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Jailed for lobbing fire extinguisher - right or wrong?

death from below

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I for one am glad the student fella has been locked up - lobbing it off the roof was at best a completely moronic attempt to injure and he is lucky no one was killed. I see the bleeding heart liberals are out commenting in the Times about how he should be given a community service order as it was a 'rush of blood to the head'. That is exactly what the poor unfortunate would have got if the extinguisher had landed on them - I'm all for protest when someone believes a wrong has been done but I'm glad, for once, that a reasonable sentence has been given, even if he will only serve half of it.

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a sudden rush ???

isnt half the murders in the world a sudden rush ?

i for one would have been happy to see a charge of attempted murder for lobbing the extinguiser .


round the rest up and find a suitable hole and fill it in !


no sympathy from me , we are a country that has failed due to cotton wool and the do gooders .

ban the human rights mob too , they are just out for the money and dont give a monkeys about the real world .

soap box sermon finished .

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had the extinguisher landed on someone then we would have seen a "rush of blood to the head"

deserves the sentance, if only for being so stupid that he felt he could pull a stunt like that in full view of the worlds media without any comeback!total ill educated **** ( er that will make him a student then?)



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A 9 litre water fire extinguisher weighs about 15Kg. Im sure someone could do the science to work out the impact energy on somones head.

That little **** could of killed people doing that. I'm glad he's locked up. Shame it's not for longer, he'll be out in six months for good behaviour.

Edited by throbbingfinger
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Given the fact that this particular idiot who got carried away got 2 years and ultimately didn't hurt anyone, looks pretty f ing stupid compared to the guy who killed my cousin in his car (quite deliberately) and got 6 months.

There is no justice in the UK.


Yeah, I could imagine. Sentencing for deaths involving idiots in cars who kill are light years away from reality and offenders are literally getting away with murder.

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Yeah, I could imagine. Sentencing for deaths involving idiots in cars who kill are light years away from reality and offenders are literally getting away with murder.

If you ever want to kill anyone and pretty much get away with it, use a car. Death by car is socially acceptable - kind of a '**** happens' attitude to it.

If as many people got killed by guns every year as are killed by cars, guns would be completely banned.

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The trouble with that is, due to education levels nowadays, some teachers might get capital confused with corporal - imagine where that might lead.



... To a better quality of youth with less of an 'I deserve everything' attitude? And the ability to show some respect where it earned?

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this idiot deserved to be punnished but 32 months??

aso mohammed ibrahim, banned from driving ,waiting for deportation,runs over and kills 12 year old Amy Houston in a hit and run ,sentanced to 4 months and allowed to stay in the country in case we infringe his human rights

Edited by duncan
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