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Pigeon Watch Wrecking Trip, Newhaven

Evil Elvis

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I am picking up a dozen 10oz leads on the wednesday from Hastings. If I remember rightly they are £1.05 each.


If anyone wants any then shout.


I have ordered a dozen for myself and Bob but I am sure I can order some more.

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I am picking up a dozen 10oz leads on the wednesday from Hastings. If I remember rightly they are £1.05 each.


If anyone wants any then shout.


I have ordered a dozen for myself and Bob but I am sure I can order some more.


Yes please Martin, however many I am likely to need. I am hiring tackle for the day, so will have a rod and reel, plus the lures that EE has sorted for us, but apart from that I dont know what I need.


The last time i went wrecking we were using lengths of chromed bar filled with lead and fitted with huge trebles :good:

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Let me get this clear, the only kit I have is a load of those anti sea sickness wrist bands I bought off ebay.


I will be bringing a large packed lunch, some beer, sun cream, some plastic bags to throw up into and some money for hire of kit and whatever else I am supposed to be throwing over the side of the boat.

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I have e mailled Hastings Angling centre to see if he has 48 in stock or if he can get them. According to his website they are £1.05 each. I am going to try and negotiate a discount with him as we will be buying just over £50's worth.




The sea sick bands don't work, get yourself to Boots and get some Joy Rides tablets. They are THE business, take it from someone who suffers BADLY from seasickness.

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:good: Mung, half the battle is in your head, if you believe you are going to be you will!!!!



AND...you will not be vomitting in bags......Have you never heard of GROUNDBAIT?:hmm:







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Another vote for joy rides - never taken them myself but know several others that swear by them :good:


Just make sure you take the tablets at the right time (not as you step on the boat) and have a decent breakfast, you'll be fine.


edit: Baz - any idea at what wind speed the trip is likely to get blown off? windguru is predicting some pretty iffy numbers at the moment...

Edited by Raja Clavata
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I have had a reply back from HAstings Angling and they have the 48 10 oz leads in stock and they are ordered in my name. I will collect them on wednesday afternoon.


They are £1.05 pence each or £6.30 of each of you.


I will do my best to haggle the price though

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