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"" Faulty HMR round""


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Just went out and about to do do some bunny bashing, got into the first feild ,, put a full mag into the CZ MMR ( using Hornady 17grain ballistic tips )--chambered a round went to pull the trigger and all i heard was "CLICK"-- i thought i had,nt chambered a round, left bit 2 minutes for safety, slowly pulled the bolt back to be faced with a round full of powder but no bullet head on !!!i checked the back of the casing and saw a strike mark so knew the firing pin had struck , when i dropped a boresnake down the barrel i could feel an obstruction so knew the head was stuck in the throat of the barrel, i have just managed to slowly push it back out with a rod from the barrel end into the chamber.

has anybody else had a problem with these rounds :good:

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primer gone off but didn't ignite the powder probably


old batch? got damp?


Funny this has been mentioned. Out 1 night last week, lamping rabbits, had 2 missfires with blue tips|(not the ones you perves think about :good: ) Just a dull sound, but barrel clear on inspection and empty case on ejection(Checked) Next 3 shots, 3 dead buns. Hate to say, was the £12 lot that I shouted about a couple of weeks ago, but thought, just rifle need a clean as had a lot of work over last few days previously and maybe a clean need. On paper next day, all ok, after giving rifle a clean anyway, just to be sure, still ok after a few shots to foul barrel and no problem with carts. ODD?



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Funny this has been mentioned. Out 1 night last week, lamping rabbits, had 2 missfires with blue tips|(not the ones you perves think about :good: ) Just a dull sound, but barrel clear on inspection and empty case on ejection(Checked) Next 3 shots, 3 dead buns. Hate to say, was the £12 lot that I shouted about a couple of weeks ago, but thought, just rifle need a clean as had a lot of work over last few days previously and maybe a clean need. On paper next day, all ok, after giving rifle a clean anyway, just to be sure, still ok after a few shots to foul barrel and no problem with carts. ODD?



It sounds like that particular batch had some issues with the quantities of powder in each case. I would send an email to hornady (be polite) expressing your concerns about the further use of their ammunition


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I've fired about 1500 rounds - Blue Tips and Remmington Premiers and never had a single missfire. I have however heard a couple of similar reports. I know that I shouldn't need to say it but I am going to - If you ever do get a missfire for heavens sake make sure that you check your barrel to make sure that the bullet head is not lodged inside the barrel before trying to fire another round!

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In the case I know the rifle didn't fire and was unloaded in the dark and a new round failed to load. The bullet had been left just in the barrel so very lucky, as he just assumed it was a dud round. Have to say never had a misfire and I've had mine going on 5 years, worst one was a case that split down the side jamming the chamber but that is the only one.

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  • 3 years later...

An old thread but earlier today I had my second faulty HMR round from the same batch of 1000 Fereral 17gr. Just a click and when ejecting the case found it was still full of powder (albeit held together and not flowing like it would normally do) but the head was an inch or so into the barrel. Normal strike mark on the primer.


Just for information as the batch may be old, although I've had them just under a year.



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Yep had this happen at night lamping off the top of the vitara.

First round ejected and second chambered OK

Trigger got pulled and we had a blowback!

Shattered the 10 round magazine and deafened my mate who was shooting.


There is a thread on here somewhere about this for the full story.

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