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Jailed for lobbing fire extinguisher - right or wrong?

death from below

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Right to a large degree in the case of attempted murder - Wrong when talking of manslaughter when reckless abandonment can play a big part in a succesful conviction. Lobbing a heavy object off a building knowing that there are large groups of people below, if he had killed someone then manslaughter would be simple to prove, murder not so easy if not impossible. He got off lucky with the safe option the CPS decided to pursue him on.


Had he killed someone all they would have had to prove was aggrivated criminal damage which only requires recklessness to the endangerment of life, then the constructive manslaughter conviction would have followed from that. My point was that people are trying to claim he intended death to result from his actions, something I just can't accept/believe.

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I think they hit him a bit too hard. He's obviously got a conscience and a well defined sense of right and wrong, and maybe 6 months would have sent the same message and still had the desired effect on him. I just dont see the point of turning him out of a prison as a bandy legged smack addict, there's no win for society in that.


The question now is what he will be like when he comes out. I suspect going where he's going with the people that will already be in there will turn him into another waster, whereas a community sentence could have at least provided him the opportunity to amke something about himself while every weekend being reminded of the potential consequences of his actions.

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However distasteful those actions may be, they are not in the same league as the actions of this nutter that essentially amount to attempted murder. Had any of those muslim protesters done anything that deliberately tried to kill or seriously injure policemen then you can be sure as hell they would be in prison now. And if our 'student' had only shouted offencive remarks and burned symbols of capitalism, like lots of other protesters that day, then nobody would have heard of him. He wasn't just badly behaved, offensive or unpleasant. He tried to kill or seriously injure people. I think he got off lightly.


Since when have Rememberance Day poppies been 'symbols of capitalism'? And by the way, those actions are not just 'distasteful' but are in fact abhorrent actions of the feeble minded.

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Since when have Rememberance Day poppies been 'symbols of capitalism'? And by the way, those actions are not just 'distasteful' but are in fact abhorrent actions of the feeble minded.


He was clearly making a comparison to what the equivalent would have been in the student protest, he wasn't saying that poppies are symbols of capitalism. Read what he said properly.

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If he had been a long term dolie with a huge criminal record would you still say the sentence was a bit hard?

The do-gooders could say sending the yob back inside will make him a lost cause, he had been turning his life round until this, etc etc. so a lenient sentence would be best.....


One set of rules and no ifs or buts, that is what we need, that goes for all the other crimes and such we hear about where scummy boy only gets a slap on the wrist, and the MP's who think fiddling expenses is a perk of the job :angry:

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You would have thought , if the lad had the intelligence to get into Uni..he would of had the intelligence not to throw the FI.... sorry, but he deserves all he gets..about time these Idiots were put in place instead of a slapped wrist

I'm sure he understands that now...

i don't think he'll do it again in a hurry.

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I'm sure he understands that now...

i don't think he'll do it again in a hurry.

Really? Wonder what he'll do if their is a riot or even a whiff of one while he is inside? I don't know this lad, never met him, and haven't followed the case that closely. I don't however feel its the best use of a £20k+ a year prison place.......It offers no rehabilitation prospects as far as i can see....


Similar situation where someone was killed http://www.metro.co.uk/home/5368-is-the-sentence-long-enough

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If he had been a long term dolie with a huge criminal record would you still say the sentence was a bit hard?



I think everyone deserves a chance. If you take that chance and blow it then you've got nobody to blame but yourself but if you wander from the straight and narrow for the first time then I think you deserve the be given a prod in the right direction before being shot down.


I'm not defending what this lad did, it was stupid. Just put it into context though - did he lob it to try to hurt someone or did he lob it to make a point without really thinking about what could happen if it hit someone? If it's the latter then that doesn't make him a bad person, he just messed up.

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Not to try and seriously hurt or kill someone! Can't say I ever did that really! :(

Seems more like a case of reckless endangerment to me. Most lads at some point or other have done something that could have gone 'the wrong way' in a moment of stupidity or when they've 'got caught up in the moment'. I'm not blameless of it.

I think his was a particularly bad case of reckless endangerment and he deserves punishment, but I would have thought max whack of community service would have done him more good and taught him a hell of a lesson.

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Really? Wonder what he'll do if their is a riot or even a whiff of one while he is inside? I don't know this lad, never met him, and haven't followed the case that closely. I don't however feel its the best use of a £20k+ a year prison place.......It offers no rehabilitation prospects as far as i can see....


Similar situation where someone was killed http://www.metro.co.uk/home/5368-is-the-sentence-long-enough

20k a year? I thought the figure was more like 50k a year.

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I think everyone deserves a chance. If you take that chance and blow it then you've got nobody to blame but yourself but if you wander from the straight and narrow for the first time then I think you deserve the be given a prod in the right direction before being shot down.


I'm not defending what this lad did, it was stupid. Just put it into context though - did he lob it to try to hurt someone or did he lob it to make a point without really thinking about what could happen if it hit someone? If it's the latter then that doesn't make him a bad person, he just messed up.


Make what point? If he didn't think of his actions at 18 he shouldn't be let loose! He is an adult, not a kid! Deserves everything he gets IMHO :)

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