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This World Cup I will mostly be drinking in pubs that are not showing bloody football matches.


I hate football me,


Bunch of overpaid poofters who could not win against the ladies teams let alone teams who actually take pride in the country.






Not a hope in hells chance of it coming home





22 men kicking a bag of wind just a load of old pants.......Thought i would add that to the frenzy



You and me alike Martin I have'nt got time for football.

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22 men kicking a bag of wind just a load of old pants.......Thought i would add that to the frenzy



You and me alike Martin I have'nt got time for football.



I would use that term loosely Rob if I were you.


God knows how many million pound a year and still they can't beat a few other teams. Still I suspect it will be the managers fault, it always is. Why they just don't get all the managers down the pub for an arm wrestle or something. You wouldn't need to name your squad, or reschedule Coronation Street and it would be over in an evening.

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22 men kicking a bag of wind just a load of old pants.......Thought i would add that to the frenzy



You and me alike Martin I have'nt got time for football.


guess you two are off to netball practice, pleats or hotpants :hmm:

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guess you two are off to netball practice, pleats or hotpants :hmm:



Rather netball with a load of fit girls than football with a load of blokes. I prefer pleats but I am not fussy.


What I also don't get is the wearing of a football shirt with a blokes name on the back. Is that a sort of subtle way of coming out of the closet and showing your love for men?

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Rather netball with a load of fit girls than football with a load of blokes. I prefer pleats but I am not fussy.


What I also don't get is the wearing of a football shirt with a blokes name on the back. Is that a sort of subtle way of coming out of the closet and showing your love for men?



To be fair most of the footballers play like girls anyway and probably wear a similar amount of makeup

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I will be on ginger beer as i gave up booze 3 months ago,have tried them all and sainsburys own is tops nice bit of heat to it! There not all girls used to beat on a shoot where Andy Linegan was a gun,cracking fella also had David Seaman as a guest on our shoot another top bloke,loves his fishing as well.

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Rather netball with a load of fit girls


I once shared a departure lounge at Stansted with a Norweigan university netball team.










EDIT: Forgot to say, I will be drinking homebrew whether or not bumder-ball happens to be on the telly or not.

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What I also don't get is the wearing of a football shirt with a blokes name on the back. Is that a sort of subtle way of coming out of the closet and showing your love for men?


This is my chosen shirt for the summer:



Chosen ale may well be the newly created Hook Norton Striker. I think I'll pop over tomorrow and sample.

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but what for FM :hmm: its won awards round here with the shirt lifters its their tipple of choice :hmm:



But lets face it Pavman, Aspalls does come from suffolk after all so you would expect it to have a homosexual following wouldn't you? My local has it on draught but they never sell any. If they do happen to sell a pint to a bloke we get the old pillow cases out and run that boy outta town.

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But lets face it Pavman, Aspalls does come from suffolk after all so you would expect it to have a homosexual following wouldn't you? My local has it on draught but they never sell any. If they do happen to sell a pint to a bloke we get the old pillow cases out and run that boy outta town.



Go on you know you want to try some.


shame its got that link as a bloody good pint in the summer.



hhmmmm sorry more stout please vicar and in one of them chunky glasses with a handle non of that straight gay :hmm: glasses


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But lets face it Pavman, Aspalls does come from suffolk after all so you would expect it to have a homosexual following wouldn't you? My local has it on draught but they never sell any. If they do happen to sell a pint to a bloke we get the old pillow cases out and run that boy outta town.



Glad we have cleared that up......... now pass me my Pewter Tankard of Gun Hill and some Diesel to soften my beard I must shave tonight :hmm:

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This World Cup I will mostly be drinking in pubs that are not showing bloody football matches.


I hate football me,


Bunch of overpaid poofters who could not win against the ladies teams let alone teams who actually take pride in the country.






Not a hope in hells chance of it coming home



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Cider or homosexuality :hmm:


As for being doc to the England netball team, that is scary. I think my head would implode :rolleyes:



Zapp you need a good bedside manner and a ready supply of Latex Gloves :yes:


Come to think of it just like the aspinalls drinkers :)

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