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I cant decide whether or not it is my favourite PW thing when someone bites like a starving hyena and then lashes themselves to the mast of HMS Outrage, or when the "race card" is played straight off the top of the deck of intolerance and ill humour.


Either way, I can say with conviction that both are pretty damn high on the chuckleometer.

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No the Yanks made us do it because it was too similar to the F111, we couldn`t afford to upset them, in those days.

Take your point (and also have a feeling you know what I'm on about) but I didn't say it was the French who made us do it and for this thread it's of no consequence who did; the fact remains that the (our) government cancelled TSR 2.

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No the Yanks made us do it because it was too similar to the F111, we couldn`t afford to upset them, in those days.


nowt to do with the fact other countries including our mates the aussies decided not to order tsr2 in favour of the 111 then?



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I see that we have a some more Keyboard Warriors jumping on this thread. Do you all think you are clever or hard while you can hide behind your keyboards. I would suggest that the mods shut this thread down rather quickly because I for one am not prepared to sit back and take any more of this racist and downright insulting **** that these gobby idiots are printing and if speaking my mind means getting banned then so be it!



Chill big man, its all tounge in cheek and was intended as a monty python sketch thread


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I thought black was ok, sort of statement of fact like :D or should I have said off white or something similar. I must admit to loosing track of what you can and can't say



its a one way street you can have MOBO black music awards for blacks only but you cant have whites only awards as clearly that would be racists :lol:


now quite how we will address the issue of Gay singing black French squadies is up for debate :hmm:

Edited by pavman
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Ive got to agree that this thread has been a comic masterpiece.


Personally i think that the french have been one of our best enemies for last 1000 years and should be treated as such.


ajincourt, crecy, the peninsular wars & waterloo would have all not been possible without the french!



in all seriousness i really think that part of our decenent into cr ap ness as a country is down to no longer teaching kids at school to believe "one englishman is worth 4 foreigners", a concept that assisted our navy to acheive some fantastic victories that spawned an empire that covered most of the globe*.


(* exept france because queen Vicky didn't want that bit cos it was dirty :hmm: )

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its a one way street you can have MOBO black music awards for blacks only but you cant have whites only awards as clearly that would be racists :D


now quite how we will address the issue of Gay singing black French squadies is up for debate :hmm:



does pose the question of whether we should have the MOWO awards as well, If so I'd vote for Johnathan Ross to present it as him saying MOWO awards would likely end up with me in stitches laughing on the floor

Edited by al4x
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There's nothing stopping anyone having a MOWO other than the fact that no one would be interested - I'm white and proud of it but I wouldn't be interested in a MOWO taking up airtime on the TV. The reason there is a MOBO is because, amongst other reasons, members of the black community decided to create the awards - and well done for doing so - I hate it when 'us white hard done by' bods start whinging about not having it fair - wake up and smell the Tetley tea, life ain't fair and no one ever said it was. So get over what other people are doing and if something riles you so much, do something about it - just don't bother sending me an complimentary tickets for your MOWO awards 'cause it'll be really DULL. :hmm:

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