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Older Age.

Jim Sarakun

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Now I don't have a thing about getting older, on the contrary, I feel that things improve, as you become, allegedly, wiser.


But I couldn't help but notice this last week or two, some physical changes. I will add here that to date, I have had no real health problems, and I am now the tender age of 55. I do though count my blessings, as some of my old school friends are in a lot worse shape than me.


Who ever it was who said that "you are what you eat", was totally wrong, because I do not eat handsome Greek Gods, yet that is what I see looking back at me in the mirror in the morning.


Ok so the belly may have grown and the bone has broken in the shrunken todger, but I expected that, nope, I have witnessed some other changes.


It is well documented that as you get older, your body stops growing, but the cartilage doesn't. I have noticed this, that my nose and ears, have got bigger and more "roundy", for want of a better word.


Today I actually trimmed some hair in my EARS.


Hair, now that has changed, it has migrated from my head to my back. In the morning, on the odd occasion, an eyebrow hair has grown an inch, overnight, I ask, and try cutting it with scissors, no way, wire cutters is the tool for these.


I now have to wear glasses, not super magnification ones, normal lightweight ones, for now. Not too long ago I could spot a thong under a tight skirt from half a mile.


I have never really been one to mark time for exercise, but have instead, always kept busy with work or pleasure, with little sleep, and even today, I see the sun rise and the sun set. I have noticed the odd ache or two after an exceptionally hard day, when i get up in the morning. This is a new experience. Especially one of my knees, but I put that down to a kick start for 30 odd years. Motorbikes, yes i still love Motorbikes and ride when ever I can.


I still have my own teeth, two have real gold caps, cool, no I'm not a drug dealer, but I have to thank my parents for that, for sometimes forcing me to clean them when I was a child. I now make sure my children clean theirs resolutely.


This PC. mouse, sometimes makes my elbow ache, RSS I spose.


Why is it that in my dreams, I look like I did at 30 something? Am I in denial subconsciously?


But it isn't all negative.


Age brings wisdom, though you probably wouldn't spot this in my posts, confidence and a wealth of assets to play with, should you have built them up in your working life, though not the time to play with them, which presumably comes when you retire. Calm is another, not much flusters you as you have probably seen it all before.


Can any of you more mature PW members add to this?

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I know exactly what you mean there Jim, I suffer exactly the same. The biggest differences I notice are in my physical appearance.

Take my chest, I still have some great chest muscles, it's just a shame that they spend most of their time nowadays in a very relaxed state in the area where I use to have a six pack. The problem with my six pack is that my body seems to have been converted to "draught" and it is now stored in a barrel!

I know exactly what you mean about hair as well mate - The hair that used to grow very healthily on my head seems to be growing better in my nose and ears nowadays plus I seem to have missed that "gradually going grey" stage and gone pretty much a straight white over night! Talking about nights why is it when you get to my age the mind is much more willing that the body when you want to "show your affections to the other half", I sometimes have to ask myself if I have worn the wifes wedding present out!

I could go on for ever but as the years seem to have well and truly caught me up i have now forgotted what I wanted to say.

Sorry guys, I seem to be having another senior moment thing and I'm only 59!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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A friend of mine in his seventies tells me, that when I get there, my 70's that is, to NEVER trust a f*rt


That's a bit disconcerting.


I'm glad to see that I am not alone with being content in growing older gracefully.


Harnser, "still only a boy", that made my day.


And to all you young whips who find it discomforting, that one day you will be the same, don't, it's great.

Edited by Jim Sarakun
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Have none of you young whipper snappers never heard the saying "Don't complain about the coffee, you might be old and weak one day too"! :lol::lol::lol:

Personally I just don't care and I accept that the aging process is a part of life that we will all have to face sooner or later, ;) I just wish mine had been later rather than sooner. :hmm:

Not to worry, I still have my memories, I just can't recall them at this precise time and moment! ??????:lol:

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The really sad bit is when you find your pubbes are longer than you wedding tackle and start getting caught up in end -- never pass a loo without going and trying but have heart --- you are not old till driver of car behind says look at that old **** - can only just about look over the wheel and his ears are sticking right out from under his flat cap. ;)


A really old Dave :hmm:

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The really sad bit is when you find your pubbes are longer than you wedding tackle and start getting caught up in end -- never pass a loo without going and trying but have heart --- you are not old till driver of car behind says look at that old **** - can only just about look over the wheel and his ears are sticking right out from under his flat cap. ;)


A really old Dave :hmm:


Oh dear, thanks for mentioning that Old Dave, now I am really thinking!!!!

The wife has been suggesting lately that a "flat cap" might suit me well for when I go shooting or Crown Green Bowling! (That is perfectly true, now that you have mentioned that I will have to ask her what exactly she is hinting at?


A now Even Older Feeling Pete.

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Its funny how you look 44 and your body tells you your that aged too.

But i only feel like am 16 and on the really good day i feel about ten(think thats my mental age really) ;)

It dont worry me about losing my mables. I never had any to start of with (or is that morals) ???


But i would hate to end my days in some sad old peoples home. All forgotten and smelling of wee.

I want to be 16 till the day i die :hmm:

Even if the body say 102 ???


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Its funny how you look 44 and your body tells you your that aged too.

But i only feel like am 16 and on the really good day i feel about ten(think thats my mental age really) ;)

It dont worry me about losing my mables. I never had any to start of with (or is that morals) ???


But i would hate to end my days in some sad old peoples home. All forgotten and smelling of wee.

I want to be 16 till the day i die :hmm:

Even if the body say 102 ???




When you are forgotten and smelling of wee you won't know about it -- that's the good news -- it's the journey there that's bad news.



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getting old is great.....

1 ..at least you have got there :)

2 you can multi task :hmm: you youngsters try couching and farting at the same time

3 when the doctor says he wants a sample of stool urine and sperm..all you need to do is give him your underpants :lol:


now !!!! what was I doing ?

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