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Looks like they got him !

Salop Matt

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I am just glad they never shot a bloke in a mini - a woman in bed - a naked bloke going for a gun in his *** and a bloke walking down road with chair leg - seems they might have got right bloke now subject to an identification and that will be hushed up if it's wrong bloke.


Cynical ? me ? naaa



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i feel sorry for this lad in a way, hes been locked up then his misses tells him she is seeing a copper. his head must have been in bits poor ****!

he did do the right thing and shot him self rather than some coppper gloting he shot him wot a hero and saved the world with his ********

beter dead than locked up poor ****. just he will not beable to see his kids, though not thinking straight.

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i feel sorry for this lad in a way, hes been locked up then his misses tells him she is seeing a copper. his head must have been in bits poor ****!

he did do the right thing and shot him self rather than some coppper gloting he shot him wot a hero and saved the world with his ********

beter dead than locked up poor ****. just he will not beable to see his kids, though not thinking straight.


You're not a fan of the police then?


Yet you feel sorry for a man who killed one innocent man, and seriously wounded two others :oops:




You're not Gazza are you?

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i feel sorry for this lad in a way, hes been locked up then his misses tells him she is seeing a copper. his head must have been in bits poor ****!

he did do the right thing and shot him self rather than some coppper gloting he shot him wot a hero and saved the world with his ********

beter dead than locked up poor ****. just he will not beable to see his kids, though not thinking straight.



Feel sorry for this bloke :oops: you will be hugging trees next


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I can see where the "feel sorry for him" people are coming from. The guy obviously looks like he's developed in a lifestyle of not taking any **** from people. Then he gets locked up and his mrs leaves him. He gets out of prison with nothing and all that is in his face. I recon he decided to bump off her new bloke and shot her because he was just raging at the situation. Not sure where the random copper comes into it but I recon that by then end of it all he was probably wishing he'd just let her go and moved on. He wasn't inside for long was he? If my mrs left me and shacked up with a new bloke in that short a space of time I'd be pretty upset myself. He obviously didn't mean much to her if she left him and had another bloke in the house inside a year?


Everyone can lose their rag, some people more so than others. The trouble is when you've done it you can't take it back and some people are too thick to realise that until the deed is done.

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It never ceases to amaze me how people find compassion for evil people like him..that is to their credit and makes them better than me I guess..


I can't think of anything worse than losing a child, it happens to many people both through illness and accident, just last week a young girl was wiped out up the road to me in her car..


Oddly enough the parents never went on the rampage killing people..They coped with life as we all have to, freaks like him are almost always controlling bully's that if they can't get their own way will bully, maim, or kill until they get their own way..show him no respect or sympathy save that for the people he killed and maimed

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i feel sorry for this lad in a way, hes been locked up then his misses tells him she is seeing a copper. his head must have been in bits poor ****!

he did do the right thing and shot him self rather than some coppper gloting he shot him wot a hero and saved the world with his ********

beter dead than locked up poor ****. just he will not beable to see his kids, though not thinking straight.


Plenty of peoples girlfriends/wives cheat with other men. Is that an excuse to go out and commit murder? Poor **** my ****. Nothing but an attention seeking lunatic. Wasn't he in jail for hitting a child?

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