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Anyone fancy a P.W knife comp???????


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I propose we have a knife making competion here on pigeon watch.

Anyone can enter and make any style of knife you want.

I suggest we put a time scale on it say 4 monthsish???....... 1st Feb closing date?:good:

Then we post pics and details up of the knifes we have made.

Extra points should be awarded for inovation and fabrication skills,

I.E out of two beautifully made knives the person who forged their own blade as opposed to someone buying a blade in should win, if that makes sense???

I suggest the knives are then but to the vote on this very forum.

As a prize the winner gets to bask in the glory of being the best damned knife maker on here.

Any interested parties should make it known on this thread ASAP.

Any takers????

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Just so happens that I ordered a blade a ferule yesterday and I'm going to make a handle from an old (probably 50 years) shotgun stock which looks like a nice bit if wavey walnut. Not so interested in a comp but may upload pics when it's done and would like to see other peoples efforts.

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Can I enter one I made a while ago?


I am not sure how many people makes their own blade, that might restrict your audience slightly, maybe have a beginners class for those who used kits?



I have a Brusletto knife that i made from a kit and to be honest it looks like a bought knife.

I think if someone buys a blade blank and shapes the blade themselves they deserve more recognistion than someone who glues a kit togther.

Any person can put forward any knife aslong as its not shop bought.

Hows that?

Extra points awarded for smelting your own iron!!!!!

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I have a Brusletto knife that i made from a kit and to be honest it looks like a bought knife.

I think if someone buys a blade blank and shapes the blade themselves they deserve more recognistion than someone who glues a kit togther.

Any person can put forward any knife aslong as its not shop bought.

Hows that?

Extra points awarded for smelting your own iron!!!!!

That seems fair enough.

The hardest part will be remembering where I left it :good:

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  • 1 month later...

I presume these would be a bit too big, also i made them around 20/25 years ago :blush:




I hammered them out and finished them by hand- no power tools were used which is probably why i have arthritis at the age of 52 :rolleyes:


I made a pattern of wood, then made a mould and poured molten brass in for the handle/knuckle guard on the top one, the handle on the bottom one is a bit of a pallet that fire bricks came on :yes:


I'm off work at the mo (well for at least the next six weeks), i'll have a go..




John :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And another Belter i made last year





That is a stunner. I have a hankering after a damascus bladed knife, what would a knife like that cost me and where could i get one? I have never even seen one, but in pictures they look fantastic. If they are very expensive i would be keen enough to make one if someone could point me in the right direction for the parts.


Are they hard wearing or do the blunten or rust if they get damp?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I found the knife but the sheath is still out there somewhere.

Anyhoo, here it is made from a kit from Attleborough.]


Yours looks really shiny!! Mines had some rough use and has to cope with my awful sharpening so isnt looking quite as good.


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I propose we have a knife making competion here on pigeon watch.

Anyone can enter and make any style of knife you want.

I suggest we put a time scale on it say 4 monthsish???....... 1st Feb closing date?:good:

Then we post pics and details up of the knifes we have made.

Extra points should be awarded for inovation and fabrication skills,

I.E out of two beautifully made knives the person who forged their own blade as opposed to someone buying a blade in should win, if that makes sense???

I suggest the knives are then but to the vote on this very forum.

As a prize the winner gets to bask in the glory of being the best damned knife maker on here.

Any interested parties should make it known on this thread ASAP.

Any takers????


I am up 4 that, but off on a trip so will a march/april late entry count?

Got an old greener&greener stock that will supply the wood!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I just thought i would pop this reminder up for all that are intrested.. :hmm:


It's the last weekend for a good day's shooting & beating,so no doubt a lot of you

will be out and about :yes: but It's also the last weekend for the PW KNIFE COMP...


And i for one,would be keen to see the out come of this comp...also my elected

judge is:Cranfield...sorry about that mate. :lol: anyway all the best to all who

have enterd and happy hunting...


:drinks: HERE'S TO PW FOR 2O11



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