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My MP's response


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Found it promising to recieve the reply (below) from my local MP and thought i would share:





Dear Mr Batchelor


Thank you for your email of Friday's date regarding the future of shooting. I think my own husband would have an awful lot to say about it if the Government did anything which curtailed his shooting!


However, on a serious point, I am concerned about the current enquiry being conducted by the Home Affairs Select Committee into shooting, which follows on from the dreadful events in Cumbria. Whilst any report must remain (at this stage) confidential, I have spoken to colleagues on the Committee about the need to ensure shooting sports are not endangered by an over-reaction to one lone incident.


I often comment that if anyone had any idea how many 14 year old girls were killed by horse riding the Pony Club would have long ago been a banned organisation! There is a measure of risk in all that we do, and the important thing is to get the balance right.


If you think a meeting would be useful I am more than happy to come and see you, and will ask my secretary to make contact.


Best wishes


Edited by wannabe_keeper
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We have found a new patron for PW i think lol!


Yeah it is on this forum mate in this section rights at the top - redirects you to the BASC website to send an email template which i ammended slightly. I also sent one to our MP back in Sussex mate. His name is Nicholas Soames also a shooting supporter and has even been shooting with Prince Charles!


WK :good:

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Nicholas Soames:


President - East Grinstead Target Shooting Club

President - South of England Hound Show

Member of the Council for the Protection of Rural England

His hobbies include reading, racing and country pursuits

He is a Trustee of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and Chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Game and Wildlife Conservation Group.


sounds alright to me lol

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