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mouse in the house

pigeon chasser

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it seems i have a family of mice living somewhere in my flat and no matter what i do i cant get the ******** to **** off... i,ve got poisin traps down everywhere and have caught 6 or so, i have blocked the holes there using but there still beating me. theres no food for them to eat any where as i'm being like a tart with mess and food stuffs. Does a cat really work??? HELP

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Some cats seem to catch mice and some don't, we have had both varieties.


Chocolate in the standard mouse trap works very well, but if you are catching them and they are still appearing, then you do need to find the source of the infestation, or where they are getting in (neither is easy).

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We had a mouse problem in our garage and potting shed. The OH, being an animal lover, insisted on going for the live catch option. Ok, so we tried that and after the fourth time of catching what we thought could be the same mouse, I bought a couple of the classic type spring trap (like the nipper ones).


Baited with peanut butter, as I heard that works well, and now after 15 deadun's we seem to be on top of the situation. We keep the traps baited. Haven't caught anything in the garage for 2 months or more now. Last mouse in the potting shed was last weekend but that was after nearly 4 weeks of no activity.


The thing is, in the garage we have stuff in boxes on shelves and they pretty much p'd & **** over everything as well as chewing up anything that could be chewed. Very destructive, dirty little *******.


My advice, get a proper mouse trap and a jar of peanut butter. At least you won't have some cat lording it up at your expense :o

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Put a brick down by the skirting board. Make sure the hollow of the brick is uppermost.


Place some chocolate and some raisins in the hollow of the brick.


Sprinkle the chocolate and raisins with some Pepper.


When the Mouse goes to get the chocolate and raisins then he will sneeze and smash his head open on the brick.


:yes::good: :good: :good:

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Get some cats, then when the mice have gone, you can shoot the cats :good:


To be fair though, I ******* hate cats, and would rather have mice, try some little nipper traps baited with chocolate spread or peanut butter.


Or as dougy said, call the landlord and give him something to do :good:

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Theres some good ideas there and the youtube clip looks like a good idea but i might fill the bucket with a water a few inches or buy a snake and put it in the bucket lol. i have been thinking of putting a bit bored down and baiting it and getting a .177 air gun while the fussballs on. much more fun.

would be nice to have a landlord but we own the place so my problem.

The brick idea madde me and the miss's chuckle. i think i'll a veriarty of traps round the place and see which works best

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