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Why shouldn’t we have the right to pack heat?


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Personally, regardless of the reference to 'packing heat', I thought it was a reasonable article. Which I disagree with.


There is something about concealed weapons which I am uncomfortable about. I agree with the comments about whether the average member of the public is mentally agile enough to make the correct call in a pressure situation. I also don't like the idea of ******* off someone in a pub (I generally don't, but drunks can be quite peculiar) and having them pull a gun on me. Organized criminals already use illegal handguns, I very much doubt that they'd buy them legally. Small time crooks and muggers might, however, for a little extra leverage over victims. I will cede that these would likely just replace their current weapons of choice (flick-knives and the like). I fancy my chances outrunning a crook more than I'd fancy the opportunity to outrun a bullet.


So, in summary - no concealed carry for the UK please. Even if handguns were fully legalised again (which I can't see).


Then there's the other use of a sidearm: target shooting. I am lucky enough to be in a position where I can still use semi-automatic handguns legally. However, I find target shooting quite boring. But that's me, I understand that there are people out there who used to enjoy doing it, and would like to again. In this respect I believe that there should be a relaxation of the laws surrounding handguns. Whether it's our Olympic team or someone else, there should be facilities in place to allow their use in a controlled environment. Perhaps there could be provision for clubs to purchase handguns which would have to be securely stored, and require two members to access. Just a thought.

what use do u have ? Humane dispatch? You're halfway right,pistols should be brought back...lot of people missed out due to unfair legislation.
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Tell us more. :welcomeani::no:
what use do u have ? Humane dispatch? You're halfway right,pistols should be brought back...lot of people missed out due to unfair legislation.

Just military use - so I get to use them when I'm told more than when I want... Ex-RN (my first intro - yes, I know, a matelot with a gun! :o ), now batting for the other side (so to speak, no navy jokes, please).

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From time to time members of this forum suggest that FAC application checks should be even more stringent and many accept that mentoring conditions are a good idea before letting new applicants loose on the rabbit population.


However there are those amongst us who would like to see the day when the populous at large is given the right to carry a gun for self protection and kill people whom they perceive pose a threat....... Quite amazing.


Where on earth on this island of ours are the streets so dangerous that to walk down them necessitates the carrying of a firearm for self protection.


Carrying a firearm is only a deterant if you are prepared to use it. Do the gun carry brigade suggest that we shoot some little scrote dead because he snatched our man bag or pushed infront of us atMcDonalds.


I really do worry about the mental health of those that agree with such ideas.

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Don't take it to serious,but the browning 9mm is prob one of the most inaccurate pistols ever made.the sig they issue is tons better.but the usp is the biz.......not saying I think we def should be able to carry or arm the cops,I just wouldent worry if they did,I don't plan on ever getting into a situation that warrants anyone pointing a gun at me. :welcomeani:

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From time to time members of this forum suggest that FAC application checks should be even more stringent and many accept that mentoring conditions are a good idea before letting new applicants loose on the rabbit population.


However there are those amongst us who would like to see the day when the populous at large is given the right to carry a gun for self protection and kill people whom they perceive pose a threat....... Quite amazing.


Where on earth on this island of ours are the streets so dangerous that to walk down them necessitates the carrying of a firearm for self protection.


Carrying a firearm is only a deterant if you are prepared to use it. Do the gun carry brigade suggest that we shoot some little scrote dead because he snatched our man bag or pushed infront of us atMcDonalds.


I really do worry about the mental health of those that agree with such ideas.

charlie just have a quick look at what u said,ure talking 2 different theatres of firearms use,for the self defence people,they will be on a nda range,and if god forbid they (hypotheticaly) had to use their pistol for self defence ure talking once in a lifetime outside. Now outside hunting u need to learn backstops,feildcraft saftey of ricochets etc ,so yes I advocate some training/mentoring for outside hunting,......and self defence for that matter.as for places that people feel they mite want to carry for self defence,try stapleton road bristol,or fillwood broadway. But to name a few. Ure taking things to extremes,in texas everyone has pistols,they aren't shooting each other! As u said its a deterrent ! And charlie its a completely hypothetical one. C ya.
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the funny thing is I would place money that accidental deaths would be far in excess of the number of people not mugged, then think about lost firearms getting onto the street and kids finding their parents one at home where its accessible in case of break ins etc etc its not going to happen and personally i'm pretty glad about it

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I can't believe what I've just read on this thread! You lot need to wake up and smell the roses!I'm in the process of compiling a letter to the HASC,but I wont be doffing my cap and pleading with them not to impose any more restrictions on us shooters,I'll be telling them that the firearms laws in this country need to be relaxed greatly,and that I'm sick and bloodt tired of being treat like some untrustworthy cretin.I'm a law-abiding citizen and demand the right to be able to defend my family and myself.The police can't protect you;the incident with R.Moat shows they can't even defend themselves!They couldn't defend the people of Hungerford,Dunblane or Whitehaven either.You all seem to have forgotten that D.Bird didn't use a vulgar pistol,he used the weapons that you and I use;In the eyes of the general public and the Gun Control Network there's no difference,they're just guns!

Some of the comments have been ludicrous....if you're of the opinion that you believe someone would shoot someone else for being a gobby *** simply because they themselves have the legal right to carry a firearm,shows a complete lack of logic.

I get the odd piece of abuse from drunken yobs now and again as my local town shop is next door to a pub,but I don't go home and get my shotgun and shoot them!Gordon Bennett....get a grip!

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I can't believe what I've just read on this thread! You lot need to wake up and smell the roses!I'm in the process of compiling a letter to the HASC,but I wont be doffing my cap and pleading with them not to impose any more restrictions on us shooters,I'll be telling them that the firearms laws in this country need to be relaxed greatly,and that I'm sick and bloodt tired of being treat like some untrustworthy cretin.I'm a law-abiding citizen and demand the right to be able to defend my family and myself.The police can't protect you;the incident with R.Moat shows they can't even defend themselves!They couldn't defend the people of Hungerford,Dunblane or Whitehaven either.You all seem to have forgotten that D.Bird didn't use a vulgar pistol,he used the weapons that you and I use;In the eyes of the general public and the Gun Control Network there's no difference,they're just guns!

Some of the comments have been ludicrous....if you're of the opinion that you believe someone would shoot someone else for being a gobby *** simply because they themselves have the legal right to carry a firearm,shows a complete lack of logic.

I get the odd piece of abuse from drunken yobs now and again as my local town shop is next door to a pub,but I don't go home and get my shotgun and shoot them!Gordon Bennett....get a grip!



So if the officer in the car that was shot in the face had been armed, the outcome would have been different? I doubt it, as soon as he drew a gun he would have been shot, and then Moat would probably have had access to more guns and ammunition - lovely.


As for Bird, having all the officers armed would have made no difference - they couldn't find him. Sure a member of the public could have shot him but what would have happened if the police had turned up and seen loads of people armed, while looking for a gunman? would they have shot everyone as they couldn't work out who was who?


Don't waste your time with your letter.

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So if the officer in the car that was shot in the face had been armed, the outcome would have been different? I doubt it, as soon as he drew a gun he would have been shot, and then Moat would probably have had access to more guns and ammunition - lovely.


As for Bird, having all the officers armed would have made no difference - they couldn't find him. Sure a member of the public could have shot him but what would have happened if the police had turned up and seen loads of people armed, while looking for a gunman? would they have shot everyone as they couldn't work out who was who?


Don't waste your time with your letter.

james,the cop with the that got shot in the face ,being armed would have made no diffrence ure right,but u make no sensical point there.as for cumbria ure going to find out the police were ordered to back off.

and come on do think a load of armed civilians are gonna go after d bird? i think not,right to carry would mean personal defence only.i think ure state of mind may have been swayed by a few too many films,and firearms misrepresentation in the media,so please try and grasp the limtations of what is being (hypothetically)talked about.

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So if the officer in the car that was shot in the face had been armed, the outcome would have been different?


If the cop had been armed would moat still have gone for him.



If that drunken gobby idiot outside the club started to give you mouth, what would you do if you were

Would he be so gobby if he thought you where.


we dont know and never will.

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james,the cop with the that got shot in the face ,being armed would have made no diffrence ure right,but u make no sensical point there.as for cumbria ure going to find out the police were ordered to back off.

and come on do think a load of armed civilians are gonna go after d bird? i think not,right to carry would mean personal defence only.i think ure state of mind may have been swayed by a few too many films,and firearms misrepresentation in the media,so please try and grasp the limtations of what is being (hypothetically)talked about.



Not so much "gone after him" but been present at the time, considering he shot people on the high street :welcomeani: I have a fine grasp thanks, but I do wonder about some people.


Fact is that if everyone is armed for self defence then ALL criminals will feel the need to be armed in order to commit crime, unlike now. Great, everyone is armed. Difference being that when someone breaks in to your house to rob you, they are wide awake, high on adrenaline (or whatever) gun out and loaded. The home owner is half asleep, gun in the case/ cabinet whatever and unloaded. So you pretty much know who would come off worse. Much the same as a mugging - the offender is ready for it, the offended is not. Great having a gun if you can't get to it in time :no:


It might work in America, they are used to it and have always lived with it.


To introduce it here is quite frankly, ridiculous.



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I can't believe what I've just read on this thread! You lot need to wake up and smell the roses!I'm in the process of compiling a letter to the HASC,but I wont be doffing my cap and pleading with them not to impose any more restrictions on us shooters,I'll be telling them that the firearms laws in this country need to be relaxed greatly,and that I'm sick and bloodt tired of being treat like some untrustworthy cretin.I'm a law-abiding citizen and demand the right to be able to defend my family and myself.The police can't protect you;the incident with R.Moat shows they can't even defend themselves!They couldn't defend the people of Hungerford,Dunblane or Whitehaven either.You all seem to have forgotten that D.Bird didn't use a vulgar pistol,he used the weapons that you and I use;In the eyes of the general public and the Gun Control Network there's no difference,they're just guns!

Some of the comments have been ludicrous....if you're of the opinion that you believe someone would shoot someone else for being a gobby *** simply because they themselves have the legal right to carry a firearm,shows a complete lack of logic.

I get the odd piece of abuse from drunken yobs now and again as my local town shop is next door to a pub,but I don't go home and get my shotgun and shoot them!Gordon Bennett....get a grip!





Where I used to live I carried a side arm 24/7, and on several occasions used it to "encourage people to behave".

Killing or even shooting people is not always the final outcome. It works largely as a deterent.


The idea that owning a side arm will make us bypass all other avenues and "shoot first, ask questions later" is just twaddle.


A side arm is added responsibility, as with our current FAC.

We will not tackle scroats in the street, or other law breakers for fear of prosecution and loseing our Firearms. So why would you sudenly act like 007, just because you have a side arm?


As for the police..................................they are quick enough to arrive when someones nan reports a man shooting in the fields, but were a while arriving when people were getting shot in the high street. They were within 10 foot of Bird and let him go, as they had no way of stopping him.

An off duty doctor made it to the town before them.


Sadly the UK is evolving into a country where armed crime is increasing and the need for armed response rises proportionaly.

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Not so much "gone after him" but been present at the time, considering he shot people on the high street :welcomeani: I have a fine grasp thanks, but I do wonder about some people.


Fact is that if everyone is armed for self defence then ALL criminals will feel the need to be armed in order to commit crime, unlike now. Great, everyone is armed. Difference being that when someone breaks in to your house to rob you, they are wide awake, high on adrenaline (or whatever) gun out and loaded. The home owner is half asleep, gun in the case/ cabinet whatever and unloaded. So you pretty much know who would come off worse. Much the same as a mugging - the offender is ready for it, the offended is not. Great having a gun if you can't get to it in time :no:


It might work in America, they are used to it and have always lived with it.


To introduce it here is quite frankly, ridiculous.



james,if we were armed for self defence why would we lock up our gun in cabinets at night? i think ure state of mind willl change if you are armed and ready to defend youreself being 'street wise ' if you will. it will never get introduced here james so dont worry!
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Where I used to live I carried a side arm 24/7, and on several occasions used it to "encourage people to behave".

Killing or even shooting people is not always the final outcome. It works largely as a deterent.


The idea that owning a side arm will make us bypass all other avenues and "shoot first, ask questions later" is just twaddle.


A side arm is added responsibility, as with our current FAC.

We will not tackle scroats in the street, or other law breakers for fear of prosecution and loseing our Firearms. So why would you sudenly act like 007, just because you have a side arm?


As for the police..................................they are quick enough to arrive when someones nan reports a man shooting in the fields, but were a while arriving when people were getting shot in the high street. They were within 10 foot of Bird and let him go, as they had no way of stopping him.

An off duty doctor made it to the town before them.


Sadly the UK is evolving into a country where armed crime is increasing and the need for armed response rises proportionaly.

very very well said. Edited by the running man
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It's estimated that over 6 million people here in the U.S are licensed to carry concealed. License holders are extremely law abiding, even more so than police officers. It's worked very well here.


But in the U.K, I don't know. Different culture and mindset when it comes to firearms, especially handguns.

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