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this new pigeon watch sucks


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Will someone tell me how to use to the 'New Post' operation.


In the Good Olde Days all I used to do was click on this and all the new posts in every section used to appear.


When I click on 'View New Content' all I get is puter gibberish.


I hate change. Dynosaurs lived happily for millions of years before global warming did them in.



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Will someone tell me how to use to the 'New Post' operation.


In the Good Olde Days all I used to do was click on this and all the new posts in every section used to appear.


When I click on 'View New Content' all I get is puter gibberish.


I hate change. Dynosaurs lived happily for millions of years before global warming did them in.




Found out now how to do it


Too complicated by half


Nowt wrong with pounds, shillings and pence

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heres some feedback for you:



Nobody wants twitt/facepage links. no need for them, please remove.

Average age of shooters? I guess about 50. You try teaching Chard to tweet.

As i write across the box, it carries on into the smilies section.

Its much slower.

It keeps freezing the page.

Every time i got to my PM's, and then click new content, it takes me to new mebers.

the smilies box.

The avatars are in the middle of the page.

The text is crammed into a small box on the right of the page.


Once again, its much too slow and keeps freezing.

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heres some feedback for you:



Nobody wants twitt/facepage links. no need for them, please remove.

Average age of shooters? I guess about 50. You try teaching Chard to tweet.

As i write across the box, it carries on into the smilies section.

Its much slower.

It keeps freezing the page.

Every time i got to my PM's, and then click new content, it takes me to new mebers.

the smilies box.

The avatars are in the middle of the page.

The text is crammed into a small box on the right of the page.


Once again, its much too slow and keeps freezing.

Sounds like you are using IE6 or a similar aged browser, unless there is a reason you have to use it,take the opertunity to upgrade it.

I used the forum from 3 different PC's yesterday and didn't see any of the issues you have reported.

The only thing I would like addressed is the font size and that is being worked on.

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The slowness you are reporting may well be down to the fact that I am having to resychronise all post content on the site, this is a one off event, and I started it at about 6am this morning, it should be finished by 11am. The reason for this resychronisation is that the quotes on old posts were not working, and also there were some problems when editing old posts. It's not ideal doing it when the site is live because it does mean that the server is under stress and so things will be slower, but I wanted to get the site open yesterday for people to use, and so did not do it at the time, because it would have extended downtime by about 5hours. I have tried to do it at a time when I hoped that by starting it at 6am it would not cause too much disruption, and would not be at the busiest times of the day.


However, I think the main problems that you are experiencing with the site, sound like they are because the site is not displaying as it should. Can you tell me which internet browser and version number you are using. Is there any chance that you could update it or download google chrome. I am working on making the site compatible with internet explorer 6, but it is a broswer that was released in 2001 and so it will take time to do this.

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Wish i could Teal, but i just about work a toaster, never mind Chroming my browser :good: .

Ill ask the minds who press buttons if they can do my machine. Ill tell them Teal said they need bigger browsers or something. Might be easier if i just copy and paste what you said.

If everything is simplified down, it might be a bit easier to look at. Some folk think that the size of the text is the biggest issue, bloody hell, you should see my screen.

Can we get rid of all them 'Tweet' buttons, as its just clutter. The nearest it was to the old forum, the better for the old dears like Magman and MC :hmm:

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Average age of shooters? I guess about 50. You try teaching Chard to tweet.




I don't Tweet, that's strictly mincers only. :good:


I'll have you know, I've embraced Facebook big style. I've embarked on a programme of foul-mouthed abuse hitherto unheard of.

But most of it is in the Secret Large Members Only PW Sex Club. :blush:


New forum's all right :hmm: No moans from me. Print's a bit small but whatever.

Edited by Chard
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I think the new skin looks great, though it may take time for some to get used to it


can i make a suggestion? there are a few threads already about bugs and issues, why not make a sub section within 'off topic' and put the new forum related stuff in there, with a new thread for reporting bugs and may be a tutorial for some of the new bits, it'll save on all the 'why has my screen changed' threads for the next few weeks.........



PS the back to top and report buttons could do with being more defined, they blend in at the mo

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Works OK on the Iphone, I say OK only because I'm still finding my way around, but there is definitely a lot less having to zoom in and out and scrolling left and right involved, so that's good.


I notice there is an app (if that's the right phrase) you can download for the Iphone, has anyone tried it? I'm using mine straight off without the download at the moment.

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I don't Tweet, that's strictly mincers only. :good:


I'll have you know, I've embraced Facebook big style. .

i wish you hadn't as when I logged on this morning I could see you had defaced my wall last night. :-)


Well i like it and it works miles better on the iPhone. I am going to try the app later as that's the way I roll. :-)

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