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Disaster !!!!!


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Hiya, Was just putting my FAC Rapid 7 into its slip while getting ready to go out this morning...when THIS happened, I dropped it, and it landed on the butt!!!...:( I've been in a state of shock all day....:)






Now off to the "Wanted" section, looking for a new..ish one...:)

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I had the same break on my air arms, as mentioned above cascamite and a brass wood screw counter sunk in the pistol grip and is good as new, to be honest you'd be hard pressed now to even tell there was a break, and It's now ten years since I repaired it. Good luck

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Hiya, Just a wee update,. Firstly, I have to thank all you guys who replied to my posts...It's very much appreciated, and the kind offers of doing the job for me..:)


Now,I have decided to attempt the repair job myself, for two reasons...Firstly,.I've had a quickfill made for me by an engineer, ( you'll see pics soon) and the stock will have to be drilled to allow access to the quick fill "thingy"...so, I dont want to mess around measuring and drilling a new stock...


Secondly, I really think I can do the repair...:)


SO, I may be absent from here tomorrow,sorry guys... :blink: as I have all the gear to hand to start the job...:)




I'll report back to you as soon as it's all finished..:)


I think an oil finish on the stock would do me...mainly because I've got a bottle of Nickersons Walnut oil here...:)

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Norrie, when you mix the glue, do not use anything metal... mix it in a plastic bowl and use a piece of wood to mix it. Can't remember why but that what we always did when I was a joiner, sure it was one of the old joiners that told us that.


Also, remember to wipe off any of the glue that seeps out before it goes hard.


And I would have used a brass screw instead of the tiebar you have there,

Edited by Photoguy2910
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