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guy that dressed as a bomber last week


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A guy was on the news tonight some guy high in the Muslim community.


Said that the media should not pick on the poor guy, and that he was 16 when he was done for selling crack. He said the guy has paid his debt and that should be left in the past. He then said what do they want to behead him!!!!! Ironic after seeing the signs wafted around London.


Then he said they are treating him like a terrorist he's not a terrorist he's just an idiot.


I must admit I nearly fell over laughing this guy was trying to defend the man, not doing a very good job.


I believe that the cartoon was placed in the papers and they have jumped on it to try and consolidate the Islamic communities even more against us i.e. Europe Israel and the states.


This is the way wars start. I think it may kick off again soon.


Don't get me wrong I too think that like in anything, we all must respect each other beliefs and rights, and it's a stupid man that starts slagging off religious prophets.


But hay where’s their sense of humour



what do you think? :D

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It will all soon come to a head and Emoch will be proved right. This government has allowed it to happen. I never thought I'd see the day when a bunch of foreigners could march through our streets waving placards openly inciting violence and the police just look on !!!


Still at least they have banged up that evil bast*rd Hansa at last.

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I won't get into religion or politics but that guy was lucky not to be shot. I don't see how that lot (muslim) can complain about a cartoon and all go on a rampage yet, no one seems to remember the AR*EHOLES who flew planes into the twin towers or who bombed London.


If they don't like they can always P**S off home.





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I won't get into religion or politics but that guy was lucky not to be shot. I don't see how that lot (muslim) can complain about a cartoon and all go on a rampage yet, no one seems to remember the AR*EHOLES who flew planes into the twin towers or who bombed London.


If they don't like they can always P**S off home.





Deffo no reference to religion or politics there mate :D :look: :look: :look:

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I work all round the East End of London and stop an awfull lot of so called muslims. It has to be said the older generation as a rule are brilliant. The younger generation seem to "turn on/off" their religious beliefs as and when it suits them.

I haven't got a problem with any religion, I just wish people would be consistent and sympathetic to others.

Off to fight crime! :(

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StuartP and myself lived, worked and socialised with Libyans in Tripoli for 2 years not that long ago. We met some brilliant people over there and I personally saw many good lessons that we in the west should learn from them which would unquestionably increase the quality and stability of our society over here.

However, any of the people we met over there would say the same thing, this guy is no Muslim. He was done for drug dealing/posession and they would of had no "truck" with him at all after that. Indeed, if he'd done it at home, he'd have been very severely dealt with indeed.

He's a little sh*te and it's a pity our sad **** politicians will allow any group to march through our streets in this way. This has no relation to freedom of speech, a freedom which incidentally native British people (of any colour) would appear to have lost some time back. The whole "cartoon" thing is being used simply as a rallying cry for Muslim activists to stir up more ****.

When I lived amongst Muslims I never really met an extremist, indeed the Libyans who were mostly Sunni Muslim had no time for them at all. Why does this country seem to attract more than it's fair share of them? I imagine it's because back in their home countries they wouldn't get away with it or wouldn't be allowed a voice.

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Islam forbids drugs and alcohol so if he is not devout enough to give a **** about that then in my opinion he has waived all rights to complain about something else to do with it after peddling his poison!

absolutely spot on brilliant :(

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Islam forbids drugs and alcohol so if he is not devout enough to give a **** about that then in my opinion he has waived all rights to complain about something else to do with it after peddling his poison!

absolutely spot on brilliant :(

You have COMPLETLY missed the point here. That was his past and now he has repented, given his life to Islam he has carte blanche to rip into OUR way of life. And to sugest he can **** off back to his Mother land if he doesn't like it here is quite frankly out of order.

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Just to equal things out a bit I've booked Friday afternoon off and I'm going to stand outside Finsbury Mosque dressed as a bacon sandwich chanting "I am the Prophet Mohammed"


Let's see how long it is before I'm mobbed by small brown men with moustaches.

make sure it's danish bacon :( :lol:

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what do you think? :(

People have the damn cheek to say that idle hands are the devils workplace.....

but i believe narrow minds are any Gods loyal apprentices' downfall.


the mentality of narrow minds, have made world into the wretched pool of pestilence that it is.


end of.

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Religeon & Politics do we all get a AK 47 to shoot in the air to celebrate  :lol:  :lol:  ???

What the thick tw>ts that shoot in the air do not realise is. What goes up has to come down. So in the market about 1 mile away some poor *** is getting a bullet through the top of the head ( lets just hope it is one of their own family :( )

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think alcohol is illegal in saudi anyway fullbore.

More to the point though i dont understand why they think they can make such a fuss, for a start 9/11 and the london bombings! did you see every american and british person running around with signs sayin "sayin behead all muslims!"??

Also Jesus/God is made fun of the world over, on tv, cartoons etc. but do u see every christian running around lookin to behead and cause harm to people??

Personally id just issue a few like minded people with m-16s and we'd soon get them out! failing that just employ a few of the belfast lads to do it for you, they're experts in the field of putting people out of their houses :D:D


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