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Cumberland fox call

tommy trucker

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Its the same as the Tenterfield, i made my own:




There is a two part instructional video on youtube showing you how to make them, just type in Tenterfield fox whistle.

They are easy to do for anyone with basic DIY skills.

I have made several now and you can adjust the pitch of the whistle by experimenting with different hole diametres.



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no its not! its similar yes,its more like a cross between the tenterfield and the original fox whistle.

once this call is mastered u can change the tones by squeezing the blades closer together and releasing them with your lips, from a very high pitched squeal to deep moaning tones cant do that with a tenterfieild. you also use your tongue different to a tenterfield. it produces a more realistic rabbit distress sound than a tenterfield.

another advantage is its plastic no more freezing and sticking to your lips :o

Edited by tommy trucker
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