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Can anyone identify this scope please?


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I have just brought this scope (pre-owned but in immaculate condition) with mounts and would like to know exactly what make and model it is. The only markings (Except for theelevation and windage adjustments which are 1 click = 1/8 MOA) on the scope are on the eye piece which are: 8-32x50E-SF. The scope is 42cm long and has a 30mm tube with Side Focusing Dial (No side wheel was supplied)

I have had this scope fitted to my HMR this afternoon to check that it all worked properly which it does and it zeroed it up quite easily. I originally brought it with a view of trying it on my .243 (When it arrives)but I think it might be a bit too much scope for the rifle. The optics are really clear and the reticule illuminates red with 7 different light settings.

Here's a few photos of the scope. Can anyone help to identify this scope for me please?


Edited by Frenchieboy
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I agree, it looks a bit like a Nikko Nighteater

I had thought about that one guys but what made me think otherwise is that I can not find a "Nighteater" in that size!

If it were I would be quite interested in it's aproximate value baring in mind that the scopes and mounts are in "As New" condition as they might go up for sale if I decide that they will "overscope" my .243!

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I had thought about that one guys but what made me think otherwise is that I can not find a "Nighteater" in that size!

If it were I would be quite interested in it's aproximate value baring in mind that the scopes and mounts are in "As New" condition as they might go up for sale if I decide that they will "overscope" my .243!



stick it on the .243 frenchie it would be too much for my .22lr but not your semi-custom beast!! get it on there :good:

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Vector Optics Viper?




Just guessing from a quick google search. (and I think they're the same scope anyway!)

i thought tasco as soon as i saw it too

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my guess would be http://www.jsramsbottom.com/products/riflescopes-leapers/swat83256ir-leapers-swat-8-32x56-illuminated-mil-dot-30mm-side-focus-riflescope.html

i would imagine it would look identicle once the flip up covers have been removed.

I would be tempted to agree with you whole heartedly Paul but there is not a 50mm one listed in 8-32, that's the only difference.

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To be honest I wouldn't worry about what it is, just how it performs. Its most likely out of the same factory as JSR,Tasco, etc, but the optics could be used by just about any Chinese brand out there. Some use Jap lenses, others use Chinese or other far east makers. As its not branded theres no way of saying what model, even if you find something similar looking the internals could be totally different. As long as you happy for the price you paid alls good.

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the vector was my first thoughts but the side adjuster on the vector is off set so its not right. i then thought about a clone nighteater but i havent seen once yet, not saying there isnt one.


is this a competitions, do we win the scope if we get it right.haha.


buy it, put it on rifle and see if it holds zero. thats what i do but then i have got it wrong 3 times so worded out a little expensive.




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Its the same as one I bought on ebay a couple of years ago which was supposed to be a Bushnell . Cheap copies , when you get to the economy end of the market it doesnt matter what the label says because they are all the same , made in one factory they just put different labels on them .

The one I had was ok but I didnt like the reticule and found it rather bulky .



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Its a chinese model , possibly a fake tasco , jsr did make a 8-32x50 also but was quite a while ago and was marked jsr my bet is defo a fake tasco , i have an xd optics 10-40x50 another chinese scope and its exactley the same also , defo not a nikko stirling



yep I would agree with that possibly sold under the SMK banner. Nothing wrong with chinese optics however. ;)

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