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what guns did people put in for on application?

Little Dave

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I think it was .22lr, .17HMR and 6.5x55. I really can't remember if I asked for the .223 on application or soon after?


Being realistic they will like to see you with some rimfire experience for a while before granting a bigger rifle. That's unless you've got some experience or want to be mentored? That's not always the case though and if you have a genuine need for something larger then ask for it and see what they say.


Really your choice should come down to what you have to shoot and the ground requirements. What do you plan to be going after?

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Just asked for a .22lr to be added on my renewal. Used to have one, hated the ricochet's so did a 1 for 1 variation to the 17 HMR.


I regret doing that now, as there's definately a place for both when bunny hunting.


Oh well, we live and learn :no:

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It all depends on the land and what you are shooting i asked for 22lr, 17hmr, and .22 centre fire all with sound mods if you don't put you want a sound Mod they will not place it on for you but the above will cover most vermin shooting. (put every thing down as a veration cost's £40)


Hope that helps

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Surely it would be whatever guns you have a a need for?


Just what I was thinking.


Always seems strange when people pop up and say "what calibre did you ask for" or "what reason should I put down for wanting FAC shotgun" etc.


surely you know what you need and know your reasons otherwise you wouldn't need one...

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