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being confronted by anti

wol the hunter

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These days it pays to keep a low profile. I get it from the woman in the paper shop when I get my mags. Even though she asked for a rabbit for her dad! I even had a long discussion with a veggie who runs a stall on our market, selling army surplus, and she is OK with me shooting, as long as I eat what I shoot. What do maggies and corvids taste like?? I did make the point that, although she was against hunting, modern farming methods etc., she was OK selling clothing that was used by the world`s armies when killing humans!!


Seriously though, since hearing about vehicle vandalism, I`ve taken my BASC sticker off the rear screen.


Edit: Punctuation!

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Have been attacked verbally a few times by antis because i dont hide the fact that i hunt ,shoot,ferret and do almost any other fieldsport i get the time to do.

One time a young lass in her twentys really embarassed me in a pub one night fuelled by alcohol of course about me controlling the rabbits around her area which i do with all the landowners consent and approval.

She called me all names under the sun such as a murderer, a cruel bas**rd and so on and asked me how do i sleeep at night and this was the only time i opened my mouth during this whole episode was to reply to her question of how do i sleep at night with the reply of "very well thank you"

Following morning bright and early i was out on the land i had permission on around her home checking up on traps and snares when i came across a rabbit that was on her last legs with the myxy.I picked up the rabbit and went to her house and showed her the myxy rabbit and explained that this was one of the reasons i control the rabbits around her location was to stop rabbits getting this disease when there is a boom in the population and that my methods of shoooting and ferreting them were far more humane then letting this disease which takes about a week to kill them.

On finishing my little speech she turned away from me and started to run down her hall leaving most of the contents of her stomach from her drinking the night before on the hallway floor.

The next time i met her she appoligised to me for the attack she made on me in the pub and i now have permission to control the rabbits on her farm as well as she said to me "I would prefer for you to control the rabbits then for them to be dying of that disease you showed me"


Sometimes it pays to educate people :D

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i expect my reaction to antis is some what different to those expressed above.

when approached in a non confrontational manner i will endeavour to educate or at least put my side across.

when approached by a soap dodger in a hoody i will smack him in the face.when i see women and children intimidated by balaclava wearing rent-a -thugs i adopt a somewhat different approach and give them a smack up the side of the ear.

when confronted by more than two of these vermin i find they are braver in numbers so a swift kick in the balls works wonders.

not much use as a response to the original post and i have never been approached whilst shooting,just my two pence worth.




this is my personal veiw and in no way reflects upon any member of this forum,its moderators or owner.

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i expect my reaction to antis is some what different to those expressed above.

when approached in a non confrontational manner i will endeavour to educate or at least put my side across.

when approached by a soap dodger in a hoody i will smack him in the face.when i see women and children intimidated by balaclava wearing rent-a -thugs i adopt a somewhat different approach and give them a smack up the side of the ear.

when confronted by more than two of these vermin i find they are braver in numbers so a swift kick in the balls works wonders.

not much use as a response to the original post and i have never been approached whilst shooting,just my two pence worth.




this is my personal veiw and in no way reflects upon any member of this forum,its moderators or owner.

Glad you posted that digger :devil:






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A local hunt to us was disrupted on sat, antis spat at riders etc, plod said no offence commited.


At the end of the day half plod are prob antis as well, and want to take no action on behalf of sportsmen, shooters


what can you do?

If you are SPAT ON that ammounts to COMMON ASSAULT and IS an offence.


There was a case in the paper last year when a missaligned window washer jet soaked a Policeman and the owner of the car was duely charged with assault.


What the police mean is they can't be ***** to get involved



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A local hunt to us was disrupted on sat, antis spat at riders etc, plod said no offence commited.


At the end of the day half plod are prob antis as well, and want to take no action on behalf of sportsmen, shooters


what can you do?

If you are SPAT ON that ammounts to COMMON ASSAULT and IS an offence.


There was a case in the paper last year when a missaligned window washer jet soaked a Policeman and the owner of the car was duely charged with assault.


What the police mean is they can't be ***** to get involved



"What the police mean is they can't be ***** to get involved"


You heard the story where a chap hears a noise, looks out of his bedroom window and sees two youths breaking into his garden shed?


So he picks up the phone & dials 999 only to be told that they don't have anyone available to send around just now.


So he puts the phone down, waits a minute, phones them up again and says: "don't bother to hurry round, I've just shot them"


1 minute later, the house and garden are swarming with police and the two villains are nabbed.


The cops then turn to the owner:


"Thought you said you'd shot them?"


He replies:


"Thought you said you had nobody available?"


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A local hunt to us was disrupted on sat, antis spat at riders etc, plod said no offence commited.


At the end of the day half plod are prob antis as well, and want to take no action on behalf of sportsmen, shooters


what can you do?

If you are SPAT ON that ammounts to COMMON ASSAULT and IS an offence.


There was a case in the paper last year when a missaligned window washer jet soaked a Policeman and the owner of the car was duely charged with assault.


What the police mean is they can't be ***** to get involved



"What the police mean is they can't be ***** to get involved"


You heard the story where a chap hears a noise, looks out of his bedroom window and sees two youths breaking into his garden shed?


So he picks up the phone & dials 999 only to be told that they don't have anyone available to send around just now.


So he puts the phone down, waits a minute, phones them up again and says: "don't bother to hurry round, I've just shot them"


1 minute later, the house and garden are swarming with police and the two villains are nabbed.


The cops then turn to the owner:


"Thought you said you'd shot them?"


He replies:


"Thought you said you had nobody available?"


to all those that dont beilive that story...its true because my old labourer is now a copper and he told me about this :devil:

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ive said this before but never got off my butt to do anything about it,as lb knows.

what we need is a web site with photos of these vermin where we can post their pictures and home addresses.time to put the boot on the other foot,lets see how these people like late night visits,threatening phone calls and paint daubed on the house/car.

the time for reasoning with these tossers is long past.

take the fight back to those who threw the first punch,they have no respect or thought for the way we conduct our sport.for way too long all feildsportsmen have been content to let hunting bear the brunt.now its "gone" we are next make no mistake.

im not being alarmist,i dont need a crystal ball to know shooting is next,those who think we are safe where do you think the lacs will go next ?

as a start ; if confronted when shooting sleeve your gun.dont say a word and admit you are wrong.get regisration numbers from cars and the usual beaten up **** they drive.

pm them to me and i will compile a country wide list.

i feel a warning coming on but its time that sh*tbags like grave robbing scum and terrorists realise that no matter how thick the balaclava,how dark the night they hide behind,how many isolated communities they descend upon,they are being watched.they will be visited,they will sow as they reap. :devil:


the words above in no way are those of any other forum member,moderator or owner.they are my veiws and in no way impart any acceptance by the boards owner,moderators or posters

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ive said this before but never got off my butt to do anything about it,as lb knows.

what we need is a web site with photos of these vermin where we can post their pictures and home addresses.time to put the boot on the other foot,lets see how these people like late night visits,threatening phone calls and paint daubed on the house/car.

the time for reasoning with these tossers is long past.

take the fight back to those who threw the first punch,they have no respect or thought for the way we conduct our sport.for way too long all feildsportsmen have been content to let hunting bear the brunt.now its "gone" we are next make no mistake.

im not being alarmist,i dont need a crystal ball to know shooting is next,those who think we are safe where do you think the lacs will go next ?

as a start ; if confronted when shooting sleeve your gun.dont say a word and admit you are wrong.get regisration numbers from cars and the usual beaten up **** they drive.

pm them to me and i will compile a country wide list.

i feel a warning coming on but its time that sh*tbags like grave robbing scum and terrorists realise that no matter how thick the balaclava,how dark the night they hide behind,how many isolated communities they descend upon,they are being watched.they will be visited,they will sow as they reap. :devil:


the words above in no way are those of any other forum member,moderator or owner.they are my veiws and in no way impart any acceptance by the boards owner,moderators or posters

Turn the tide chaps.


I am on board Digger lets see who else has balls.





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You heard the story where a chap hears a noise, looks out of his bedroom window and sees two youths breaking into his garden shed?


So he picks up the phone & dials 999 only to be told that they don't have anyone available to send around just now.


So he puts the phone down, waits a minute, phones them up again and says: "don't bother to hurry round, I've just shot them"


1 minute later, the house and garden are swarming with police and the two villains are nabbed.


The cops then turn to the owner:


"Thought you said you'd shot them?"


He replies:


"Thought you said you had nobody available?"


:o :lol: Love it, well said. :devil::lol:


Im ready for the ****ers when they start trouble over here thats for sure, along with thousands more. :devil::lol:

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regarding anti's i was bombarded with orangers by a load of anti's after been asked by a local farmer to remove some squires for a wooded area near his outbuildings.


i don't know how or why they found out but they did. a group of what felt like hundreds( about ten really) hit myself my car and the farmers house with orangers.


i tried to reason with them and explain what and why i was doing this. i'm a door supervisor in my spare time ( extra money) and i think i know what to do regarding calmly explaining to people.


i managed to calm the group down to a resonable level allthough they were not happy they could see the reasonning behind it.


except for one which proceed to hit me and my car with a fence post.


i opened my car door and though my air rifle in.


at this point most of the people there tried to calm the Tw*t down. but he continued



next but went blured, but i remeber driving to the police staition, with some certain person in the boot of my little clio ( was only 18)


the anti got charge with causing a public disturbance, actual bodly harm, crimanal damagers and tresspass.


good day vermin hunting really and best of all did not cost me a penny

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regarding anti's i was bombarded with orangers by a load of anti's after been asked by a local farmer to remove some squires for a wooded area near his outbuildings.


i don't know how or why they found out but they did. a group of what felt like hundreds( about ten really) hit myself my car and the farmers house with orangers.


i tried to reason with them and explain what and why i was doing this. i'm a door supervisor in my spare time ( extra money) and i think i know what to do regarding calmly explaining to people.


i managed to calm the group down to a resonable level allthough they were not happy they could see the reasonning behind it.


except for one which proceed to hit me and my car with a fence post.


i opened my car door and though my air rifle in.


at this point most of the people there tried to calm the Tw*t down. but he continued



next but went blured, but i remeber driving to the police staition, with some certain person in the boot of my little clio ( was only 18)


the anti got charge with causing a public disturbance, actual bodly harm, crimanal damagers and tresspass.


good day vermin hunting really and best of all did not cost me a penny

well handled.remember old bill are ok when you do some of there work for them :(

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We had a possible "anti alert" today at a cockshoot,a silver honda cv/hv 4x4 slowed and stopped while we were walking out to the pins.After 10 mins or so it carried on,we hadn`t even seen a bird yet,but came back shortly and stayed until the end of the drive.I had intended to take their plate no. but they were away too quick.

Thing is there was a flash of a lens,either bins or a camera,so I don`t expect they were watching to see some sporting excellence(fat chance with the muppets on my team).

If anyone sees my mug on an anti web site let me know,I`m the one that takes a couple of feathers out of a redleg crossing at 40-50yds. :(

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