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Cold Weather Shooting Ban


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it's been very cold now for over a week just as the woodcock were coming in in good numbers, there forecast isn't giving the weather any sign of improvement in the next 10+ days, Surely the powers that be will be calling for a Cold Weather shooting ban very soon, I for one am all for it, all birds have to be getting it tough as it is never mind another 2 weeks of the same or worse to come, What do you think ?



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it's been very cold now for over a week just as the woodcock were coming in in good numbers, there forecast isn't giving the weather any sign of improvement in the next 10+ days, Surely the powers that be will be calling for a Cold Weather shooting ban very soon, I for one am all for it, all birds have to be getting it tough as it is never mind another 2 weeks of the same or worse to come, What do you think ?





I agree, it isn't sporting to add pressure to animals that are already up against it surviving in harsh, severe conditions.

TBH when it's this cold, I feel less like heading out with a gun myself anyway. :yp:

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Not sure if a countrywide ban would appropriate as its starting to thaw a good bit here in NI during the day anyway. Starting to see green grass again but maybe in more affected parts it would be suitable. I think the people who know best are the shooters gamekeepers etc and if an Individual or group feels it's not right then ban or no ban they shouldnt shoot or even walk their dogs where animals or birds are present. I personally am shooting tomorrow and then will be in a better position to assess the condition of wildlife.

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Far too soon, snow has only been on the ground for 5 days and as has been said its thawing out in the sun each day. Last year i think It was knocking 2 or 3 weeks with snow on the ground and ponds frozen over when wild fowl was banned if not longer I don't think it'll happen soon but wouldn't be too surprised to see one this year if this is anything to go buy.



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In periods of prolonged severe wintery weather (typically persistent freezing conditions) the relevant government ministers have the power to make protection orders suspending the shooting of wildfowl and waders in England, Wales and Scotland, under Section 2 (6) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. Similar provisions apply in Northern Ireland under the Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 1985.


More info here:http://www.basc.org.uk/en/shooting/severe-weather.cfm


Any further warnings will be on the BASC web site if the current freeze continues



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I think it is too early aswell. However, I think as sportsmen we should only be shooting the sporting birds. When I was out at the weekend I musta let about 10 woodcock go as they didn't offer a sporting shot.


I applaud your sportsmanship Ollie, Surely this would/should be the case with all shots that are taken on by anyone who's out with a gun !


As much as we All love hunting I sometimes think it takes the bigger man to not go out hunting at all in these current conditions, I sacrificed my game shooting last season from time the shooting ban started by not taking the gun out anytime I went out with the dog, I'll be honest in saying I saw some woodcock (& pheasants) that looked absolutely starved,some were barely fit to fly more than 5 yards, in hindsight I got more satisfaction in not shooting even when the ban was lifted ~ maybe that's why when conditions now compare to last season I don't think I'll bother taking the gun out with me the next time I give the dog a run until conditions for sporting shooting improves and when it offers the birds a 50/50 sporting chance.

This is not a criticism of anyone who does not think the same as me ~ this is just my personal view.



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As suggested the weather is not constant throughout the UK, therefore I think it would be best

to let the individual shooter decide whether the local conditions would be ok to permit

shooting or whether it would be irresponsible to shoot animals when they are struggling to cope with the cold.





Edited by Fishermanpaddy
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I applaud your sportsmanship Ollie, Surely this would/should be the case with all shots that are taken on by anyone who's out with a gun !


As much as we All love hunting I sometimes think it takes the bigger man to not go out hunting at all in these current conditions, I sacrificed my game shooting last season from time the shooting ban started by not taking the gun out anytime I went out with the dog, I'll be honest in saying I saw some woodcock (& pheasants) that looked absolutely starved,some were barely fit to fly more than 5 yards, in hindsight I got more satisfaction in not shooting even when the ban was lifted ~ maybe that's why when conditions now compare to last season I don't think I'll bother taking the gun out with me the next time I give the dog a run until conditions for sporting shooting improves and when it offers the birds a 50/50 sporting chance.

This is not a criticism of anyone who does not think the same as me ~ this is just my personal view.




I know what you mean about last season. I have never saw as many woodcock but they just didn't have the strength to hardly fly. To be honest why would you shoot a game bird that wasn't sporting? Ok fair enough you have the bird for the pot but if the shot isn't sporting its not worth lifting the gun. I like nothing more than sitting down eating the bird and remembering the sporting shot that bagged it.

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Well that's it over for me for the foreseeable future ! I was out there with the dog for an hour and a half in a place that would normally hold several woodcock and a few pheasants and all the dog put up was one hen pheasant, the ground is unbelievably frozen and so are all the drains and the duck pond, I know last season was bad But I honestly think it's as bad now where I live, if the grounds not covered in frozen snow its just frozen solid, what took me an hour and a half to cover had noting to offer wild birds for feeding or shelter. I'll not have the dog out again in the same area as If there any were any birds that held in tight and I missed they need peace to live. I'll leave shooting until the grounds soft again and the birds have a sporting chance.



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I normally shoot every weekend but it doesn't feel right planning anything for sat. Woodcock seem to be doing O.k. round here but in the course of a days shooting I often rise loads of snipe and the really dont seem to be doing so well. we had a few small birds, robins etc. in the workshop and work canteen today so they are getting it tough I think ill skip this weekend and shoot a few orange discs instead.

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I went out on the foreshore last night, never fired the gun to be honest, but its funny how different the weather maybe in a surrounding areas.

Home it was cold, snow on the ground etc but once out on the foreshore there was no snow what so ever....Ducks were flying around and there were signs that they had been feeding on the ground etc, so food wise it would seem that they have plenty at the present time, well along the coast i wildfowl on anyway.

Obviously the splashes have frozen over which could be a problem for them but the ducks still seem to be in good condition at the present time, but you can see that the colder weather have pushed them from their normal feeding areas, as I am seeing more larger flocks of them moving about at the present time.

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An update on the BASC web site: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/key_issues.cfm/cid/0E4129DD-791D-4722-A256194278DFDB1F


We will keep updating every day




Thanks for the update. A lot of this voluntary restraint is regional; on the low ground we haven't had any snow until this morning when there was a blizzard for a few hours. We are shooting the pheasants tomorrow but we have feeders for those.

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Well that looks like the end of my game shooting around here for ay least another week ! we've just had about 5" of snow today and it's not looking like stoppen anyway soon, the birds are going to get it tough now, like they weren't already gettin it bad enough as it is.



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if it continues will there be a game bird restriction ??


Pheasants, Partridge etc shouldn't be affected for a while as most shoots will be providing food for them. The cold spell last year was more prolonged than the current one but we were still allowed to shoot Pheasants etc.

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After 4 of us being up at the weekend to put feed out for the pheasants and walking through waist deep snow in some places the pheasants on my shoot ain't getting off. Roll on saturday, the crop size on the birds a week past saturday shows they aint going hungry.

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