pressure tablets out and suffering the consequences, if any.


Should at least be the makings of some smart answers to this one, bring on the **** taking :):)


Thats only a tenner a year. :(


Sorry, nothing sensble to offer. But I don't think going for a cheaper alternative is a good idea, although that price is ridiculous.

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get yourself on ramapril for the blood pressure, and ask if any of your mates are diabetic? if so get them to get the stand up pills free of charge, and get them to let you have them



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get yourself on ramapril for the blood pressure, and ask if any of your mates are diabetic? if so get them to get the stand up pills free of charge, and get them to let you have them




Tried Ramparill, same difference. Got no mates with diabetes, suppose I could force feed them sugar and see if that does the trick :good:

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Thats only a tenner a year. ???


Sorry, nothing sensble to offer. But I don't think going for a cheaper alternative is a good idea, although that price is ridiculous.



Your maths is out, it's £40 a day :good:

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Go to the 'junk' section of your E-mail inbox.


:) Nowt there





You gotta hang with de students dude yes.gif you will make contact innit good.gif


My student days have long gone :)




Have you tried getting married? It won't do anything for your hard-on but it'll negate the need for one, more time for shooting then. Win win... sort of.


25 years this year, surprising I've noticed the problem aint it :good:



Think of the benefits though - your piles have gone due to Blood pressure pills - if I was old I would sooner no piles than hard on once a year if i was to be lucky.


No piles so far but don't tempt fate ???

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How does the blood pressure tablet work?

I'm on telmisartan, this dialates the blood vessels and doesn't affect my "wood", maybe a trip to the quacs is needed and get your prescription changed.

Also, have you tried some exercise before you do the deed? This helps to get the blood pumping and should help.

Or you could employ a fluffer. :good:

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How does the blood pressure tablet work?

I'm on telmisartan, this dialates the blood vessels and doesn't affect my "wood", maybe a trip to the quacs is needed and get your prescription changed.

Also, have you tried some exercise before you do the deed? This helps to get the blood pumping and should help.

Or you could employ a fluffer. :good:



Apparently it's not a common side effect but does happen to some. Tried various tablets and all have the same effect, it's not so much the medication as the actual lowering of the blood pressure. A bit like hydraulics I suppose, if it aint got the pressure it won't lift the load :)


The other side effect is always feeling cold, a jersey cures that though ???

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A few posts deleted and some editing needed.

Keep it as sensible as you can, or we will remove the thread.



I'm surprised it's been this clean so far, a thread like this is a big temptation though even if it is a genuine one. :good:

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as its been deleted and was a "semi" (:)) serious reply i will repost my original answer of getting a pump ???



I think they're for a "size" problem but might have been interested 30 years ago when I used to wear tight jeans etc, would've looked good :good::)

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I think they're for a "size" problem but might have been interested 30 years ago when I used to wear tight jeans etc, would've looked good :good::)


really? didnt know that... ???


sorry, ignore me then, im just doing what most people do on here - posting on a topic i have absolutely no experience or knowledge of :) :o :o

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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really? didnt know that... ???


sorry, ignore me then, im just doing what most people do on here - posting on a topic i have absolutely no experience or knowledge of :) :) :o



I do it all the time :good:


To be honest if I got one good answer in ten I would think myself lucky :o :(

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Bit of a personal one this is :good: , but I've never suffered from shyness anyway ???


For a while now I've had to take tablets for blood pressure, trouble is, they have an "unwanted side effect". For a lot of the time they make me shall we say, a little soft, sort of "flexible" where it matters most. GP says it's not the tablets, and I've tried quite a few, but the actual lowering of the blood pressure.

I have tried "the little blue pill" (apparently so have millions of others :o ) and they work just fine. Problem is that with my condition I'm not allowed them on NHS, only by private prescription at £40 for four :o


The question is. is there anything else with the same results but cheaper. It seems that with other complaints or on benefits they're free. :( Story of my life that is, never in the right place at the right time.


Thought about just leaving the blood pressure tablets out and suffering the consequences, if any.


Should at least be the makings of some smart answers to this one, bring on the **** taking :):)


Here is a trick my old dad told me about and I have used to good effect a couple of times.


Oil of campher, smells a bit like vick. If your in the mood and the little fell is half interested try rubbing him in a little oil, it has a slight warming effect which is quiet nice for the both of you.


Hope this helps you and the Mrs.


ATB Clynton.

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Here is a trick my old dad told me about and I have used to good effect a couple of times.


Oil of campher, smells a bit like vick. If your in the mood and the little fell is half interested try rubbing him in a little oil, it has a slight warming effect which is quiet nice for the both of you.


Hope this helps you and the Mrs.


ATB Clynton.



Well, with a name like Lordhardup I have to believe you :good:

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Here is a trick my old dad told me about and I have used to good effect a couple of times.


Oil of campher, smells a bit like vick. If your in the mood and the little fell is half interested try rubbing him in a little oil, it has a slight warming effect which is quiet nice for the both of you.


Hope this helps you and the Mrs.


ATB Clynton.

for gods sake don't use deep heat!!

i was gonna suggest "stay hard" cream, some people can be a bit sensitive tho.

But good work lord hardon!!

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