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anyone seen these dogs before?


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Crikey, can you imagine coming across the "Tiger" on the way home from a night on the ale?:hmm:???

In that situation "Skid Marks" come to mind!

Come to that, the Tiger one would also confuse a few of the "Kennel Club Show Judges" wouldn't it, maybe worth a try?:hmm:?:hmm:

Come to think of it. can you imagine what would happen if some little scroat tried breaking into your house and came face to face with the tiger one - A photo of the look on their face would be worth a fortune!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Years ago we used to have an old sheep dog at home, he was a working dog so was covered in cow muck fairly regularly. As he got older he got more and more grumbly to the point we couldn't clean him as he'd try and nip you if you did, so when the vet came out to see to see to other stock they used to give him a bit of an injection to make him sleepy. At this point he had his muck buttons (well stuck on cow poo :) ) snipped off. He always ended up looking like a right mincer with his back end shorn and his front legs and shoulders untouched. A bit like doggy body-builder. :rolleyes:

You had to be there but it was bloody funny. Those dogs reminded me a bit of him.

Edited by whiskymac
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