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Are you a speeder...


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Whilst I am of the general opinion that it is more poor driving than speed that kils, let me throw this into the mix for thought. As someone who used to drive for a living and who also had to help put the injured back together, I am now unable to drive for health reasons and spend more time on the pavement, so maybe can see both sides.

From the point of view of the average pedestrian, the ability to judge the speed of an oncoming car is often restricted by many environmental issues (Other traffic etc) so when they judge if they have time to cross the road, their decision is based on experience of other vehicles in the same speed zone; most of us do it when walking in town, we can guess quite accurately how long it will take a car/bike to get to us at the speed limit before we decide to step off the kerb. This is also true to some extent when a vehicle is coming toward you when you are driving, distance and speed perception is more difficult incoming than crossing, as we know to our frustration when shooting, and we decide whether or not we have room to overtake into oncoming traffic by what we have experienced and know of speed distances. In these circumstances, speed can be the deciding factor that changes a 'near-miss' to a 'fatal'.

I am also an ex IAM (Bike & Car) member, and they used to say the IAM teaches you not to speed, but if you do, you are less of a risk - note 'less' - not 'no risk', it is no good waving an IAM members card in court.


Just a thought, enjoy your driving (I wish I could :look: ).

Edited by Bloke
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You will generally find that onle you have scraped up one corpse they are all pretty much the same. I am not troubled by any I have seen. I can remember them all but I don't loose sleep over them.



I agree with you mate, as a firefighter i have lost count of the carnage and terrible sights i have seen. If you thought about it to much it would drive you crazy but we are professionals and its our job. You never forget the smell of blood,**** and fuel and see the fact peoples lives are destroyed. Some of the muppet comments on here are just wrong.

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I am a driving instructor and am constantly amazed by how my students and I are treated on the road - I do my utmost best to convince the kids the safe way is the best, really work hard to change the attitudes of the wannabe Button/Hamilton, which I promise

is really really difficult!


In my opinion, courses like IAM are very good and make anyone a better driver if they want it too, IAM (am a member) is very basic, ROSPA is a true test of skill and knowledge and one that you have to be assesed on regurlarly making it far superior then the I "passed the IAM in 1978!" brigade, although I totally respect anyone for taking part in it!


I think speeding is an issue especially with youngsters, but in my (again) opinion its the complete and utter lack of knowledge of the road and laws that are a real problem, I would like to see some kind of eye test and theory testing brought in, perhaps every 2 years or so?., with perhaps a 3 attempts and your out, going onto retesting.


Ps: while I am moaning - It bugs the hell out of me when parents moan about lesson prices, one student the other day was whinging, I know she has guitar lessons at £25 for 30 minutes, she is not going to be killed potentially by playing a bleeding guitar!

as someone who passed their driving test less than 5 months ago, let me add my 2p. Yes, lessons are extremely important, especially for the more dizzy blonde/arogant boy racer out there. BUT, alot of the stuff required to pass the test is utter bovine feces and causes you to be a hindrance on the road at best, and a danger to yourself and others at worst. Too many of my friends (mostly female if you must know) have ended up in accidents because of following the test protocol to the letter. The shuffle steering, whilst meant with the best of intentions, only leads to traffic build up, panic, and subsequent displacement of wing mirrors and quarter panels.


The test is flawed, and needs changing to reflect real world situations. Regular testing with the current system is unviable and nobody would pass after more than a week of driving on ones own

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The "shuffle your steering wheel" as you put it is not a test requirement! its an old wives tale, crossing your arms etc is not a fault unless your control is poor - why do you think it will result in damage to the car?, I would suggest that there is something more than steering at fault there :blush:



By hinderence do you mean sticking to speed limits? I can not think of one part of the test that makes a student a hinderence?, perhaps during training we can be a little slower,but we have all had to start somewhere! but i fail to see why you think the test causes a problem?,

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The "shuffle your steering wheel" as you put it is not a test requirement! its an old wives tale, crossing your arms etc is not a fault unless your control is poor - why do you think it will result in damage to the car?, I would suggest that there is something more than steering at fault there :blush:



By hinderence do you mean sticking to speed limits? I can not think of one part of the test that makes a student a hinderence?, perhaps during training we can be a little slower,but we have all had to start somewhere! but i fail to see why you think the test causes a problem?,

If the wheel shuffling isn't a requirement for the test, then curses to my instructor :good:


And it's not the adhering to the speed limit that's the issue, as most of the driving is in towns, the 45mph isn't an issue

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The 'shuffling' push/pull method is very good if used properly. You have to be positive in its use and not faff about but done properly it's a good method.


Hazard perception, vehicle positioning, road conditions, traffic awareness etc. are all important skills, and failure to get these right will eventually cause an accident. Couple any of these failures with excess speed and that accident will likely be far more serious.


Driving well is a skill, and requires huge amounts of concentration and the ability to react to a situation quickly and safely. The faster you drive the quicker you have to react. Try driving a route you know giving a running commentary to your passenger, pointing out every hazard you see, any change in road conditions, traffic conditions etc. EVERYTHING that's going on around you, when you're changing gear/braking/accelerating etc. It should focus your mind.


Happy driving.

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Hazard perception, vehicle positioning, road conditions, traffic awareness etc. are all important skills, and failure to get these right will eventually cause an accident. Couple any of these failures with excess speed and that accident will likely be far more serious.


I would add that any car less than 95% mechanically sound will also add dramatically to the outcome too, but makes it easier for us to cut your cadaver out, so that`s something positive eh ?

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a copy of this should be sent out starting with all newly passed drivers by the dvla with there documents.if anything it would show that a car can be a death trap if not handled with concentration to the road and we have speed limits for a reason .and to say this video doesnt have an effect,have a word with yourselves.i work on high speed motorways for a living m25 m6 etc and have seen some mad sh#t by drivers who dont notice whats going on around them in roadworks etc next thing they are through a barrier or overturned down an embankment.its the emergency services i feel for not the a##hole of a driver who couldnt be botherd to slow down because he/she was running 20 mins late.simple solution to running late leave 20 mins early simples.it only takes one minute lack of concentration and someone gets hurt no matter how experienced we are.

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I am a driving instructor


I would like to see some kind of eye test and theory testing brought in, perhaps every 2 years or so?., with perhaps a 3 attempts and your out, going onto retesting.



More than a little self interest there! I suggest your views reflect your need for buisiness rather than road safety.



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Not at all - Theory tests are nothing to do with instructors, they are run by the DSA.


Why would any good driver have anything to fear :blush: ?



nowt to do with fear just a sad reflection on life and the truth of it



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